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LED Solder Press Final Presentation Final Presentation Senior Projects 2 Senior Projects 2 By Ryan Bigl & By Ryan Bigl & Kyle Levesque Kyle Levesque.

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Presentation on theme: "LED Solder Press Final Presentation Final Presentation Senior Projects 2 Senior Projects 2 By Ryan Bigl & By Ryan Bigl & Kyle Levesque Kyle Levesque."— Presentation transcript:

1 LED Solder Press Final Presentation Final Presentation Senior Projects 2 Senior Projects 2 By Ryan Bigl & By Ryan Bigl & Kyle Levesque Kyle Levesque

2 Background Info This project is for a small business called LEDDynamics, located in Randolph, Vermont. This project is for a small business called LEDDynamics, located in Randolph, Vermont. “LEDDynamics is a custom engineering company specializing in the design and integration of LED technology for end-user and OEM applications.” (From there website: “LEDDynamics is a custom engineering company specializing in the design and integration of LED technology for end-user and OEM applications.” (From there website:

3 Problem statement Design an automated miniature solder press that will… Be able to solder pre-glued surface mount LED emitters to a metallic circuit board (MCPCB). Be able to solder pre-glued surface mount LED emitters to a metallic circuit board (MCPCB). Be able to test the LED after completion. Be able to test the LED after completion. Must produce better efficiency yield, in comparison to current hand assembly. Must produce better efficiency yield, in comparison to current hand assembly. System with basic human aid will consistently step through the soldering process. System with basic human aid will consistently step through the soldering process.

4 Solutions Build a (human controlled) X table with a set jigs for different sized metallic circuit boards. Build a (human controlled) X table with a set jigs for different sized metallic circuit boards. Make a single press/ dual soldering iron system. Make a single press/ dual soldering iron system. Test the LEDs inline with solder station. Test the LEDs inline with solder station. Basic user controls to start and stop the soldering process. Basic user controls to start and stop the soldering process.

5 LED Sizing LED Sizing Table LEDBulb heightBulb DiaBase RadiusBase WidthBase thicknessPad WidthPad LengthDFTOBTECOverall height 1.087 in..213 in..316 in..286 in.0.106 in..06 in..073 in..038 in..197 in. 0.106 in..06 in..073 in..038 in. 2.089 in..213 in..316 in..286 in..104 in..06 in..070 in..036 in..196 in..1045 in..06 in..075 in..036 in. 3.09 in..211 in..315 in..286 in..102 in..059 in..073 in..036 in..193 in..102 in..058 in..072 in..04 in. Ave.089 in..212 in..316 in..286 in..104 in..06 in..073 in..037 in..195 in.

6 Light Strip Base Sizes Soldering 2 different strip sizes Soldering 2 different strip sizes Soldering 3 different strip styles Soldering 3 different strip styles Large BaseSmall Base 12.75" x.535" x.062".985" x.985" x.071"

7 System Overview

8 Automated Process Description 1. Solder iron will come down until LED holder is pressing down on the LED. Heat irons are at set heat point (627 degrees F). 2. Solder iron will then come down and press fully (40newtons) onto the board and leads for 1.5sec. It will then lift back up to the LED holding position. 3. The microcontroller will then test LED across the LED holders to see if the soldering process was a success.. 4. Iron then lifts up full distance to rest position. Microcontroller signals user end of soldering step. If LED was bad Red light will blink. 4. Iron then lifts up full distance to rest position. Microcontroller signals user end of soldering step. If LED was bad Red light will blink.

9 Full System Overview User Interface 3way Valve MCU& Electronics Air lines Regulator and oil trap Air cylinder 120VAC PWM Data lines 12v DC Jig System

10 Full System Overview User Interface 3way Valve MCU& Electronics Air lines Regulator and oil trap Air cylinder 120VAC PWM Data lines 12v DC Jig System

11 Soldering Animation

12 Full System Overview User Interface 3way Valve MCU& Electronics Air lines Regulator and oil trap Air cylinder 120VAC PWM Data lines 12v DC Jig System

13 Fixture System overview (2) pull pins (2) pull pins (2) springs (2) springs Adjustable slide support Adjustable slide support (2) rail / receivers (2) rail / receivers Base plate Base plate Front support plate Front support plate (6) 6-32” x ¾” (6) 6-32” x ¾”

14 Pneumatics System Overview Building air used Building air used Next fed into Oil Trap and Regulator unit Next fed into Oil Trap and Regulator unit Regulator is set to desired PSI (~65PSI) Regulator is set to desired PSI (~65PSI) Regulated air is then controlled by the MCU in a 12v three way valve unit. Regulated air is then controlled by the MCU in a 12v three way valve unit. Air from valve is ran into a flow control valve and then into the cylinder. Air from valve is ran into a flow control valve and then into the cylinder. The cylinder is a 9/16” 3” throw spring returned cylinder with a magnetic piston. The cylinder is a 9/16” 3” throw spring returned cylinder with a magnetic piston.

