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Road Map to CMM Implementation

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1 Road Map to CMM Implementation
NetSol’s Experience Muhammad Furqan Khan Manager Quality Engineering NetSol Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd.


3 Contents Process, Capability & Maturity Road Map to CMM
Understand Need & Value of CMM Initiate Software Process Improvement Plan Process Improvement Activities Build Infrastructure for Process Improvement Build Process Assets & Rollout Prepare Organization for Appraisals Common Mistakes Critical Success Factors SPI Progress at NetSol

4 What is a Process? Software process - a set of activities, methods, practices, and transformations that people use to develop and maintain software and the associated products (SEI-CMM) "The Actual Process is what you do, with all its omission, mistakes, and oversights. The Official Process is what books say you are supposed to do" Watts Humphrey Many software companies fall face down while trying to force the Official Process - so much so that the Official Process lies buried in company archives. And the Actual Process is in no comparison with the Official Process So there are two challenges that a software development firm faces. First, to come up with reliable, efficient and pragmatic Official processes. Second, to make these processes a part of the company's culture i.e. to make the Official process the same as the Actual Process.

5 Process in Organizational Context
Standards The “operational definition” or “acceptance criteria” for final & interim products Policy The “laws” or “regulations” that govern or constrain operation Tools Automated support needed to implement the procedures Training Knowledge/skills required to Use a procedure Processes Describe “what happens” within the organization to build products that conforms to the constraints Procedures Describe “how to” or step-by-step instructions to implement process Constrain the process are implemented by are supported by

6 Process Capability & Maturity
the range of expected results that can be achieved by following a software process means of predicting the most likely outcomes to be expected from the next software project Maturity extent to which a specific process is explicitly defined, managed, measured, controlled, and effective Maturity a potential for growth in capability indicates both the richness of an organization's software process and the consistency with which it is applied in projects throughout the organization the software process is well understood through documentation and training continually being monitored and improved capability of a mature software process is known productivity and quality resulting can be improved over time through consistent gains in the discipline achieved by using its software process

7 Software Capability Maturity Model®
Continuously Improving Process Optimizing (5) Unpredictable Disciplined Consistent Predictable Continuously improving Predictable Process Managed (4) Standard Consistent Process Defined (3) Disciplined Process Repeatable (2) Initial (1)

8 Software Capability Maturity Model®
Optimizing (5) Process Change Management Technology Change Management Defect Prevention Managed (4) Software Quality Management Quantitative Process Management Defined (3) Peer Reviews Inter-group Coordination Software Product Engineering Integrated Software Management Training Program Organization Process Management Organization Process Focus Repeatable (2) Software Configuration Management Software Quality Assurance Software Subcontract Management Software Project Tracking & Oversight Software Project Planning Requirements Management Initial (1)

9 Software Capability Maturity Model®
Maturity Levels Process Capability Indicate Key Process Areas Contain Goals Achieve Common Features Organized by Implementation or Institutionalization Address Key Practices Contain Infrastructure or Activities Describe


11 Road Map To CMM Understand Need & Value of CMM
Initiate Software Process Improvement Plan Process Improvement Activities Build Infrastructure for Process Improvement Build Process Assets & Rollout Prepare Organization for Appraisals

12 Value of CMM® Two Fundamental Question
Why do software process improvement? What is the impact on bottom line? Will this give us competitive advantage? Will the CMM help my organization improve? What about other approaches? Project Management Processes: A Problem “Project management issue emerge as the main reasons for runaway projects.” (KPMG) “The most software productivity and quality improvements today are management … driven.” (SRI International)

13 Value of CMM® The Bottom line
Software process improvement should be done to help the business-not for its own sake Improvement means different things to different organizations What are your business goals? How do you measure progress? Improvement is a long term, strategic effort CMM addresses management processes CMM-based SPI has been broadly adopted

14 Value of CMM® Possible Impacts Include
Significant improvements in performance quality productivity cycle time predictability Increasing Visibility into organization performance? Predictability of results? Staff morale? Product performance? Ability to manage complexity? Visibility of business value? How do you know whether these attributes are increasing or not? What measurements are currently in place in your organization?

