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Ideas About Biological Diversity “Except in the case of human behavior, we need not invoke nor can we find any evidence for any design, goal, or purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "Ideas About Biological Diversity “Except in the case of human behavior, we need not invoke nor can we find any evidence for any design, goal, or purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideas About Biological Diversity “Except in the case of human behavior, we need not invoke nor can we find any evidence for any design, goal, or purpose anywhere in the natural world.” – Douglas Futuyma

2 Old ideas about biological diversity Aristotle: scale of nature Ranking system Ranking represents levels of fixed diversity Higher – Lower forms One tenent of creationism – fixity of species – all created at the same time – have persisted unchanged since their origins Idea subsequently altered by evolutionists such as Lamarck.

3 1 = Lamarkian Evolution; 2 = Darwinian Evolution “Inheritance” of acquired characteristics 1. 2.

4 Our Origins, 2nd Edition Copyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & Company “Lamark’s classic example of inheritance of acquired characteristics.” Hypothesis can be tested.

5 Giraffe neck length An adaptation.

6 Does the long neck increase energy acquisition?

7 Two bull giraffes Engaged in competition



10 What Is So Different about Humans from Other Animals?  The Six Steps to Humanness: Humans differ from other animals in several important ways. 1) Bipedalism (?)  Defined as walking on two feet 2) Non-honing chewing  Reduction of canine size

11  3) Complex material culture and tool use  Humans depend completely on culture for day-to-day living and species survival.  Other apes exhibit some forms of cultural behavior.  4) Hunting  Group pursuit of animals for food

12  5 ) Speech  The only animal that communicates by talking  6) Dependence on domesticated foods  Development of ability to raise domesticated plants and animals

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