15 Solder head System Overview Single solder iron Heater controlled by MCU Single solder iron Heater controlled by MCU LED holders double as Testing leads LED holders double as Testing leads Luxeon specified solder iron tip size Luxeon specified solder iron tip size

16 Solder head System Overview Single solder iron Heater controlled by MCU Single solder iron Heater controlled by MCU LED holders double as Testing leads LED holders double as Testing leads Luxeon specified solder iron tip size Luxeon specified solder iron tip size

17 Solder head System Overview Single solder iron Heater controlled by MCU Single solder iron Heater controlled by MCU LED holders double as Testing leads LED holders double as Testing leads Luxeon specified solder iron tip size Luxeon specified solder iron tip size

18 Power and Signal Overview EStop Stop/Go Switch Test lead P.W.M Heater Triple solenoid block AC to DC power supply AC power supply Cylinder position sensors Iron heat sensor Green Light Red Light Users control box Microcontroller 120VAC

19 Electrical Schematic

20 State Diagram Concept Power On Heater control Cylinder Control LED Test

21 State Diagram Concept Power On Heater control Cylinder Control LED Test Power On Temp check Cylinder Control Turn Heater OFFTurn Heater ON < 625 o F 630 o F > 630 o F

22 State Diagram Concept Power On Heater control Cylinder Control LED Test Is the Cylinder Extended Delay 1.5 Sec Extend Cylinder Yes No Has the start been Pressed? Jump to Heat Control Flash Green light.25 Sec Turn Green light on solid Lift up Part way.5 Sec LED Test

23 State Diagram Concept Power On Heater control Cylinder Control LED Test Is it good? (.7v drop) Lift up Cylinder Lift up cylinder No (2x) Yes Turn on Red light Turn off green light Test LED No (1x) Flash Red light Turn off green light Jump to Heat Control

24 Budget systemDescriptionQuantity Unit PriceTotal Computer controlMicrocontroller and Board (HC08 or HC12)1$38.00 hot bar unit 12l14 Ultra-machine-able low carbon steel for piston mount and head assembly (~cost)1$75.00 we-1237s 33 Watt Solder Iron tips 1/4" thread on tip ( )2$24.90$49.80 WE-PL155 Chisel tip plated irons 0.07" x 0.66" (same as above)2$6.65$13.30 E-0875N01-03C-03 single acting, return spring, magnetic, cylinder ( 1$54.59 12v three way valve1$0.00 4910K81 A series air regulator, trap and gauge unit 8.16" x 1.97" ($52.38 air regulator mounting bracket1$3.00 Magnetic sensors strap units2$32.00$64.00 tension spring1$2.00 Jig unit 4" * 2.5" *1.25" low carbon steel2$32.00$64.00 Pull springs2$1.50$3.00 36" * 36" *.25" low carbon steel2$30.00$60.00 4" *14" *.5" low carbon steel1$20.00.25” x 1.5” x 18” low carbon steel $30.95.25” x.75” x 18” low carbon steel $20.32 Total$550.34

25 Schedule Current status

26 Summary Heating— The soldering head and press system has been designed and still needs to be machined. Heating— The soldering head and press system has been designed and still needs to be machined. Mechanical—The fixture and alignment pin system has been designed and built. Mechanical—The fixture and alignment pin system has been designed and built. Pneumatic—The pneumatic system has been designed, purchased, and tested. Pneumatic—The pneumatic system has been designed, purchased, and tested. Software—The software has been completed, but still needs wiring. Software—The software has been completed, but still needs wiring.

27 Project Contacts Oliver Piluski, LED Dynamics Oliver Piluski, LED Dynamics or or John Kidder, Senior Projects Teacher John Kidder, Senior Projects Teacher Andre St. Denis, Senior Projects Teacher Andre St. Denis, Senior Projects Teacher Roger Howes Roger Howes

28 Questions? For further information you can access all project web pages at and_teams.htm, For further information you can access all project web pages at and_teams.htm, and_teams.htm and_teams.htm or directly link to our website at 2006/LEDSolderingSystem/WebSite/ or directly link to our website at 2006/LEDSolderingSystem/WebSite/ 2006/LEDSolderingSystem/WebSite/ 2006/LEDSolderingSystem/WebSite/

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