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Swedish Coast Guard Sea Surveillance Mission Baltic Master 2005-11-08 Lennart Dreier, Swedish Coast Guard.

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Presentation on theme: "Swedish Coast Guard Sea Surveillance Mission Baltic Master 2005-11-08 Lennart Dreier, Swedish Coast Guard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swedish Coast Guard Sea Surveillance Mission Baltic Master 2005-11-08 Lennart Dreier, Swedish Coast Guard

2 Swedish Coast Guard Assigned to coordinate and collect civil maritime information from 10 Swedish government authorities, to aggregate & compile the collected information and to distribute the ”resulting” information back to users at the same Swedish government authorities. In order to support the SCG with its assignment an advisory board is established chaired by the Director of SCG and with delegates from the participating authorities. Swedish Armed Forces Assigned to collect, correlate and enhance available Maritime Target/Object real time data for objects along the Swedish coast and to provide this data (compiled for civil applications) to the SCG as part of the input of civil maritime information. Assignment by the Swedish Government

3 Improved coordination of information gathering and intelligence activities Serve the common needs of collecting, aggregate & coordinate Sea Surveillance information today and to continue to develop this functionality to meet future needs. The Swedish government authorities participating shall have a role in the establishment of requirements on the information flow and systems to be established to fulfill the mission. The mission shall be carried out with the present authorities structure and shall not require any change in the structure or task of these organizations. Information available in an authority's internal system shall be made available to other authorities through one system in order to avoid development of numerous systems for information sharing between the authorities. The Mission has the following objectives

4 SMIC, Swedish Maritime Intelligence Center, Jointly established and operated by The Swedish Customs, the Swedish Police and the Swedish Coast Guard. SMC, Swedish Maritime Clearance, center for reception of Notifications in Advance required by the Schengen agreement and ship security, operated by the Swedish Coast Guard. FKC, Fishery (surveillance) Competence Center, Jointly established and operated by National Board of Fisheries and The Swedish Coast Guard. SJÖBASIS, “Maritime Authorities Information System”, Information System defined in cooperation between participating authorities, Swedish Coast Guard is responsible for the development and operation of the system. Mission “output”

5 SJÖBASIS Is aimed for users within Swedish Authorities listed above only Provides national and international maritime information Is based on information gathered by participating Authorities User Access to data is controlled by law plus operational need No change in Authorities organization nor tasks SJÖBASIS Participating Authorities and System Boundaries National Board of Fisheries, National Police Board, Swedish Armed Forces, Swedish Coast Guard, Swedish Customs, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Swedish Maritime Administration, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Swedish Rescue Services Agency, The Geological Survey of Sweden.

6 Maritime Target/object real time data sources Coastal radar stations network Swedish AIS coast stations network Helcom AIS Swedish Coast Guard Air Units VMS transponders (Vessel Monitoring system) Cameras Observations Satellite Images

7 SJÖBASIS Maritime Target/Object real-time data AIS Swedish AIS Network Swedish Maritime Administration HELCOM AIS Swedish Maritime Administration Maritime Target/Object real- time data Swedish Armed Forces VMS National Board of Fisheries SJÖBASIS Agreegated Maritime object real-time data SJÖBASIS Users Real Time Replay Manual Observations Primary Source

8 Maritime target/object real time data definition Exampels of parameters (similar to AIS) : Position Time for Position Valid Heading Course over Ground Speed over Ground Identity (eg. MMSI, IMO-Number, …) Call Sign Type of Object ( Tanker, Tugboat, …Container…Timber….etc) Data Source (Navy, UAIS, VMS, Observation) Quality information(e.g. sensor type, accuracy) ETA/ ETD Activity (e.g. fishing, at anchor, drifting etc.)

