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GPS Waypoint Navigation Team M-2: Charles Norman (M2-1) Julio Segundo (M2-2) Nan Li (M2-3) Shanshan Ma (M2-4) Design Manager: Zack Menegakis Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "GPS Waypoint Navigation Team M-2: Charles Norman (M2-1) Julio Segundo (M2-2) Nan Li (M2-3) Shanshan Ma (M2-4) Design Manager: Zack Menegakis Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 GPS Waypoint Navigation Team M-2: Charles Norman (M2-1) Julio Segundo (M2-2) Nan Li (M2-3) Shanshan Ma (M2-4) Design Manager: Zack Menegakis Presentation 2: Architecture Proposal January 30, 2006 Overall Project Objective: Design a chip that navigates an aircraft to pre-determined waypoints.

2 Status Design Proposal Design Proposal Project chosen Project chosen Architecture Proposal Architecture Proposal MATLAB simulated MATLAB simulated Behavioral Verilog written Behavioral Verilog written  Behavioral Verilog simulated  Floorplan  Schematic Design  Layout  Simulations

3 Application Description  We are designing a GPS based waypoint navigation system for use in an aircraft.  The system will be able to autopilot the craft through a series of user specified GPS coordinates in 3 dimensions.

4 Why Use a Chip?  Our system would be perfect for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) due to its light weight, low power consumption, low cost, and specific capabilities  The system is designed to do exactly what UAVs are best at: flying over an area in order to observe it. The UAV has many military and civilian applications.

5 System Flow  Inputs will consist of GPS waypoint coordinates for the vehicle itself taken from a satellite or given by a user.  The system will continually sample the position of the aircraft while holding the previous and current positions in memory  Calculate and output the course corrections that must be made in order to proceed toward the next destination. –Angle needed to hit next waypoint within 1 second (~106 feet) –Difference in current and destination altitudes needs to be within 15 feet. –Maximum speed must always be achieved.

6 Block Description  FSM Controller – Controls state flow in system –Setup mode –Navigation mode –Arrival mode  SRAM – Stores up to 5 GPS waypoint coordinate sets  Waypoint Reached Comparator – Decides whether the aircraft is sufficiently close to the next waypoint  Altitude Comparator – Compares current altitude to next waypoint’s altitude  Speed Comparator – Compares current speed to max speed  Speed Calculator – Calculates current speed at which the aircraft is traveling  Distance Calculator – Calculates distance between current position and next waypoint  Sexagesimal Degrees to Decimal Degrees Converter – Converts Degrees/Minutes/Seconds to Decimal Degrees  “Black Box” – Used to calculate arctan’s and squares for angle and speed calculations

7 Block Level System Diagram

8 Behavioral Verilog  module FSM  (output reg control, output reg [2:0] counter,  input [1:0] rw, input range, clk);  reg [1:0] state, nextState;  parameter A = 2'b00, //Navigate/read  B = 2'b01, //Setup/write  C = 2'b10, //No Op  D = 2'b11; //Reset  always @ * begin  case (state)  A: begin  nextState = rw;  if (range == 0) //not within range  control = 1; //turn on all functions  else //within range  control = 0; //turn off all functions  end  B: begin  nextState = rw;  control = 0; //turn off all functions  counter = counter + 1;  end  C: begin  nextState = rw;  end  D: begin  nextState = rw;  control = 0; //turn off all functions  counter = 0;  end  default: nextState = D;  endcase // case(state)  end   always @(posedge clk)  state <= nextState;   endmodule // FSM module Distance_cal (output [11:0] result, (output [11:0] result, input [5:0] lat, lon); input [5:0] lat, lon); result = lat*lat+lon*lon; result = lat*lat+lon*lon; endmodule // Distance_cal module wp_comp ( output result, [22:0] lon_dif, [22:0] lat_dif, input [22:0] curlon, [22:0] curlat, [22:0] lat2, [22:0] lon2); [22:14] lat_dif = [22:14] lat2 - [22:14] curlat; [13:7] lat_dif = [13:7] lat2 - [13:7] curlat; [6:0] lat_dif = [6:0] lat2 - [6:0] curlat; [22:14] lon_dif = [22:14] lon2 - [22:14] curlon; [13:7] lon_dif = [13:7] lon2 - [13:7] curlon; [6:0] lon_dif = [6:0] lon2 - [6:0] curlon; if ( ([21:14] lat_dif == 0) && ([12:7] lat_dif == 0) && ([21:14] lon_dif == 0) && ([12:7] lon_dif == 0) ) result = 1; else result = 0; endmodule // wp_comp

9 Inputs / Outputs  Inputs –Latitude & Longitude Coordinates : 46 bits  Latitude : -180˚ to 180˚, Longitude : -90˚ to 90˚  Degrees : 9-bit 2's complement  Minutes : 7-bit 2's complement  Seconds : 7-bit 2's complement –Speed :10-bit signed magnitude –Altitude : 15-bit unsigned –Mode : 2-bit unsigned  Outputs –Angle Correction : 9-bit signed magnitude –Speed Correction : 11-bit signed magnitude –Altitude Correction : 16-bit signed magnitude  Total –109 bits

10 Rough Transistor Estimate Component Number of Transistors FSM100 SRAM3550 Registers2500 Comparators (Waypoint Reached, Altitude, Speed) 2375 Heading Calculator 1280 Angle Calculator 300 Distance Calculator 2650 Speed Calculator 950 Sexagesimal/Second Converter 3000 Total16,705

11 Design Decisions  Merge groups M2 & M3 since 3 people in each group left  Use a “black box” for the arctan and square functions –Each of these functions are projects by themselves –Increased accuracy  Implement speed and altitude calculator  Decrease number of GPS waypoint coordinate inputs from 10 to 5 to reduce SRAM by a factor of approximately 2  Use 2’s Complement for representation for coordinates & Signed Magnitude for everything else  Sample current position every one second which allows for up to 16.99 seconds (distance) of change

12 Assumptions  Latitude & Longitude are always constant –In reality, longitude is not constant (ranges from 0 – 69 miles per degree) while latitude is usually 69 miles per degree –This is really not a factor anyway because, we usually doing computations on the seconds aspect of the coordinates  Altitude is independent of speed –The speed we are calculating refers to latitude and longitudinal directions –The plane will rise by a proportional amount determined by avionics  Achieve maximum speed at all times

13 Alternate Projects Considered  Parking garage management system  Guitar tuner/effects processor  Swimming pool monitor  Smart sensor system  Smart Refrigerator  PID Controller  Smart Watch

14 What’s Next… Here’s what’s on our agenda for next week…  Complete Verilog simulations  Decide types of adders, subtractors, etc. would be best for our design  Better estimate the size of our project and decide if we are able implement one or both of the operations of the “black box”  Implement countdown until arrival at next waypoint?  Additional functionality?  Structural Verilog & Initial Floorplan

15 Questions???

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