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Proteomic Mass Spectrometry

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Presentation on theme: "Proteomic Mass Spectrometry"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proteomic Mass Spectrometry

2 Outline Previous Research Project Goals Data and Algorithms
Experimental Results Conclusions To Do List

3 Motivation MS spectra has high dimension Dimensionality Reduction (DR)
Most ML algorithms are incapable of handling such high dimensional data Dimensionality Reduction (DR) Preserve as much information as possible, while reducing the dimensionality. Feature Extraction (FE) Removal of irrelevant and/or redundant features (information)

4 Previous research Usually applies DR then FE Does Order matter ?
DR: Down Sampling, PCA, Wavelets FE: T-Test, Random Forests, Manual Peak Extraction In [conrads03] show that high resolution MS spectra produces better classification accuracy. Most previous research down samples spectra CONJECTURE: Down Sampling detrimental to performance.

5 Project Goals Test Down Sampling Conjecture
Compare FE algorithms (NOTE: Optimal FE is NP-hard !) Use a simple but fast classifier to test a number of FE approaches Test across different data sets Are there any clearly superior FE algorithms ?

6 Three Data Sets Heart/Kidney (100/100) Ovarian Cancer (91/162)
164,168 features, 2 classes Ovarian Cancer (91/162) 15,154 features, 2 classes Prostate Cancer (63/190/26/43) 15,154 features, 4 classes Normal, Benign, Stage 1, Stage 2 Cancer Transformed into Normal/Benign Vs Cancer (1&2)

7 Algorithms Centroid Classifier
given class means P, Q and sample point s C = argmin (d(P,s), d(Q,s)) P Q d(Q,s) d(P,s)

8 Algorithms T-test – do the means of 2 distr. Differ ?
KS-test – do the cdf differ ? Composite – (T-test)*(KS-test) IFE - Individual Feature Evaluation using the centroid classifier DPCA – discriminative principle component analysis

9 Preliminary Experiments
Compare normalization approaches Compare similarity metrics Cross correlation (-L1) Angular Across 3 data sets => 27 configurations

10 Preliminary Experiments (cont)
No single norm/metric clearly superior on all data sets 2-5% increase in performance if suitable normalization and similarity metric chosen (can be up to 10% increase) L1-norm with angle similarity metric worked well on Heart/Kidney and Ovarian Cancer sets (easy sets) L1-norm and L1-metric best on Prostate 2-class problem (hard set).

11 Down Sampling

12 Statistical Tests T-test, KS-test, Composite
Ranks features in terms of relevance SFS – Sequential Forward Selection Selects ever increasing feature sets I.e., {1}; {1,2}; {1,2,3}; {1,2,3,4}

13 Heart/Kidney

14 Ovarian Cancer

15 Prostate Cancer

16 Single Feature Classification
Use each feature to classify test samples Rank features in terms of performance SFS

17 Performance Comparison

18 Performance Comparison

19 Performance Comparison

20 Summary For each data set, for each FE algorithm ran 15,000 3-fold cross validation experiments. Total of 810,000 FE experiments ran DE experiments ~ 100,000 experiments Additional 50,000 experiments using DPCA classifier did not produce significantly different results than the centroid classifier

21 Conclusions HK and Ovarian Data sets considerably easier to classify than Prostate Cancer Feature Extraction (in general) significantly improves performance on all data sets No single technique superior on all data sets. Best Performance using SFS with feature weighting Smallest feature set with T-test of KS-Test Composite test inferior to all others. Down Sampling appears to be detrimental What about other Dim. Red. Techniques ? E.g. PCA and Wavelets

22 Conclusions Down Sampling appears to be detrimental
What about other Dim. Red. Techniques ? E.g. PCA and Wavelets What about FE after Down Sampling ? On Prostate data performance appears to drop w.r.t. to best single feature.

23 To Do List Check PCA, Wavelets and other DR techniques
Use other (better) classifiers General Hypothesis Use a simple fast classifier together with FE techniques to extract a good feature set Replace classifier with a more effective one. Need to verify that other classifiers respond well to the extracted features.

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