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Preliminary Design Review (PDR) 8:00 AM – 10:30 AM Saturday, 3 Mar 2007 Donald Kim Lab, POST 214 Team Raiton Denki No Jutsu Project Micromouse.

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminary Design Review (PDR) 8:00 AM – 10:30 AM Saturday, 3 Mar 2007 Donald Kim Lab, POST 214 Team Raiton Denki No Jutsu Project Micromouse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preliminary Design Review (PDR) 8:00 AM – 10:30 AM Saturday, 3 Mar 2007 Donald Kim Lab, POST 214 Team Raiton Denki No Jutsu Project Micromouse

2 Team Raiton Denki No Jutsu Introductions (チーム雷遁電気の術の紹介) Hardware Hardware Brandon Inouye Brandon Inouye Chester Lim Chester Lim Software Software Jennifer Liem Jennifer Liem Roxanne Yee Roxanne Yee

3 Really Brief Project Overview Micromouse = Build an autonomous robot that is capable of finding the center of a maze of a certain dimension in the shortest possible time Example Mouse Example Maze

4 Project Block Diagram Hierarchal RelationInteraction Relation

5 Detailed Description of Sensor Layout Sub-module Phase 1: Sensor Proximity Test Circuit and Program Phase 1: Sensor Proximity Test Circuit and Program Goals Goals To find the sensing radius of a sensor To find the sensing radius of a sensor To see if two sensors in proximity of each other interfere with each other To see if two sensors in proximity of each other interfere with each other If so, find a proximity range in which they don’t interfere If so, find a proximity range in which they don’t interfere Inadvertent Experience Inadvertent Experience Better understanding of Rabbit microprocessor, Circuitry, and Programming relations Better understanding of Rabbit microprocessor, Circuitry, and Programming relations Experience in sensor circuit design and problems Experience in sensor circuit design and problems Experience using sensor input in programming Experience using sensor input in programming

6 Detailed Description of Sensor Layout Sub-module Phase 1: Sensor Proximity Test Circuit and Program Phase 1: Sensor Proximity Test Circuit and Program Test Circuits Test Circuits Two Sensors in Proximity Two Sensors in Proximity Single Sensors in Testing Radius Single Sensors in Testing Radius

7 Detailed Description of Sensor Layout Sub-module Phase 1: Sensor Proximity Test Circuit and Program Phase 1: Sensor Proximity Test Circuit and Program Test Code Test Code Two Sensors in Proximity Two Sensors in Proximity Single Sensors in Testing Radius Single Sensors in Testing Radius #define SEN0BitRdPortI(PADR, 0) #define SEN1BitRdPortI(PADR, 1) main(){ int n; WrPortI(SPCR, &SPCRShadow, 0x80); while(1){ if((SEN0)&&(SEN1)) printf("BOTH\n"); else{if(SEN0) printf("000000000000000000000000\n"); else{if(SEN1) printf("1\n"); else printf("\n"); } for(n = 0;n<5000;n++); }

8 Detailed Description of Sensor Layout Sub-module Phase 2: Actual Sensor Layout Phase 2: Actual Sensor Layout Already have a general layout Already have a general layout Need to have a more precise one with dimensions and measurements needed to interact correctly with programming (mainly for tracking code) Need to have a more precise one with dimensions and measurements needed to interact correctly with programming (mainly for tracking code) Brandon’s Design

9 Current Problems with Sensor Layout Sub-module Rabbit microprocessor is not responding to computer used to test the sensing code on Rabbit microprocessor is not responding to computer used to test the sensing code on Choosing resistors that won’t cause the circuit to over heat Choosing resistors that won’t cause the circuit to over heat Still trying to build test sensor circuit Still trying to build test sensor circuit A little behind schedule A little behind schedule Soln: So that the whole project is not held back… Soln: So that the whole project is not held back… Hardware team is starting to build chassis Hardware team is starting to build chassis Software team is working on the sensor test circuit to at least get the Rabbit to reply Software team is working on the sensor test circuit to at least get the Rabbit to reply Does anyone here know what might be wrong? Does anyone here know what might be wrong?

10 More Detailed Gantt Chart FEBMARCHAPRILMAY MWFSMWFMWFMWFMWFSMWF24/7WFS 26262626 28282828 02020202 03030303 05050505 07070707 09090909 12121212 14141414 16161616 19191919 21212121 23232323 26262626 28282828 30303030 31313131 02020202 04040404 06060606=>=> 02020202 04040404 05050505 SENSORS DEBUG AND REPORT CHASSIS ½ TRAVELLING AND MAPPING CODE ALL CODE PDRPDRPDRPDR 31 ST Mini Comp #1 4 th Report Due 5 th Mini Comp #2 All previous work until this time was about planning and design. However, the greatest potential problem later will be if there NEEDS to be a change in design.

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