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Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, Portugal B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 16, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition High Performance Logic Devices 2 nd Advanced Course on Diagnostics and Data Acquisition Bernardo Brotas Carvalho
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 2 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Programmable logic devices Some history Digital Logic Circuits (state machines, controllers, counters, registers, and decoders, etc..) Lots of SSI (small-scale integration) chips (7400-series parts)
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 3 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition PROM as Combinatorial Circuits 10111000 Address Lines (input) 0011011010111001 Data Lines (outputs) a0a0 a1a1 a2a2 b0b0 b1b1 b2b2 Example: (a 2, a 1, a 0 ) = (010) ->b 0 = 1 Have to decode ALL the input combinations. Very inefficient
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 4 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Programmable Array Logic (PAL) a0a0 a1a1 b0b0 Example: b 0 =F(a 1, a 0 ) = a 1. a 0 + a 1. a 0 X X X X Fixed-OR, programmable-AND Plane PLA had TWO two levels of programmable logic an AND plane and an OR plane (more expense to manufacturing and poor speed performance) Are the basis of some of the newer, more sophisticated architectures
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 5 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition PAL Configurations PAL16L8 = 8 combinational outputs PAL16R8 = 8 registered outputs PAL16V8 = 8 “variable” outputs PAL 16R4 Block Diagram
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 6 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition PAL Programming Languages PALASM TITLE video ; shift register CHIP video PAL20V8 CK /LD D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 CURS GND NC REV Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 /RST VCC ( PAL pins in numerical order starting with pin 1 ) STRING Load 'LD*/REV*/CURS*RST' ; load data (Comment ) STRING LoadInv 'LD*REV*/CURS*RST' ; load inverted of data STRING Shift '/LD*/CURS*/RST' ; shift data from MSB to LSB EQUATIONS /Q0 := /D0*Load+D0*LoadInv:+:/Q1*Shift+RST ( Registered assignment ) Q6 = D1 + /D2 ( Combinatorial assignment )
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 7 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition ABEL (Advanced Boolean Expression Language) module MUX4 title '4:1 MUX' MyDevice device 'P16L8' ; @ALTERNATE "inputs A, B, /P1G1, /P1G2 pin 17,18,1,6 "LS153 pins 14,2,1,15 P1C0, P1C1, P1C2, P1C3 pin 2,3,4,5 "LS153 pins 6,5,4,3 P2C0, P2C1, P2C2, P2C3 pin 7,8,9,11 "LS153 pins 10,11,12,13 "outputs P1Y, P2Y pin 19, 12 "LS153 pins 7,9 equations P1Y = P1G*(/B*/A*P1C0 + /B*A*P1C1 + B*/A*P1C2 + B*A*P1C3); end MUX4 PAL Programming Languages
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 8 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition SPLD Programming Cycle
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 9 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Programming PALs PROM ( blow fuses permanently) E-PROM (UV erasable PROM) Specialized/universal device programmer
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 10 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) Internal structure of a CPLD PAL (eg 22V10) I/O CPLDs provide logic capacity up to the equivalent of about 50 typical SPLD devices I/O Typical I/O Block
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 11 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition FPGA Architecture A bunch of simple, configurable logic blocks arranged in an array with interspersed switches that can rearrange the interconnections between the logic blocks Logic Block Switch Matrix Interconnection Resources Additionally, clock circuitry for driving the clock signals to each logic block, and additional logic resources such as ALUs, memory, and Decoders or full microprocessors
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 12 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition The Design Warrior’s Guide to FPGAs Devices, Tools, and Flows. ISBN 0750676043 Copyright © 2004 Mentor Graphics Corp. ( Simplified view of a FPGA Logic Cell
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 13 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition LUT (Look-Up Table) Functionality Look-Up tables are primary elements for logic implementation Each LUT can implement any function of 4 inputs
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 14 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Basic I/O Block Structure D EC Q SR D EC Q SR D EC Q SR Three-State Control Output Path Input Path Three-State Output Clock Set/Reset Direct Input Registered Input FF Enable
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 15 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition IOB Functionality IOB provides interface between the package pins and CLBs Each IOB can work as uni- or bi-directional I/O Outputs can be forced into High Impedance Inputs and outputs can be registered –advised for high-performance I/O Inputs can be delayed
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 16 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition PLD Programming Technologies EPROM “AND” GATE FPGA SRAM Anti-Fuse
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 17 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Logic Capacities of PLD ~1995 Virtex-II 1000 Virtex-II 3000 Spartan-3 1000 Spartan-3 1000 Virtex-5 LX30 Virtex-5 LX30 Gates1 million3 million1 million2 million-- Flip- Flops 10,24028,67215,36040,96019,20028,800 LUTs10,24028,67215,36040,96019,20028,800 Multi- pliers 409624403248 Block RAM (kb) 720172843272011521728 Present FPGA Resource Specifications for XILINX Families Built-in PowerPC® Hard processor
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 18 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Major FPGA vendors SRAM-based FPGAs Xilinx Inc. – Altera Corp.– Atmel Corp.– Lattice Semiconductor Corp. – Antifuse and flash-based FPGAs Actel Corp. – QuickLogic Corp. –
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 19 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition The Programmable Marketplace The Programmable Marketplace Q1 Calendar Year 2005 Source: Company reports Latest information available; computed on a 4-quarter rolling basis Xilinx Altera Lattice Actel QuickLogic: 2% Xilinx All Others Two dominant suppliers, indicating a maturing market PLD SegmentFPGA Sub-Segment Other: 2% 51% 33% 5% 7% Altera 58% 31% 11%
