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Department of Electrical Engineering

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1 Department of Electrical Engineering
Mobile Computing Panos Papadimitratos Wireless Networks Lab Department of Electrical Engineering Cornell University

2 Problem Context

3 Mobile Computing Environment
Limited Bandwidth High Latency Intermittent Connectivity Lower Reliability Low Physical Security Lower Processing Capability Higher Degree of Heterogeneity

4 Despite the adversity.. Run Distributed Applications
Provide Distributed Services Share Data Remain Consistent Remain Efficient

5 Why are things more difficult?
Connectivity is NOT continuous Topological Changes Less Resources Consequently: Lower Availability Potential Inconsistencies

6 Two aspects “…Replicated, Highly Available, Weakly Consistent Storage System…” “Develop Mobile Applications … minimize the dependence upon continuous connectivity…”

7 Bayou Distributed Data Storage System
Designed for a Mobile Computing Environment Non-Transparent Weakly-Consistent Replication Application-Specific Mechanisms to Detect & Resolve Conflicts Low Usage of the Network

8 Previous Work Theory of Epidemics Coda Ficus Notes, Oracle, MS Access
Eventual Consistency Coda Disconnected Operation Optimistic Replication Consistency Application-specific resolvers Conflicts resolution based on file type Log unresolved conflicts, create error message Ficus Notes, Oracle, MS Access

9 System Model Client/Server Architecture -Transactional System
Data are replicated to a set of servers Applications run as clients Two Basic Operations: Read and Write Replication is Weakly Consistent Read-Any-Write-Any Model

10 System Model Storage Storage System System Server State Server State
Anti-Entropy Read or Write Application Bayou API Client Stub Server State Storage System Application Bayou API Client Stub

11 Conflict Detection & Resolution
Application-Specific Notion of Conflict Semantics Granularity – example: Scheduling Application Resolution Policy Automated Mechanisms Dependency Checks Merge Procedures

12 Dependency Checks Application-Supplied Query & Expected Result
Query is Run at the Server against its current data If Check Fails, invoke Merge procedure

13 Merge Procedures High-level programs with application-specific knowledge Run by the Server Performed Atomically as part of Writes Attempt to Resolve the Conflict Produce a Revised Update to Apply

14 Handling Conflicts – An Example

15 Basic Anti-Entropy Goal: the reconciliation of replicas’ data
Pair-wise manner One-way Operation Propagate Write Operations Accept-Order Constraint Prefix Property Version Vectors

16 Basic Anti-Entropy (continued)
R.V Version Vector All Writes unknown to R R For each w in S.Write_log if (R.V(w.server_ID) < w.accept_stamp) SendWrite(R,w)

17 A More Reasonable Approach
Without an ever-growing Write Log Need a method for Truncating the Write Log Idea: An Update that is received by all Replicas need not be logged any more. Allow for an independent, aggressive pruning by each Replica The notion of Stable or Committed Write is pivotal in the pruning process

18 Write Stability Stable Write: iff it has been executed for the last time by a server. Intuitively equivalent to Confirmation or Commitment Primary Commit Scheme Designate a Replica as Primary Primary determines the order (position) of a Write when it first receives it. Stable Order Any Non-Committed Write is called Tentative

19 Anti-Entropy (Revisited)
R.V Version Vector R.CSN Highest Commit Sequence Number First, All Committed Writes unknown to R if R.CSN < S.CSN for each w in S.Write_log if (w.accept_stamp < R.V(w.server_ID)) SendCommitNotification(…) else SendWrite(…) Second, All Tentative Writes unknown to R For each w in S.Write_log if (R.V(w.server_ID) < w.accept_stamp) SendWrite(R,w) R

20 Write-Log Truncation Stable Order maintains the Prefix Property
Replicas can truncate any stable prefix from their Write Logs Incremental Reconciliation may not be possible Each Replica needs to remember the omitted Write Operations Full-Database Transfer

