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Charm results from CLEOIII, CLEO-c Steven Dytman Univ. of Pittsburgh OUTLINE: 1.Introduction to CLEO 2.D 3-body decays 3.Semileptonic D decay K-K- -- e+e+ K+K+ (3770) D 0 D 0 D 0 K + -, D 0 K - e + First results from 60pb -1 CLEO-c data set taken fall 2003/winter 2004! data
What is CLEO? e + e - symmetric collider at cm energy 7-10.6, 3-4.6 GeV Standard HEP detector CLEO III had Si vertex detector CLEO-c has drift chamber CESR-c has 12 wigglers added for low energy beams. ~4m e+e+ e-e- Collaboration= Carleton, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Florida, George Mason, Illinois, Kansas, Northwestern, Minnesota, Pittsburgh, Puerto Rico, Purdue, Rochester, RPI, SMU, Syracuse, Vanderbilt and Wayne State. CLEO III
New drift chamber (ZD) for vertexing
Techniques CLEO III data: B factories, pp colliders Tag with D* + →D 0 +, D* - →D 0 -. Background suppression excellent→poor Charm factory, (3770) → D 0 D 0 (~rest) Tag with common decay, e.g. D 0 →K - + threshold cleaner, smaller cross section Exploit quantum correlations CLEO-c data:
Charm Dalitz Plot Analyses New & improved hadronic BF Study light meson properties Search for DD mixing, CP violation x= m/ y= 2 Rmix=√x 2 +y 2 CLEO II: D→K s + -
CLEO II.V: D →K s 0 First observation of this mode! Small sample (155 events), but very clean. With more statistics, will have impact on , puzzle Accepted for PRL a 0 (980) K0*K0*
How do B and D factories compare? e.g. D 0 →K - + 0 (BF=13.0%) CLEO II pub., PRD 63 (2001) 7070 events/4.7 fb -1 1 ab -1 1.5M CLEO-c, first analysis 14590 events/50 pb -1 3 fb -1 1.15M ++ K *0 K *- data
CLEO-c status, goals ~3fb -1 (each) at (3770)→DD, e + e - →D s D s Analyses underway or planned D → K s + -, K s 0 0, D + →K - + + D → K - + 0, K - + 0, K - + K + - D(D)→ K - e + (K + e - ) Goals Settle existence of (proposed L=0 K resonance) strong phase, cos < 0.05 √ 2R mix =√x 2 +y 2 <2% (95% c.l.) |y|<0.6% (95% c.l.) CLEO-c goal
Big goal is to constrain CKM matrix various labs, theory all have a role Vub/Vub 15% l B l D Vcd/Vcd 7% l D Vcs/Vcs =11% l B D Vcb/Vcb 5% BdBd BdBd Vtd/Vtd =36% BsBs BsBs Vts/Vts 39% Vtb/Vtb 29% Vus/Vus =1% l Vud/Vud 0.1% e p n t b W CLEO-c CLEO-c + Lattice QCD +B factories CLEO-c + Lattice QCD +B factories + ppbar
Lattice QCD theory phenom Phenom is interesting, incomplete Lattice QCD (Okamoto, 2004) Interesting interplay of weak and strong interaction! D 0 l q 2 (GeV 2 ) Form factor
PDG on D semileptonic decays D → K - e + 3.58 0.18% D → K - + 3.19 0.17% D → - e + 0.36 0.06%Cabibbo suppr. D → K* - e + 2.15 0.35%vector D → - e + ????vector Data on Form factors sketchy CLEO3 has new results (final) for D → - e + CLEOc has preliminary results for all channels!
CLEO III D → (K, )e M=M( s hl )-M(hl ) Best BF ratio meas., first form factor result for D→ e Results subm. to PRL K K D → K - e + D → - e + D → K - e +
CLEO-c tagging Modes: K - +, K - + 0, K - + 0 0, K - + + -, K s + -, K s + - 0, K s 0, - + 0, K - + BF=44.9% (BF* tag )=2*12.8% =25.6% Total= 59432±364 tagged events Beam energy constrained mass
CLEO-c has better event definition e.g., D → e CLEO III: 6.7 fb -1 at (4S) tag slow Excellent /K with RICH CLEO-c: 60 pb -1 at (3770) tag 9 hadronic decay modes M(GeV) E miss -p miss (GeV) D→ e 109±11 events K mistag D 0 → e
CLEO-c D → e, K*e D→ e : 1405±39 events D→K*e : N=88.0 ±9.7
Something new! D→ semileptonic decay N(D 0 → - e + )=30.1±5.8
BF with CLEO-c now (60 pb -1 ) modeCLEO-cPDG B (D→ e + ) 3.52±0.10±0.25% 3.58 ±0.18% B (D→ e + ) 0.25±0.03±0.02% 0.36 ±0.06% B (D→ e + ) 2.07±0.23±0.18% 2.15 ±0.35% B (D→ e + ) 0.19±0.04±0.02% - 0.070±0.007±0.003 0.101 ±0.017 CLEO III: 0.082 ±0.006 ±0.005
CLEO-c projected (3fb -1 ) D → e + D → e + D → e + D → e + D + → e + D + → e + D + → e + D + → e + D s → e + D s → e + D s → e + BF improvement dramatic FF, V cd, V cs separated with lattice FF(0). q 2 resolution~0.03 GeV 2 V cd /V cd 1.7% q 2 dist. now BF/BF CLEO-c goal PDG
Summary, Outlook New CLEO II.V, III results –Observe D→K s 0 decay BF for first time ( is unusual) –D→ l and D→ l form factor meas. (first time for ) CLEO-c results are coming quickly!! –D→ e,Ke, K*e BF measured, accuracy ≈ PDG –D→ e BF measured for first time –High quality form factor, V cd, V cs meas. to come CLEO-c and B factories are complementary –Statistics will be similar with 3 fb -1 and 1 ab -1, resp. –CLEO-c has advantage where bkgd suppression important
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