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.Net Overview Data Driven Desktop and Web Applications using VB.Net and ASP.Net, C#.Net or J#.Net.

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Presentation on theme: ".Net Overview Data Driven Desktop and Web Applications using VB.Net and ASP.Net, C#.Net or J#.Net."— Presentation transcript:

1 .Net Overview Data Driven Desktop and Web Applications using VB.Net and ASP.Net, C#.Net or J#.Net

2 History & Future Move from ASP Scripting and COM components to proper event driven programming and Common Language Runtime VS.Net 2002, 2003 VS.Net 2005 by June 2005 along with SQL Server 2005 (tight coupling) Rich set of Mobile device drag & drop controls for PDA and cell phones

3 VS.Net 2003 Editions VS.Net Enterprise Architect VS.Net Enterprise Developer VS.Net Professional VS.Net Academics

4 Languages Choice of modern languages for desktop and web applications –Desktop: VB.Net –Web: ASP.Net, C#.Net and J#.Net –Data Communication: ADO.Net (ActiveX Data Objects) Whatever the language – all compiled into one Common Language Runtime understood by the.Net Framework

5 Key Features Object Oriented and Event Driven Programming (simplified code encapsulation and reuse, e.g. authenticating users for all web applications) Web.Config file Store configuration settings in XML file format Contains application-wide data such as database connection strings, custom error messages, and culture settings. Not a scripting language –Data types –Functions –Smart Intellisence (auto fill-in VS.Net 2005) –Smart error handling with Try..Catch..Finally I.D.E. promotes R.A.D. and J.A.D. –Drag, Drop & Double-Click functionality –Runtime debugging –Separating HTML from Code –Rich.Net controls (validation, data grid, PDA/cell phone controls) –User controls (flexible/richer version of include files) Speed and ease of deployment (run an.exe file on the web server)

6 Code Peak Event Driven Programming by Double Clicking Private Sub lnkPopulate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lnkPopulate.Click Insert Code Here End Sub Web.Config (e.g. Connection Key) XML file Dim strUrl as String Dim ds as New DataSet Dim cstrStates As String = “http://localhost/xml/States.xml”http://localhost/xml/States.xml strUrl = cstrStates ds.ReadXml(strUrl) etc. Control Handler Automatically generated with double clicking a control Change values here and take effect everywhere this key is used Populate dropdown lists/search data: Good for data that does not change too often and can “live” with nightly downloads

7 Web Form Example Simple web form Pulls data from SQL Server based on a stored procedure Uses XML data Validates Data before submitting (using drag & drop validation controls that check data types, required fields, data ranges/comparisons etc.)

8 References Web Sites VS.Net ASP.Net ADO.Net Books “Professional VB.Net” by Wrox Press (1861004974) “ASP.Net and ADO.Net” by Dino Esposito (0-7356-1578-0) “ASP.Net Data Web Controls” by Scott Mitechell (0-672-32501-2) Please feel free to call me with any questions (I have tons of books you can borrow too): Disha Kibria (cell) 951-966-5706

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