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Microorganisms Found in Food By Akrum Hamdy Akrum Hamdy.

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1 Microorganisms Found in Food By Akrum Hamdy Akrum Hamdy

2 .  A. Grains  1. Importance of drying  2. Microbial spoilers  B. Fruits and vegetables  1. Commensals  2. Microbial spoilers  C. Meats and poultry  1. Meat inspection  2. Aging of meat  3. Ground meats  4. Poultry and eggs  D. Fish and shellfish  1. Fresh fish  2. Shellfish  3. Crustaceans  E. Milk  1. Milk handling  2. Milk contaminants  3. Milk-souring agents  E. Other edible substances  1. Sugar and sugar products/ 2. Maple syrup and honey  3. Spices/ 4. Condiments/ 5. Beverages

3 Preventing Disease Transmission and Food Spoilage  A. Pathogenic organisms transmitted in food and milk  B. Food preservation  1. Canning  a.Thermophilic anaerobic spoilage  b.Flat sour spoilage  c.Mesophilic spoilage  2. Refrigeration and freezing  3. Drying and lyophilization  4. irradiation  a. Nonionizing radiation  b. Ionizing radiation  5. Chemical additives  6. Antibiotics  C. Pasteurization of milk  1. High temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization  2. Low temperature long-time (LTLT) pasteurization  3. Ultra high temperature treatment (UHT)  D. Standards for food and milk production  1. Continued hazards  2. Milk quality tests

4 Microorganisms as Food and in Food Production   A. Algae, fungi, and bacteria as food  1. Yeast food products  2. Algal cultures  3. Bacterial food products  B. Food production  1. Bread  2. Dairy products  3. Cheeses  a. Cheese production  b. Cheese ripening  c. Flavoring  4. Other products  a. Vinegar  b. Sauerkraut  c. Pickles  d. Olives  e. Poi  f. Soy sauce  g. Soy products  h. fermented meats

5  Beer, Wine, and Spirits  A. Fermentation processes  B. Beer  C. Wine  D. Spirits  Industrial and Pharmaceutical Microbiology  A. Industrial and pharmaceutical applications  B. Genetic engineering  C. Useful metabolic processes  D. Problems of industrial microbiology  1. Fermentation vats  2. Continuous reactors


7 Useful Organic Products  A. Simple organic compounds  1. Ethanol  2. Butanol and acetone  3. Glycerol  4. Organic acids  B. Antibiotics  1. Production of penicillin  2. Production of semisynthetic antibiotics  C. Enzymes  1. Enzyme production  2. Proteases and amylases  3. Proteolytic enzymes  4. Enzymes in paper production  D. Amino acids  E. Other biological products  1. Vaccines  2. Bioconversion  3. Single-cell proteins


9  Microbiological Mining  A. Copper mining  B. Other mineral mining  Microbiological Waste Disposal  A. Basic problems  B. Degradation of toxins

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