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1 Reading (and Writing) About Research Studies  Is this fun? Not usually but we can be duped by others if we don’t know the research!!!  Peer-reviewed.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Reading (and Writing) About Research Studies  Is this fun? Not usually but we can be duped by others if we don’t know the research!!!  Peer-reviewed."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Reading (and Writing) About Research Studies  Is this fun? Not usually but we can be duped by others if we don’t know the research!!!  Peer-reviewed journals contain the most VALID research findings (beware of pseudo-scientific journals!)  Studies are written up in “APA style” which is an agreed upon way to present research findings (from American Psychological Association)  The following “tips” apply when reading an article

2 2 Types of APA Papers  LITERATURE REVIEW ARTICLE (“ARGUMENTATIVE PAPER”) – less common –Involves reviewing and summarizing past research and drawing some kind of conclusion about what the research has shown to this point in time –Also usually makes suggestions for additional studies that need to be conducted to answer questions about the topic  RESEARCH STUDY ARTICLE – more common –Involves presenting original research study and its findings

3 3 APA Style: Parts of Research Study  ABSTRACT – this summarizes –what purpose the study had –how it was conducted –what the findings were –and what the implications of these finding are  It’s what you read when you search an article on PsychInfo databases  It’s like the Reader’s Digest condensed version of the entire research report

4 4 APA Style: Parts of Research Study  INTRODUCTION – this section has a few important parts –It defines the topic of the research report (the WHAT) –It then tells the reader what other earlier researchers have already learned about this topic (called a “literature review”) and how they conducted their studies (the BACKGROUND) –Lastly, it tells the reader what the purpose is of the research conducted by the author of the paper (the PURPOSE)

5 5 APA Style: Parts of Research Study  METHOD – this section has many sub-parts –PARTICIPANTS (SUBJECTS) - provides relevant information about who we studied (the WHO) –SETTING / MATERIALS – gives information about where the study was conducted and with what materials –PROCEDURE – how the study was conducted (in great detail!). Also includes description of the VARIABLES studied and what the hypothesized functional relationship is expected to be.

6 6 APA Style: Parts of Research Study  RESULTS –presents the data AND what conclusions we can draw from the data –Tells the reader whether the study turned out as was hypothesized –Studies with large groups of participants will often have STATISTICS which tell the reader how confident we can be that the results were not a fluke occurrence (“SIGNIFICANT” = NOT LIKELY DUE TO CHANCE) –Also refers to graphs or tables that depict the data

7 7 APA Style: Parts of Research Study  DISCUSSION –Explains WHY the data turned out as they did (presents THEORY underlying the effect seen) –Compares the findings of the study to past studies: did they agree with or disagree with past studies? Did the new study add anything to what we already knew? –Is it possible that other causes not identified by the researcher (called CONFOUNDS) might have led to the findings? –What future research questions do we still need to investigate?

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