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Game Name Game Team Name Game team member #1 Game team member #2

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Presentation on theme: "Game Name Game Team Name Game team member #1 Game team member #2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Name Game Team Name Game team member #1 Game team member #2

2 Game name One-sentence description of your game, that you would use to sell it Example: Dance Dance Revolution is a fast-paced rhythm game for the PS2 that will have you dancing in sync with great music!

3 Game theme How does the game look/feel? What is the theme?
Example (DDR): Anime-inspired graphics Colorful, bright, cheerful Cool and hip Videos coordinate with rhythm of the music

4 Game story Tell the basic story and player motivation Example:
In DDR, you are the star! Dance to the beat, and hear the crowd cheer you on. Miss too many steps, and your fans will leave you cold!

5 Game audience Who will play this game? Example:
Dancers young and old will all enjoy DDR, because there are enough songs for everyone to choose one! Target audience: Ages 12-45

6 How to play Describe the player goals and how to win/lose
Example (DDR): Step on the arrow when you see it reach the top of the screen. Do it to the music, and earn points! If you miss too many, you lose.

7 Some pictures You can do these on paper if you like and pass them around.

8 Questions?

9 Thank you Team name here

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