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Quality Function Deployment for Curriculum Design: A Framework

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1 Quality Function Deployment for Curriculum Design: A Framework
S. O. Duffuaa, U. Al-Turki Department of Systems Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

2 Presentation Plan Introduction Literature review Paper objectives
Problem statement Quality function deployment Application of QFD to curriculum design Conclusion and further research

3 Introduction Academic programs are one of the main ingredient in quality of graduates Programs are drastically affected by curriculum design. Curriculum design is essential element for building quality academic programs. Curriculum design must put into considerations program main stakeholders.

4 Introduction In the past curriculum design is based on benchmarking and faculty experience Industry/employers are usually consulted in programs design, but not from the initial design stages and not even consulted in curriculum delivery process. A need exist to systematize the process of curriculum design and delivery

5 Problem Statement Curriculum design is a challenge. It requires the wants and needs of employers. Information from employers are hard to get. Design of questionnaire to solicit right information is not straight forward. Formalizing employers input into program measurable objectives and outcomes is hard to crystallize. A Need for a systematic approach is obvious.

6 Objectives To enhance the design and delivery of a curriculum with the following aims: To meet employers needs and requirements. Incorporate alumni observations. Incorporate faculty requirements To meet accrediting bodies criteria such as ABET.

7 Literature Literature will be confined to the use of QFD in Education.
Pomona Employed QFD to meet ABET 2000 requirements. Duffuaa and Al-turki employed QFD for designing a basic statistics course. QFD has been used in designing ME programs

8 Approach Use the methodology of quality function deployment (QFD) to design the curriculum. QFD is a planning technique that is born in Japan as a strategy for assuring that quality is built into new processes. It helps organization to take the voice of the customer and factor their wants and needs into organization product and process planning

9 Quality Function Deployment
QFD uses matrices to help organization satisfy customer requirements The Most important matrix is the house of quality (HOQ) that consists of several sub-matrices Other matrices are the process planning matrix and the design concept evaluation

10 The steps for Applying QFD approach in curriculum design
Identify external and internal customers. Survey external customers ( employers and alumni) to obtain their requirements in the curriculum design. The requirements are obtained in terms of program objectives and outcomes. Use faculty members as internal customers to define technical requirements that are expected to meet customer requirements. Use QFD planning matrices to relate technical requirements to technical requirements.

11 The steps for Applying QFD approach in curriculum design (Cont.)
Develop several curriculum design concepts. Evaluate design concepts to find the one that best meets customer requirements. The best way to evaluate design concepts is through the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Benchmark the selected design concepts to other similar existing programs. Make selection of the final curriculum design.

12 External and Internal Customers
Prospective Employers organizations /industry) (External Customers) Alumni (External Customers) Faculty members (Internal customers) Students ( Internal customers)

13 Customer requirements
The employers/organizations and alumni must provide their in a structured way through a questionnaire that focuses on Program objectives Program outcomes Knowledge/Technical outcomes Personal skills outcomes

14 Curriculum Technical Requirements
The technical requirements are obtained from faculty members and experts in the field. These include: Mathematics courses Basic sciences courses Information technology and computers Communication courses

15 Technical Requirements (cont.)
Management and team working courses Ethics and life long learning courses Major courses required and electives.

16 Levels of Technical Requirements
Each technical requirement has several levels. A level consists of a combination of courses in the subfield. Next we present levels of two technical requirements ( mathematics and major) as examples. 

17 Level of each Technical Requirements
Each technical requirement has several levels. We first present the mathematics technical requirements levels

18 Major Technical Requirements

19 QFD Planning Matrix

20 Design Concepts A design concept is a selection of a level from the technical requirements to come up with a design that best satisfies stakeholders. As an example, a design concept can have a first level mathematics requirement, second basic science , third level of information technology and computers, second level of communication, first level of management and team working, second level of ethics and first level of major courses.

21 Table 8 Course design concepts

22 Design Concepts Evaluation

23 Conclusion and Further Research
QFD is an effective tool for curriculum design. It matches customer requirements with technical requirements. The use of QFD provides a better understanding of the curriculum design process. The new curriculum design is expected to meet stakeholders requirements. .

24 Conclusion and Further Research
More work could be done to identify more design concepts for evaluation. AHP or a more sophisticated evaluation process can be used to evaluate resulting design concepts. An awareness program must be launched before applying QFD in process, product or service design.

25 Any Questions or Comments?
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