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Climate Change Research supported by the EC Framework Programmes DrGeorgios AMANATIDIS Environment Directorate Research DG, European Commission CLARIS 1st year project meeting, Bologna, 7-9 July 2005 Climate Change Research supported by the EC Framework Programmes Dr Georgios AMANATIDIS Environment Directorate Research DG, European Commission CLARIS 1st year project meeting, Bologna, 7-9 July 2005 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
FP3 & 4: Research on ecosystem functioning, climate and environment protection technologies FP5:Integration of the environmental dimension in research; more attention to climate change, water, coastal integration and urban dynamics FP6:Sustainability to be integrated in all areas of research, especially Energy, Transport and Agriculture FP7:Sustainable management of the environment and its resources, functioning of climate and the earth system, development of new technologies, tools and services The Historical Perspective The Historical Perspective SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
Over 180 research projects funded in areas (budget: 250 M€) Climate change prediction Climate dynamics and abrupt changes Interactions between ecosystems and carbon/nitrogen cycle Atmospheric composition Change Stratospheric ozone depletion Mitigation and adaptation European contribution to global observation systems Natural hazards research Contribution to IGBP, WCRP, IHDP and IPCC FP5 (1999-2002) Climate Research FP5 (1999-2002) Climate Research SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
DEMETER: Capability demonstrated to predict seasonal/interannual climate variations – implications for energy, agriculture, tourism and health EPICA: Ice coring reached a depth of 3100m. Climate history record of past 900,000 years CARBOEUROPE: Carbon absorption capacity of Europe’s terrestrial biosphere reported to be about 7-12 % of the annual anthropogenic CO 2 emissions GECS: Global scenarios analysing the impact of post-Kyoto policies under flexibility mechanisms for emission reduction TRADEOFF: Aviation cirrus clouds impacts on climate is three times larger than that from CO 2 emissions alone Some pertinent results of FP5 Some pertinent results of FP5 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
Atmospheric effects of aircraft emissions, special issue of Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 32, N° 13, 1998 European research in the stratosphere, EUR 19867, Brussels, 2001 Ozone-climate interactions, EUR 20623, Brussels, 2003 GMES-GATO: A European Strategy for Global Atmospheric Monitoring, EUR 21154, Brussels, 2004 DG RTD Scientific Assessments on atmospheric / climate research DG RTD Scientific Assessments on atmospheric / climate research SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
A.Hearing on “the impact of aerosols on climate change”, Vienna, 14 September 2004 B.Side event on “vulnerability of coastal zones to climate change”, during the UNFCCC COP10 in Buenos Aires, 10 December 2004 (based on the results of the DINAS-COAST project) C.Side event on “regional climate modelling and impacts”, during the UNFCCC COP10 in Buenos Aires, 13 December 2004 (based on the results of the PRUDENCE project) D.Hearing on “low-probability high impact climate events”, Brussels, 24 February 2005 E.Side event on “ice and ocean changes off Greenland”, during the UNFCCC SBSTA 22 in Bonn, 24 May 2005 (based on the GreenICE and CONVECTION projects) DG RTD and DG ENV events on climate change and impacts DG RTD and DG ENV events on climate change and impacts SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
The 6th Framework Programme FP6 (2002-2006) is the main instrument of the EC to implement the European Research Area (ERA), a new approach for European and international collaboration. Implementation mainly through new instruments: Integrated Projects (IP) and Networks of Excellence (NoE). The FP6 is open to partners around the world. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
Sustainable energy systems (810 M€): clean energy, energy savings, alternative motor fuels, fuel cells, energy carriers/transport/storage Sustainable surface transport (610 M€): environmentally friendly transport, interoperability, safety Global change and ecosystems (700 M€): greenhouse gas emissions, water cycle, biodiversity and ecosystems, natural disasters, land management, climate observation, complementary research, cross-cutting issues The 3 interrelated pillars of FP6 Priority 6: Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems The 3 interrelated pillars of FP6 Priority 6: Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
Work Programme on Area I Impact and mechanisms of greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric pollutants on climate, ozone depletion and carbon sinks Research priorities I.1 Carbon and nitrogen cycles: sources and sinks I.2 Atmospheric pollutants and their regional impacts I.3 Climate dynamics and variability I.4 Prediction of climate change and its impacts I.5 Stratospheric ozone and climate interactions I.6 Adaptation and mitigation strategies SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
FP6 Climate Research Projects 1st Call for proposals, 2003 ENSEMBLES – IP: Ensemble-based Predictions of Climate Changes and their impacts SCOUT-O3 – IP: Stratosphere-Climate Links with emphasis on UTLS ACCENT – NoE: Atmospheric Composition Change: A European Network CARBOEUROPE – IP: Assessment of European Terrestrial Carbon Balance CLARIS-SSA: A Europe-South America Network for Climate Change Assessment and Impact Studies SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
FP6 Climate Research Projects 2nd Call for proposals, 2004 CARBOOCEAN – IP: Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment AMMA – IP: African monsoon multidisciplinary analysis QUANTIFY – IP: Quantifying the climate impact of global and European transport systems DYNAMITE – STREP: Understanding of the Dynamics of the Coupled Climate System SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
