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NCATE Institutional Orientation Session on PROGRAM REVIEW Moving Away from Input- based Programs Toward Performance-based Programs Emerson J. Elliott,

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Presentation on theme: "NCATE Institutional Orientation Session on PROGRAM REVIEW Moving Away from Input- based Programs Toward Performance-based Programs Emerson J. Elliott,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NCATE Institutional Orientation Session on PROGRAM REVIEW Moving Away from Input- based Programs Toward Performance-based Programs Emerson J. Elliott, NCATE

2 Shifting the Concept for Program Review From Course-BasedTo Performance-based Definition: New teacher candidates are trained well Definition: New teacher candidates know their subject and are able to teach so that P-12 students learn Standards: Describe courses or experiences candidates should have Standards: Describe subject knowledge and professional skills candidates should attain so that P-12 students will learn Evidence: Descriptions of courses or experiences candidates are offered Evidence: Assessment results demonstrating achievement of knowledge and skills described in standards, including effects on P-12 student learning

3 A Performance-based Reading Program Is Judged: By whether its completers know their subject and can teach The principal evidence is drawn from assessments that demonstrate candidate proficiencies The critical proficiencies are those described in IRA standards

4 E.g., English Language Arts, elementary teacher programs Candidates demonstrate a high level of competence in use of the English language arts And they know, understand, and use concepts from reading, language and child development To teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills And to help students successfully apply their developing skills to many different situations, materials, and ideas

5 Examples: assessments of candidate “knowledge” Multiple choice tests that probe for information about concept knowledge and applications Project reports or lab reports Videos or feedback to student work Essays Semester projects

6 Examples: assessments of teaching skills Case studies Assessment materials Micro teaching Charts, graphs, maps Lesson plans Curricular materials Videos, observations Simulations Presentations, debate Interviews Feedback to students Reflections

7 More examples: effects on student learning; graduates’ progress For student learning Student work demonstrating evidence of learning, such as essays, projects, presentations, exhibitions, writing samples Candidate feedback on student work Student achievement data For progress after graduation State licensure pass rates and sub scores Induction year portfolio assessments Graduate surveys Employer surveys

8 Characteristics of Assessment Systems Are planned, purposeful, and continuing Span the scope of the standards Create assessments that measure standards in appropriate and multiple ways Set acceptable performance levels Are credible Sample and summarize information And the results are used!

9 What is expected of evidence for performance-based program review? Evidence is organized around the standards Evidence is aggregated and interprets the data Rubrics or criteria used by faculty to judge candidate proficiencies are included Some examples of candidate work illustrate the qualities of proficiencies Information is derived from multiple measures Information is used to improve programs

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