9 Typical radar performance Distance6 m length (wood) 20 m length (wood) 80 m (length (steal) 6 NmXXX 12 NmXX 18 NmX 24 NmX

10 AIS, Automatic Identification System

11 AIS AIS = UAIS, Universal Automatic Identification System Carriage Requirement according to IMO SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) Regulations Basic functionality is to provide situational awareness to the officer in charge on the vessels bridge. AIS is an excellent complement to the vessels bridge radar equipment. AIS cannot replace the radar tracking function Sea surveillance systems gets major benefits from the AIS AIS provides automatic object data to radar tracks on board and in surveillance systems Frees operator time to focus on objects that’s “interesting” (i.e. not carrying a AIS transponder)

12 AIS Automatic Identification System On board carriage requirement 1 July 2004

13 HELCOM EWG AIS for National competent authorities 1. Pollution combating 2. Contingency planning 3. International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) 4. SAR MRCC 5. VTS centers 6. Traffic management 7. Paris MOU (Port state control) Monitor and compare against banned ships. 8. EU HAZMAT reporting requirement Mandatory reporting system 9. Ice Breaker Service Ice Breakers 10. Port Authorities

14 AIS Coverage The Map shows the AIS coast station network coverage. Swedish Coast Guard airborne units provides extended AIS coverage.

15 VMS i Sverige VMS Sweden

16 Remote control cameras by the Navy and the Coast Guard See 6000 meters > 1 meter letters Survey- and detail cameras Infra-red camera

17 Examples of civil maritime information (in addition to target/object real-time data) Nautical Charts Additional map info i.e. Natural reservations, protected areas, fishery zones Approvals for R&D Vessels Notifications In Advance Ship registers Crew registers Intelligence – Tull/Polis/KBV Fishing Vessels Register Dangerous goods information Weather data & Forecasts Sea Track Web (Oil spill drift analysis tool) Image databases Mission Plans Resource data Rescue Support Information databases ++++ Extern info: Lloyds Register SIRENAC

18 Communication Collection, Coordination & distribution of real time target and supporting data SJÖBASIS Compilation &Selection engine Combines and enhance data received from external sources and generates higher level data. Selects and provides data to users pending access rights and mission need. Access Administration Controls and secures that data access only is granted appropriate users System for exchange of Maritime information Swedish Maritime Administration Ship Reporting System (FRS) ” Notification in Advance Dangerous Goods (Fargos) Pilot orders Maritime Rescue Coordination Center Ship Register National Board of Fisheries Vessel Monitoring Syst. VMS Professional fishing license reg. Vessel permit register. Swedish Customs Notification in Advance Authorization to call at a non customs seaport register Intelligence database Swedish Metrological and Hydrological Institute Weather information Weather Prognosis ”SeatrackWeb”Oil spill Drift Tool Swedish Rescue Service Agency Dangerous Goods data Decision Support system ”RIB & Web-RIB” Swedish Armed Forces Maritime Target/Object real time data Ship Register National police Board Intelligence data base Stolen ships/boats The Geological Survey of Sweden Permissions for exploitation of natural resources Sea bed properties database Swedish Coast Guard Swedish Maritime Clearance Schengen Notification Ship Inspections Information and decisions- support system ”KIBS” Swedish Environmental Protection Agency ”VIC-Natura” Natural Resources and Reservations Environmental database Map engine Adds Map layers for Graphical user interface

19 SJÖBASIS Maritime target and authority mission supporting information flow Civilian Authorities Swedish Armed Forces /the Navy SJÖBASIS 1. Collects, correlate and enhance Maritime Real time Target/ Object Data 3. Provides additional maritime information 4. Compiles the Aggregated Maritime information and provides User tools 2. Provides the Real time Maritime target data 5. Receives the aggregated Maritime data and Map information using various tools and filters UAIS data Universal Automatic Identification System VMS data Vessel Monitoring System Radar Observations from ships/shore/and airplanes 2 3 5 4 1

20 Information flow - SAR and Spill rescue

21 Large number of connections for each system System administration workload is not optimized Complexity increases very fast when additional systems/ connections are added Traditional system for exchange of data Kustbevakning Tull Polis Sjöfartsverket Försvarsmakten

22 One external connection for each connected system Centralized development and administration (controllable) Provides scalability Target system for exchange of data ! This principle will of coarse always be complemented by direct communication between Authorities !

