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IMAGING RETREAT ( 06 / 01 / 05 ) IMAGE REGISTRATION Ravichandran Rajaram Graduate Research Assistant MR Research Facility.

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1 IMAGING RETREAT ( 06 / 01 / 05 ) IMAGE REGISTRATION Ravichandran Rajaram Graduate Research Assistant MR Research Facility

2 EDUCATIONAL and WORK BACKGROUND ► Masters in Computer Science in Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. ► Current Research Project : Image Registration Image Registration Software Used : VC++ Software Used : VC++

3 Research Work ► Image Registration The process of registration will establish which point in one image corresponds to a particular point in another. The process of registration will establish which point in one image corresponds to a particular point in another. The computational process of registration yields the appropriate transformation between the coordinate systems of two sets of scans The computational process of registration yields the appropriate transformation between the coordinate systems of two sets of scans

4 METHOD ► The method involves correcting the Rotational and translational shifts. ► Center of Mass is used for finding the amount of translational shift between the two images. ► Moment of inertia and Principal Axis Transformation is used for finding the angle difference between the images.


6 RESEARCH INTEREST AND FUTURE PLANS ► Digital Image processing ► Image Registration. ► Programming in the area of medical imaging

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