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6 September, 2006 Chapter 21 Methods: Model Systems I.

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1 6 September, 2006 Chapter 21 Methods: Model Systems I

2 Model Systems Phage / Virus: DNA replication, Recombination, Regulation Bacteria: Minimal Cell S. cerevisiae: Minimal Eukaryote C. elegans: Development Drosophila: Genetics Mouse: Mammal

3 Overview Saccharomyces cerevisiae makes an excellent model system for studying eukaryotic processes, including the cell cycle. S. cerevisiae is genetically tractable, and is readily cultured. Caenorhabitis elegans is an ideal model system for studying development. C. elegans is easy to grow both sexually and asexually, has a defined number of cells, and many genetic tools. Drosophila melanogaster is well characterized genetically, easy to grow, and is long-standing model system. Mus musculus is a mammal whose development and stem cells are similar to humans, and has a relatively rapid life cycle.

4 S. cerevisiae Bread, beer, and the cell cycle.



7 C. elegans

8 Defined cell lineages are useful in studying cell death and tissue induction.

9 Drosophila has a rapid life cycle.

10 The first genetic maps were constructed in Drosophila. The fly is also useful in studying development.

11 Genetic mosaics permit the analysis of lethal mutations.

12 P-element transposition can create transgenic flies.

13 P-element Transformation

14 Mouse Development



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