FP6 Climate Research Projects 3rd Call for proposals, 2005 NITROEUROPE-IP: Nitrogen cycle and its interaction with c-cycle MILLENIUM-IP: European climate of the last millennium DAMOCLES-IP: Developing arctic modelling and observing capabilities for long term environmental studies ADAM-IP: Adaptation and mitigation strategies: supporting European climate policy OOMPH – STREP: Organics over the Ocean Modifying Particles in both Hemispheres MAP – STREP: Secondary Marine Aerosol Production from Natural Sources SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
4th Call for Proposals, 2006 Climate research topics (Area I) 1.Atmospheric aerosols and climate forcing (IP, 10 M€) 2. Climate change impacts in the Mediterranean (IP, 10 M€) 3. Regional carbon and greenhouse gas budgets (STREPs/CA) 4. Atmospheric composition change: methane, nitrous oxide and hydrogen (STREPs/CA) 5. Climate changes in Central-Eastern Europe (STREPs/CA) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS Publication: 19 July 2005; Deadline: 3 November 2005
4th Call for Proposals, 2006 Specific Support Actions Indicative Topics (examples) Disaster reduction in Europe European assessment of the impact of transport on climate change and ozone depletion Targeted actions to enhance the co-operation between Europe and the developing countries within the context of marine observation systems European biodiversity research strategy EU-US Scientific Co-operation Rapid identification of pollutants Millennium Development Goals for Water Assessment and dissemination of results emerging from European research on Environment and Health SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
Budget of FP6 Priority 6.3 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS Budget% 1st callTotal: 170 M€ IP-NoE14082 STREP – CA25 18 SSA5 2nd callTotal: 180 M€ IP-NoE15083 STREP – CA 3017 SSA 3rd callTotal: 205 M€ IP-NoE15073 STREP – CA50 27 SSA5 4th callTotal: 205 M€ IP-NoE12059 STREP – CA80 41 SSA5
Building the ERA of Knowledge for Growth Building the ERA of Knowledge for Growth Proposal for the FP7 2007 - 2013 Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human Potential JRC (nuclear) Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom + SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
9 themes 1.Health 2.Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology 3.Information and Communication Technologies 4.Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies 5.Energy 6.Environment (including Climate Change) 7.Transport (including Aeronautics) 8.Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities 9.Security and Space Cooperation – Collaborative research SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
6. Environment including climate change Environmental Technologies Earth observation and assessment tools Sustainable Management of Resources Climate change, pollution and risks SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
Pressure on environment and climate: Functioning of climate and the Earth system: development of integrated research to observe, analyse and predict the evolution of the Earth System; measures of adaptation and mitigation to climate change and its impacts; development and application of climate change models from global to sub-regional scales to predict changes and to assess potential impacts; … Environment and health: Multidisciplinary research to effectively tackle the health impacts of various environmental stressors; … Natural hazards: Improve prediction and integrated hazards – vulnerability – and risks assessment and mapping for disasters related to climate (storms, droughts, floods, forest fires and landslides) and geological hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis); … Climate change, pollution and risks SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
Ideas – Frontier Research Commission ERC – European Research Council * Created by Commission decision * * Under the responsibility of the Commission Preparation of work programme Set up of peer review: pool of reviewers, nomination of review panels, evaluation guidelines Oversight of the evaluation procedure Annual scientific report Information and support to applicants Reception / eligibility of proposals Organisation and execution of evaluation Selection decision Scientific and financial follow-up of contracts Annual implementation report Approval of work programme, as defined by the Scientific Council Instruction to implement work programme Approval of annual implementation report Information to programme committee Scientific Council* Externalised tasks** SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants Specific actions Excellence awards Specific actions Excellence awards People – Human Potential SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
6 parts 1.Research Infrastructures 2.Research for the benefit of SMEs 3.Regions of Knowledge 4.Research Potential 5.Science in Society 6.Activities of International Cooperation Capacities – Research Capacity SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
Tentative Roadmap for FP7 2005 6/4 Commission - Adoption of FP7 proposals 18/4Council - Exchange of views 7/6Council - Orientation debate 21/9Commission - Proposals on SPs and Rules for participation and dissemination 11/10 Council - Exchange of views on SPs and Rules 23/11Commission - Proposals under Articles 169 and/or 171 28-29/11Council - Orientation debate on SPs and Rules 12-15/12EP - 1st reading on EC FP. Opinion on Euratom FP 2006 Feb/MarCouncil - Common position on EC FP EP - 1 st reading on EC Rules. Opinion on Euratom Rules. AprilCommon position on EC Rules May/JuneEP - 2 nd reading on EC FP; Opinion on SPs; 2 nd reading on EC Rules (earliest) JuneCouncil - Adoption of FP and Rules (earliest) JulyCouncil and EP - Adoption of FP and Rules JulyCouncil - Adoption of the SPs OctCommission - Adoption of Work programmes and necessary materials NovCommission - Publication of 1 st calls SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
More information on EU environment research: Information on FP6: Information on FP6 calls relevant for environmental research: Future research: Information SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
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