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The IEEE 7 th Technical Exchange Meeting April 18-19, 2000 Overview Of The Photovoltaic Power System Mohammed A. Al-Jofaish Saudi Aramco/Consulting Services.

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Presentation on theme: "The IEEE 7 th Technical Exchange Meeting April 18-19, 2000 Overview Of The Photovoltaic Power System Mohammed A. Al-Jofaish Saudi Aramco/Consulting Services."— Presentation transcript:


2 The IEEE 7 th Technical Exchange Meeting April 18-19, 2000 Overview Of The Photovoltaic Power System Mohammed A. Al-Jofaish Saudi Aramco/Consulting Services Department

3 Presentation’s Outline u Photovoltaic (PV) Theory u PV System’s Components u Design Strategy & Considerations u Applications u Advantages & Disadvantages u Summary

4 Photovoltaic Theory Photovoltaic Theory p-Silicon n-Silicon + + + + + + + + + - - - - -

5 PV System’s Components u Solar Array u Storage Batteries u Charge Controller (Regulator) u Inverter (For AC Systems Only)

6 Photovoltaic System Battery PV Array Charge Controller

7 PV System’s Components Load Photovoltaic Array Battery Bank Inverter (AC loads) Charge Controller

8 Design Strategy PV Array: u Type Selection u Sizing u Climate & Geographical Location Considerations

9 Design Strategy PV Array Types:

10 Design Strategy PV Array Sizing: u De-rating Factors X Aging 20% X Dirt Accumulation 20% X Future Growth 10% u Recharging Period 4 days u System Voltage u Load Profile

11 Design Strategy PV Array Climate & Geographical Location: u Solar Insolation (Radiation) u Effective Sun Hours u Array Orientation X Direction (Toward South) X Tilt Angle l Fixed Angle (Latitude + 10 Degrees) l Adjustable (Sun Tracking)

12 Sun Insolation 5.0 kW/m 2 /day 5.0

13 Photovoltaic Arrays Field



16 Design Strategy Storage Battery: u Type Selection u Sizing u Environment Considerations

17 Design Strategy Storage Battery: Type Selection (cyclic application) u Tubular Plate Lead-Acid u Pocket Plate Nickel-Cadmium

18 u System Voltage u Load Profile u Backup Time (Autonomy) 7 days u De-rating Factors Lead-Acid Ni-Cad Aging 25% 10% Temp. Compensation19%14% Design10%10% Design Strategy Storage Battery: Sizing

19 u No Temperature Control  Temp. Compensation u Outdoor Battery Enclosure u Shade Requirement Design Strategy Storage Battery: Environment Considerations

20 Design Strategy Charge Regulator: u Type Selection X Single Stage X Multistage u Sizing (Array Rated Currents) u Temperature Compensation X Lead-Acid-5mV/ o C/cell X Ni-Cad-3mV/ o C/cell u Low Voltage Disconnect X Lead-Acid1.85V/cell X Ni-Cad1.15V/cell

21 Applications u Cathodic Protection Systems u Telecommunications Systems u SCADA Systems u Offshore Platforms u Highway Lighting u Remote Homes u Irrigation Water Pumping

22 Advantages u Reliable u No Fuels u Low Maintenance u Long-term Savings u No Pollution u No Noise $ $ $

23 Disadvantages u High Initial Cost (3-10 times) u Specialized Maintenance X Batteries X Power Conditioning Equipment u Large Space $ $ $ $ $ $

24 Summary Despite the disadvantages of the photovoltaic power, there are many applications where the PV is the only choice that is economically justifiable.



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