15 Value of CMM® Cost performance by maturity level

16 Value of CMM®

17 Initiate Process Improvement
Prerequisites Identify business drivers Gain senior management support Ensure there are no hidden agenda Make it clear you are improving Processes not People Set realistic expectation Ensure readiness & willingness to improve Principles Improvement direction must start at the top Fix the process not the people Everyone must be involved in the improvement process Effective improvement requires knowledge of current practices Improvement is continuous Improvement requires investment Use external help to reduce risk Areas to Focus People & culture People need a reason to change Communication change without communication is driving without roads Management Commitment Support, resource availability, time allocation Planning Tools & Processes Need for Continuous Improvement Because of changing environment Customer Technology People

18 Initiate Process Improvement
Principles Improvement direction must start at the top Fix the process not the people Everyone must be involved in the improvement process Effective improvement requires knowledge of current practices Improvement is continuous Improvement requires investment Use external help to reduce risk

19 Initiate Process Improvement
Areas to Address People & culture People need a reason to change Communication change without communication is driving without roads Management Commitment Support, resource availability, time allocation Planning Tools & Processes Need for Continuous Process Improvement Because of changing environment Customer Technology People

20 Planning Process Improvement
Understanding of the Problem Resource Availability Credibility of Plan Direction Focus Measures A documented diagnosis and recommendations Fundamental Plans Business plans Organizational improvement plan

21 Build Infrastructure Management Steering Group (MSG)
Dedicated Quality Engineering Function CMM Implementation Group (CIG) (or SEPG) Process Action Teams (PATs) Project Coordinators Improvement Assets Improvement Culture


23 Build Process Assets Key Modes of Process Representation Process Model
A detailed, formalized representation Often in graphical notation Primary users: process engineers Primary use:process engineering Process Guide A structured, work-flow oriented process reference Primary users: process participants Primary use: enactment support

24 Build Process Assets Notation/Language examples Process Models
ETVX IDEF0 Statemate® Flowcharts DFDs Activity Networks Process Guides Structured Text Templates/Forms Decision Trees/Tables Checklists

25 Build Process Assets Principal Entity Classes
Activities what happens & how it is done Artifacts what things are used & produced Agents who (or what) does it

26 Build Process Assets Principal Entity Classes Entity Description
Attributes for each entity Name, purpose, description, skills, etc. Entity Aspects Relationships Within entity class Among entity classes Behavior

27 NetSol’s Standard Software Process
SQA Plan SQA Reporting SQA Audit SQA Reviews Independent inspection of work products Software Quality Assurance Activities Controlled by Configuration Management Activities Management Activities Software development Activities Business Modeling SCM Plan Define PDSP RS Development Baselining Planning Integrated with FS & Design Change Management Monitor/Control Coding Testing Closure Status Reporting Deployment SCM Audit Supported and guided by & Org. Structure, Roles Responsibilities Organizational Policies Process Asset Database Training Peer Reviews Other periodic & event driven Reviews

28 NSSP Mapping to CMM Processes
ISM SPP SPTO Integrated with Management Activities Define PDSP Planning Monitor/Control Closure Controlled by Configuration Management Activities SCM Plan Baselining Change Management Status Reporting SCM Audit Software development Activities Business Modeling RS Development FS & Design Coding Testing Deployment Independent inspection of work products Software Quality Assurance Activities SQA Plan SQA Reporting SQA Audit SQA Reviews RM SPE SQA IC Supported and guided by & Org. Structure, Roles Responsibilities Organizational Policies Process Asset Database Training Peer Reviews Other periodic & event driven Reviews OPF OPD TP PR

