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NJIT 1 Iteration 2 Requirements and More GRASP Chapter 24.

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1 NJIT 1 Iteration 2 Requirements and More GRASP Chapter 24

2 2 Previous Key Concepts Covered The goal of the Inception phase is to do enough investigation to form a rational, justifiable opinion of the overall purpose and feasibility of a system. The goal of the Elaboration Iteration 1 phase was on the concepts of how to think in objects.

3 3 Elaboration Iteration 2 emphasis Essential object design The use of patterns to create a solid design Application of UML to visualize the models

4 4 Iteration 2 of the NextGen POS Systems Covers Support for variation is third-party services. E.g Tax Calculator for the POS Complex pricing rules Refresh GUI window when sale total changes

5 5 Focus on the RUP Goal Remembering the critical idea of RUP points to the fundamental concept of “Iterative Development”. This explains why Iteration 2 requirements are not newly discovered. They are simply an elaboration of the requirements identified during the inception stage.

6 6 Refinement of Analysis- oriented Artifacts Use-cases are revisited, investigated, and written in detail based on insights gain from Iteration 1. Use-case models (SSDs) are revisited and extended to support third-party systems (e.g in the case of the POS – a tax calculator) While it is reasonable skipping refining the domain model; this iteration gives the modeler insights as to what requirements have major or minor impact on the domain model parameters (i.e. attributes, associations ….)

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