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Charm results from CLEOIII, CLEO-c Steven Dytman Univ. of Pittsburgh OUTLINE: 1.Introduction to CLEO 2.D 3-body decays 3.Semileptonic D decay K-K- --

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Presentation on theme: "Charm results from CLEOIII, CLEO-c Steven Dytman Univ. of Pittsburgh OUTLINE: 1.Introduction to CLEO 2.D 3-body decays 3.Semileptonic D decay K-K- --"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charm results from CLEOIII, CLEO-c Steven Dytman Univ. of Pittsburgh OUTLINE: 1.Introduction to CLEO 2.D 3-body decays 3.Semileptonic D decay K-K- -- e+e+ K+K+  (3770)  D 0 D 0 D 0  K +  -, D 0  K - e + First results from 60pb -1 CLEO-c data set taken fall 2003/winter 2004! data

2 What is CLEO? e + e - symmetric collider at cm energy 7-10.6, 3-4.6 GeV Standard HEP detector CLEO III had Si vertex detector CLEO-c has drift chamber CESR-c has 12 wigglers added for low energy beams. ~4m e+e+ e-e- Collaboration= Carleton, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Florida, George Mason, Illinois, Kansas, Northwestern, Minnesota, Pittsburgh, Puerto Rico, Purdue, Rochester, RPI, SMU, Syracuse, Vanderbilt and Wayne State. CLEO III

3 New drift chamber (ZD) for vertexing

4 Techniques CLEO III data: B factories, pp colliders Tag with D* + →D 0  +, D* - →D 0  -. Background suppression excellent→poor Charm factory,  (3770) → D 0 D 0 (~rest) Tag with common decay, e.g. D 0 →K -  + threshold  cleaner, smaller cross section Exploit quantum correlations CLEO-c data:

5 Charm Dalitz Plot Analyses New & improved hadronic BF Study light meson properties Search for DD mixing, CP violation x=  m/  y=  2  Rmix=√x 2 +y 2 CLEO II: D→K s  +  -

6 CLEO II.V: D →K s  0 First observation of this mode! Small sample (155 events), but very clean. With more statistics, will have impact on ,  puzzle Accepted for PRL a 0 (980) K0*K0*

7 How do B and D factories compare? e.g. D 0 →K -  +  0 (BF=13.0%) CLEO II pub., PRD 63 (2001) 7070 events/4.7 fb -1 1 ab -1  1.5M CLEO-c, first analysis 14590 events/50 pb -1 3 fb -1  1.15M ++ K *0 K *- data

8 CLEO-c status, goals ~3fb -1 (each) at  (3770)→DD, e + e - →D s D s Analyses underway or planned  D → K s  +  -, K s  0  0, D + →K -  +  +  D → K -  +  0, K -  +  0, K -  +  K +  -   D(D)→ K - e + (K + e - ) Goals  Settle existence of  (proposed L=0 K  resonance)  strong phase, cos  <  0.05  √ 2R mix =√x 2 +y 2 <2% (95% c.l.)  |y|<0.6% (95% c.l.) CLEO-c goal

9 Big goal is to constrain CKM matrix various labs, theory all have a role  Vub/Vub 15% l B  l D   Vcd/Vcd 7% l D   Vcs/Vcs =11% l B D  Vcb/Vcb 5% BdBd BdBd  Vtd/Vtd =36% BsBs BsBs  Vts/Vts 39%  Vtb/Vtb 29%  Vus/Vus =1%   l  Vud/Vud 0.1% e p n t b W CLEO-c CLEO-c + Lattice QCD +B factories CLEO-c + Lattice QCD +B factories + ppbar

10 Lattice QCD theory phenom Phenom is interesting, incomplete Lattice QCD (Okamoto, 2004) Interesting interplay of weak and strong interaction! D 0  l q 2 (GeV 2 ) Form factor

11 PDG on D semileptonic decays D → K - e + 3.58  0.18% D → K -  + 3.19  0.17% D →  - e + 0.36  0.06%Cabibbo suppr. D → K* - e + 2.15  0.35%vector D →  - e + ????vector Data on Form factors sketchy CLEO3 has new results (final) for D →  - e + CLEOc has preliminary results for all channels!

12 CLEO III D → (K,  )e  M=M(  s hl )-M(hl ) Best BF ratio meas., first form factor result for D→  e Results subm. to PRL K   K D → K - e + D →  - e + D → K - e +

13 CLEO-c tagging Modes: K -  +, K -  +  0, K -  +  0  0, K -  +  +  -, K s  +  -, K s  +  -  0, K s  0,  -  +  0, K -  +  BF=44.9%  (BF*  tag )=2*12.8% =25.6% Total= 59432±364 tagged events Beam energy constrained mass

14 CLEO-c has better event definition e.g., D →  e CLEO III: 6.7 fb -1 at  (4S) tag  slow Excellent  /K with RICH CLEO-c: 60 pb -1 at  (3770) tag 9 hadronic decay modes  M(GeV) E miss -p miss (GeV) D→  e 109±11 events  K mistag D 0 →  e

15 CLEO-c D →  e, K*e D→  e : 1405±39 events D→K*e : N=88.0 ±9.7

16 Something new! D→  semileptonic decay N(D 0 →  - e + )=30.1±5.8

17 BF with CLEO-c now (60 pb -1 ) modeCLEO-cPDG B (D→   e + ) 3.52±0.10±0.25% 3.58 ±0.18% B (D→   e + ) 0.25±0.03±0.02% 0.36 ±0.06% B (D→   e + ) 2.07±0.23±0.18% 2.15 ±0.35% B (D→   e + ) 0.19±0.04±0.02% - 0.070±0.007±0.003 0.101 ±0.017 CLEO III: 0.082 ±0.006 ±0.005

18 CLEO-c projected (3fb -1 ) D →   e + D →   e + D →   e + D →   e + D + →   e + D + →   e + D + →   e + D + →   e + D s →   e + D s →    e + D s →  e + BF improvement dramatic FF, V cd, V cs separated with lattice FF(0). q 2 resolution~0.03 GeV 2  V cd /V cd  1.7% q 2 dist. now  BF/BF CLEO-c goal PDG

19 Summary, Outlook New CLEO II.V, III results –Observe D→K s  0 decay BF for first time (  is unusual) –D→  l and D→  l form factor meas. (first time for  ) CLEO-c results are coming quickly!! –D→  e,Ke, K*e BF measured, accuracy ≈ PDG –D→  e  BF measured for first time –High quality form factor, V cd, V cs meas. to come CLEO-c and B factories are complementary –Statistics will be similar with 3 fb -1 and 1 ab -1, resp. –CLEO-c has advantage where bkgd suppression important

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