29 Prepare for Appraisal Why Assess? Goals for CBA-IPI Assessment Phases
Assessment Participants Data Sources Data Consolidation Rating

30 Why Assess? Business needs derive the requirements for process improvement and assessment Business goals for process improvement are usually related to reducing costs improving quality decreasing time to market Fundamental assumption: costs, quality, & schedule are largely determined by the development process An “Appraisal” is an expert or official valuation of something. A “CMM-based Appraisal” (CBA) is an appraisal that uses CMM as a basis for appraising software processes SCE V3.0 is an appraisal method for organizations to evaluate their own or another organization’s processes using a reference model(s) CBA-IPI V1.1 is an appraisal method for assessing internal processes relative to SW-CMM and initiate CMM based improvement activities SW-CMM® Appraisals Business needs drive the requirements for process improvement & assessment Business goals for process improvement are usually related to: Reducing costs Improving quality Decreasing time to market Fundamental assumption: costs, quality, and schedule are largely determined by the development process SW-CMM® Appraisals - Principles Start with a process reference model Use a formalized assessment process Involve senior management as sponsors Focus assessment on sponsor’s business goals Observe strict confidentiality and non-attribution Approach the assessment collaboratively Focus on follow-up actions

31 Goals for CBA-IPI Provide an accurate picture of existing software processes relative to reference model ; e.g. SW-CMM® Provides a baseline of organization’s capability Provides strengths & weaknesses relative to the CMM Provides findings to guide planning future process improvement activities Support, enable, and encourage an organization’s commitment to software process improvement

32 Assessment Phases Plan & Prepare Conduct Report Results
training, briefing, questionnaire, document review Conduct data collection, consolidation, rating Report Results draft findings, final findings, recommendations

33 Assessment Participants
Sponsor business goals, commitment & support, scope definition Lead Assessor qualified, plan, organize & manage assessment SEPG & Other Members SEPG helps above two, librarian, site coordinator Assessment Team Members meet selection criteria, opinion leaders, being trained Assessment Participants follow schedule of participation

34 Data Sources Documents Instruments Interviews Presentations
organization, project, & implementation level Instruments maturity questionnaire Interviews project leaders, middle manager, functional area representatives Presentations participants presentation, draft finding presentation

35 Data Consolidation Information that has been seen & heard is consolidated into observations that the team determines through consensus are: accurate corroborated by at least two independent sources valid (consistent with each other) Sufficient data must be collected for each key practice to cover the CMM scope, the organization scope, and the software life cycle

36 Rating Rating is done for each goal for each key KPA within assessment scope. If all goals are satisfied, the KPA is “satisfied” If one goal is unsatisfied, the KPA may be rated “partially satisfied” however, this is unsatisfied to maturity rating If all KPAs within a maturity level are satisfied and all KPA satisfied within each maturity level below it, then a maturity level rating is “achieved”

37 Common Mistakes No Link Between Business & Improvement
The Level 3 Syndrome Lack of Measurement Lack of Change Agent Communication Gaps Enforcing Maturity by Contract Maturity Arrogance

38 Critical Success Factors
Understand the Context First Establish Senior Management Commitment Quantify Business Goals Identify Process Improvement Approach Establish an Agreed Assessment & Training Schedule Identify Gaps & Action Plan for Closure Manage Expectation by Effective Communication Track Progress & Issues Effectively Measure Change Plan for Internal Assessment Prior to External

39 Road Map to CMM Past: Present Future
First ISO 9001 Certification – Dec 1998 CMM Initiative – April 2000 CMM Level 2 Rating – Mar 2002 CMM Level 3 Pre-Assessment – Mar 2003 CMM Level 3 Rating – Jul 2003 Present Level 4 Implementation – In-progress Internal Assessment CMM Level 4 – Dec 2003 (Planned) Future CMM Level 4 Assessment – Planned CMM Level 5 Assessment – Planned


41 Thank You

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