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 20 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Benefits of FPGA Technology Performance (hardware parallelism, ) Time to market (Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware) Cost Reliability (No OS. Deterministic hardware dedicated to every task) Long-term maintenance
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 21 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Applications of FPGAs Digital signal processing, software-defined radio, aerospace, Defense system, medical imaging, computer vision, speech recognition, cryptography, bioinformatics, computer hardware emulation glue logic for PCBs Full systems on chips (SoC) High performance computing (FFT or Convolution, massive parallelism)
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 22 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Timing Characteristics of Combinational Circuits Combinational Circuits Are Characterized by Propagation Delays through logic components (gates, LUTs) through interconnects (routing delays) t p LUT t p routing LUT Total propagation delay through combinational logic
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 23 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Timing Characteristics of Combinational Circuits (2) Total Propagation Delay of Logic Depends on the Number of Logic Levels and Delays of Logic Components Number of logic levels is the number of logic components (gates, LUTs) the signal propagates through Routing Delays Depend on: Length of interconnects Fanout
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 24 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Timing Characteristics of Combinational Circuits (3) Fanout – Number of Inputs Connected to One Output Each inputs has its capacitance Fast switching of outputs with high fanout requires higher currents and strong drivers LUT
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 25 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Timing Characteristics of Combinational Circuits (4) In Current Technologies Routing Delays Make 45-65% of the Total Propagation Delays
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 26 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Timing Characteristics of Sequential Circuits (1) Timing Features of Flip-flops Setup time t S – minimum time the input has to be stable before the rising edge of the clock Hold time t H – minimum time the input has to be stable after the rising edge of the clock Propagation delay t P – time to propagate input to output after the rising edge of the clock
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 27 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Timing Characteristics of Sequential Circuits (2) DQ clk D Q tStS tHtH tPtP Input D must remain stable during this interval Input D can freely change during this interval
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 28 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition FPGA Design Flow Register Transfer Level
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 29 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Hardware description languages Verilog VHDL System C System Verilog “Low Level” ( assembly)
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 30 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Introduction to VHDL Developed at the US Department of Defense Strongly-typed and is not case sensitive. IEEE standard 1076-1987 Allows to describe both the behavior of the required system AND the respective Testbench
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 31 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition VHDL CODE examples -- (this is a VHDL comment) -- import std_logic from the IEEE library library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- this is the entity entity ANDGATE is port ( IN1 : in std_logic; IN2 : in std_logic; OUT1: out std_logic); end ANDGATE; architecture RTL of ANDGATE is begin OUT1 <= IN1 and IN2; end RTL; architecture InputsOutputs
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 32 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition MUX in VDHL -- template 1: X <= A when S = '1' else B; -- template 2: with S select X <= A when '1' else B; -- template 3: process(A,B,S) begin case S is when '1' => X <= A; when others => X <= B; end case; end process; -- template 4: process(A,B,S) begin if S = '1' then X <= A; else X <= B; end if; end process; -- template 5 - 4:1 MUX, where S is a 2-bit std_logic_vector : process(A,B,C,D,S) begin case S is when "00" => X <= A; when "01" => X <= B; when "10" => X <= C; when others => X <= D; -- or when "11" end case; end process;
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 33 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Counter Example library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; -- for the unsigned type entity counter_example is generic ( WIDTH : integer := 32); port ( CLK, RESET, LOAD : in std_logic; DATA : in unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0); Q : out unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0)); end entity counter_example; architecture RTL of counter_example is signal cnt : unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0); begin process(RESET, CLK) begin if RESET = '1' then cnt '0'); elsif rising_edge(CLK) then if LOAD = '1' then cnt <= DATA; else cnt <= cnt + 1; end if; end process; Q <= cnt; end architecture RTL;
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 34 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Hierarchical design Top Design Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 VHDL allows a hierarchy of entities containing components. At each level VHDL allows multiple architectures and multiple configurations for each entity.
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 35 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition Hierarchical design in VHDL Hierarchical design: architecture STRUCT of INC is signal X,Y,S,C : bit; component HALFADD (defined in HALFADD.vhdl) port(A,B : in bit; SUM, CARRY : out bit); end component; begin U1: HALFADD port map (X,Y,S,C);(instance) -- other statements end STRUCT;
Author’s name | Place, Month xx, 2007 | Event 36 B.B. Carvalho | Lisbon, February 17, 2009 | Diagnostics & Data Acquisition
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