23 Swedish Goverment Secure Internet SGSI SJÖBASIS uses SGSI. SGSI is an “Intranet” between Swedish Authorities with possibility to connect to Eurodomain Includes security solutions i.e. Firewalls

24 Swedish Government Secure Internet, SGSI In operation since 2004

25 SJÖBASIS SjöV FiV SGUSMHI Tull Polis NV FM KBV N Ö S V F Illustration of system concept Acces rights Selection Engine

26 User access via Web-browser clients (Thin AND/OR Rich) and mobile clients SJÖBASIS System Database engine Communications engine Map engine SJÖBASIS Application Server Authorities internal information system

27 SJÖBASIS selects data and presents the data automatically on top of a map based on the needs of the authority and specific user How will SJÖBASIS support users in the carrying out their tasks

28 The Map content can be dynamically controlled by the users, i.e. additional map layers can be ordered. Conflicting data will be flagged. I.e. if the information contained in the Notification In Advance given to the Swedish Maritime Clearance and other sources is not consistent (i.e. ETA) this will be flagged. Planning of operations will benefit by automatic access to information held all the participating authorities system. Planning of joint operations between authorities will benefit from SJÖBASIS. How will SJÖBASIS support users in the carrying out their tasks

29 SJÖBASIS provides the user with capability to run a ”Replay” on the recorded target/object real-time data( Input parameters is Start Time, Stop Time, Area and/or Vessels, +++). A found oil spill can be analyzed by the SeaTrackWeb tool, the output will be a forecast of the expected future drift and also a theoretical initial spill- area is calculated. This information can be used together with the replay of recorded target/object data to identify possible vessels that caused the spill for control. SeaTrackWeb can also be used to forecast the position of a “Man Over Board”. The system will generate reports and statistics ordered/defined by the users Intelligence data matches with other data can be automatically flagged and alarmed to appropriate users. How will SJÖBASIS support users in the carrying out their tasks

30 S påra avsiktliga oljeutsläpp Flygspaning med radar Oljedriftprognos Sjölägesinformation

31 Vessel Emission data Target/object real-time data Calculate the “environmental load” for specific areas SJÖBASIS Statistical report …………. ……………

32 How will SJÖBASIS support users in the carrying out their tasks The User will have tools to for instance define rules (combinations of data) for ”alarm” criteria's. These alarm rules can be set to operate continuously on the SJÖBASIS data (i.e. regardless if the user is logged on to the system). Examples: Criteria 1 = a Vessel approaches a port that is different from the destination port stated in NIA Criteria 2 = a Vessel of a certain type (or id) has rendezvous with vessel of a certain type (or id) at sea Criteria 3 = a Vessels track is outside of a fairway When the alarm criteria goes “True” an alarm is generated “as specified” i.e. an SMS is sent to the user, an email is sent to the user or both. Now the user decides if further actions shall be taken i.e. log on to SJÖBASIS to study the situation further.

33 Risk & analysis function Authority Belgium Swedish Maritime Adm. Customs Swedish Coast Guard ships and aircarfts Schengen administrative control SJÖBASIS Target/object real-time data AIS AIS VMS VMS Radar Radar Vessel X Border Control unit initial info - One Crew member refused to enter Sweden - Vessel X departs with destination Ystad 70 sek. presentation SJÖBASIS border control flow Vessel X

34 SJÖBASIS Implementation Plan Development started 2005-08-15 Level 1 enters into operation 2007-04-01 Level 2 planned start of operation mid 2008 Level 3 and onwards yearly updates expected Questions ?

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