21 ‘Extended’ Anti-Entropy
Session Guarantees Causal Order – Accept Stamp Reduce Client-Observed inconsistencies Eventual Consistency Define a Total Order using the Server ID and the Causal Order Propagate Updates in this Total Order Provide Guarantees on the ‘quality’ of the Replicas Data Content

22 Other issues Light-Weight Server Creation Security
Update through transportable storage media, i.e. floppy disks Link quality determines the frequency of the performed anti-entropies

23 Experiments Measurements on a modified EXMH ( er) that uses Bayou for storing messages Only Committed Writes are propagated Measure the execution time for an Anti-Entropy (100 Writes) over different network links Network Transfer Inserting Newly Received Writes

24 Experiments - II

25 Bayou - Summary Support for Arbitrary Communication Topologies
Operation over Low-Bandwidth Networks Incremental Progress Eventual Consistency Efficient Storage Management Propagation through Transportable Media Light-weight Management of Dynamic Replica Sets Arbitrary Policy Choices

26 Rover Toolkit Set of Software Tools for Development of Mobile Applications Two approaches: Mobile-Transparent Applications Mobile-Aware Applications

27 Goals: Minimize Dependence on Optimize Utilization of Bandwidth
Continuous Connectivity Remotely Stored files Optimize Utilization of Bandwidth Dynamic Division of Work

28 Previous Work Cedar Locus Coda Bayou Check-in Check-out Data Sharing
Type-specific Conflict Resolution Coda Optimistic Concurrency Control Pre-Fetching Bayou Tentative Data Session Guarantees

29 Toolkit Design Client-Server architecture Mobile Communication Support
Re-locatable Dynamic Objects (RDO) Reduce Client/Server communication Update Shared Objects Code Shipping Queued Remote Procedure Call (QRPC) Non-Blocking Calls When Disconnected

30 Toolkit Design Application code & data are RDOs
Rover-Applications Interface Primary Functions Create Session Import Invoke Export RDOs are cahced RDOs are lazily fetched

31 Toolkit Design Client-Side Application Object Conflict? Rover Library
Modify/ Resolve Object Conflict? Rover Library Import RDO RDO Cache RDO Network Scheduler QRPC Log Export Log Mobile Host Resolved Log Server

32 Design Issues Communication Scheduling Computation Relocation
Separate application from data Move computation/data: client server Object Replication – Pre-fetching Consistency Primary Copy, Tentative-Update Optimistic Concurrency Control Type-Specific Concurrency Control

33 Architecture Network App3 App 1 App 2 App3 App 1 App 2 Access Manager
Operation Log Access Manager Operation Log Object Cache Object Cache Network Scheduler Network Scheduler Server Mobile Host Network

34 Implementation Issues
Rover starts as a minimal kernel Failure Recovery – Access Manager Log Size Batching of QPRCs Promises – Callback User Notification Application-Specific Conflict Resolution

35 Experiments Single Server, Multiple Clients Different Network Options
TCP over wireless links Three setups: Compressed or Batched QRPCs Mobile-Transparent Application Mobile-Aware Applications

36 Experiments - II

37 Experiments - III

38 Experiments - IV

39 Rover - Summary QRPC benefits: RDOs migrate functionality
RPCs are scheduled, batched, compressed Increased Network Performance RDOs migrate functionality Minimize Data Transfer Porting of Applications to Rover is relatively easy Measurements show significant improvement from both approaches

40 Topics for Discussion Are there ‘missing’ features?
What if the semantics are not that ‘strong’? Or, if the uncertainty about data values is not accepted? Should Rover support some replication service? Do we really know what should be an ‘interesting’ mobile application ?

41 Topics for Discussion - II
In other words, are the assumptions made reasonable ? How secure are these architectures ? How about the ‘mobile’ data ? Nomadic Computing: Can these schemes support Nomads ? Other peer-to-peer models? E.g. Sensor Networks?

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