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Students with Disabilities in Elementary Language Arts Classrooms Yvonne Goddard

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1 Students with Disabilities in Elementary Language Arts Classrooms Yvonne Goddard

2 General Issues Identification –Characteristics related to reading/writing/listening/speaking –RtI vs Severe Discrepancy Definitions Implications for you Engagement, Attention, Motivation –Mostly a product of your teaching (e.g., Gunter et al. (2000)* - 2 studies; effective teaching = decrease in undesirable behavior, increase in desirable behavior)  Gunter, P. L., Denny, R. K., & Venn, M. L. (2000). Modification of instructional materials and procedures for curricular success of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Preventing School Failure, 44(3), 116-121.

3 Issues Related to Reading Decoding (is it PA or phonics?) Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Frustration, Anxiety, Tension

4 Issues Related to Writing Gross or fine motor issues Getting thoughts onto paper Editing and revising Spelling

5 General Strategies Be explicit (directions, instruction) Break tasks down Allow movement Give space for frustration – help students cope Provide enough time Be flexible, willing to adapt, go with the flow… Set high standards for quality, focused on goals –some students may complete three wonderful assignments in the time it takes others to complete one; one really good piece of work is better than three incomplete attempts

6 Reading Strategies* (*See What Works Clearinghouse Handout) In addition to the wonderful teaching you already do: Students probably need additional, more explicit instruction in areas of highest need Ongoing assessment (involve students) Phonemic awareness, phonics Fluency – (see Rasinski or Samuels) –3 is the magic number Vocabulary – preteach Comprehension (self-monitoring, summarizing, highlighting, underlining) Peer tutoring works for all Colored overlays and colored glasses may be a hoax

7 Writing Strategies Use technology (white boards, computers, speech-to-text) Physical modifications (special paper, pencil, etc.) Allow plenty of time and give lots of breaks Be very explicit and review work often –Positive, specific feedback Teach editing skills very explicitly Encourage getting thoughts onto paper first, then work on quality (self-monitoring quantity and quality) and spelling –Don’t insist on dictionary for spelling – if you can’t spell a word, how are you supposed to find it in a dictionary? NEVER use writing as punishment Language Experience Approach has no documented research support

8 In Sum… Know all of your students well Interests (motivate them) Needs (what do they need next? Vygotsky) Learning abilities, strengths, approaches How can you make learning fun for all? YOU may be THE ONE teacher who makes a difference in the life of a child. Make your teaching matter!

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