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Automatic Detection and Repair of Errors in Data Structures Brian Demsky Martin Rinard Laboratory for Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Automatic Detection and Repair of Errors in Data Structures Brian Demsky Martin Rinard Laboratory for Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automatic Detection and Repair of Errors in Data Structures Brian Demsky Martin Rinard Laboratory for Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2 Motivation F = 20 G = 5 F = 20 G = 10 I = 5 J = 2 Broken Data Structure Errors Missing elements Inappropriate sharing Dangling references Out of bounds array indices Inconsistent values

3 Goal F = 10 G = 5 F = 20 G = 10 I = 3 J = 2 F = 2 G = 1 F = 20 G = 5 F = 20 G = 10 I = 5 J = 2 Broken Data StructureConsistent Data Structure Repair Algorithm

4 Goal F = 10 G = 5 F = 20 G = 10 I = 3 J = 2 F = 2 G = 1 F = 20 G = 5 F = 20 G = 10 I = 5 J = 2 Broken Data StructureConsistent Data Structure Repair Algorithm Consistency Properties From Developer

5 What Does Repair Algorithm Produce? Data structure that Satisfies consistency properties, and Heuristically close to broken data structure Not necessarily the same data structure as (hypothetical) correct program would produce But enough to keep program going

6 Precursors Data structure repair has historically appeared in systems with extreme reliability goals 5ESS switch – hand coded audit routines IBM MVS operating system – hand coded failure recovery routines Key component of these systems

7 Where Is This Likely To Be Useful? Not for transient errors in systems with slack – you can just reboot Must be willing to lose volatile state Must be willing to wait for system to come back up Permanent data structures File systems Application files (Word, PowerPoint, …) Autonomous systems Critical systems

8 Architecture 1011100110001111011 1010101011110011101 1010111000111101110 Broken Bits Broken Abstract Model Repaired Abstract Model 1010011110001111011 1010110101110011010 1010111011001100010 Repaired Bits Model Definition & Translation Internal Consistency Properties External Consistency Properties

9 Architecture Rationale Why go through abstract model? Simple, uniform structure Sets of objects Relations between objects Simplifies both Expression of consistency properties Repair algorithm Enables system to support full range of efficient, heavily encoded data structures

10 File System Example abstintro 021 Directory EntriesDisk Blocks struct Entry { byte name[Length]; int firstBlock; } struct Block { int nextBlock; data byte[BlockSize]; } struct Disk { Entry dir[NumEntries]; Block block[NumBlocks]; } Disk D; -5 1

11 Model Definition Sets of objects set blocks of integer : partition used | free; Relations between objects – values of object fields, referencing relationships between objects relation next : used, used; blocks usedfree next

12 Model Translation Bits translated to sets and relations in abstract model using statements of the form: Quantifiers, Condition  Inclusion Constraint for i in 0..NumEntries, 0  D.dir[i].firstBlock and D.dir[i].firstBlock < NumBlocks  D.dir[i].firstBlock in used for b in used, 0  D.block[b].nextBlock and D.block[b].nextBlock < NumBlocks   b,D.block[b].nextBlock  in next for  b,n  in next, true  n in used for b in 0..NumBlocks, not (b in used)  b in free

13 Model in Example 1 0 2 next used free 3 blocks abstintro 021 Directory EntriesDisk Blocks -5 1

14 Internal Consistency Properties Quantifiers, Body Body is first-order property of basic propositions Inequality constraints on values of numeric fields V.R = E, V.R E Presence of required number of objects size(S) = C, size(S)  C, size(S)  C Topology of region surrounding each object size(V.R) = C, size(V.R)  C, size(V.R)  C size(R.V) = C, size(R.V)  C, size(R.V)  C Inclusion constraints: V in S, V 1 in V 2.R,  V 1,V 2  in R Example: for b in used, size(next.b)  1

15 Internal Consistency Violations Evaluate consistency properties, find violations for b in used, size(next.b)  1 is false for b = 1 1 0 2 next used free 3 blocks

16 Repairing Violations of Internal Consistency Properties Violation provides binding for quantified variables Convert Body to disjunctive normal form (p 1  …  p n )  …  (q 1  …  q m ) p 1 … p n, q 1 … q m are basic propositions Choose a conjunction to satisfy Repair violated basic propositions in conjunction

17 Repairing Violations of Basic Propositions Inequality constraints on values of numeric fields V.R = E, V.R E Compute value of expression, assign field Presence of required number of objects size(S) = C, size(S)  C, size(S)  C Remove or insert objects from/to set Topology of region surrounding each object size(V.R) = C, size(V.R)  C, size(V.R)  C size(R.V) = C, size(R.V)  C, size(R.V)  C Remove or insert pairs from/to relation Inclusion constraints: V in S, V 1 in V 2.R,  V 1,V 2  in R Add object or pair to set or relation

18 Repair in Example for b in used, size(next.b)  1 is false for b = 1 Must repair size(next.1)  1 Can remove either  0,1  or  2,1  from next 1 0 2 next used free 3 blocks

19 Repair in Example for b in used, size(next.b)  1 is false for b = 1 Must repair size(next.1)  1 Can remove either  0,1  or  2,1  from next 1 0 2 next used free 3 blocks

20 Acyclic Repair Dependences Questions Isn’t it possible for the repair of one constraint to invalidate another constraint? What about infinite repair loops? What about unsatisfiable specifications? Answer We require specifications to have no cyclic repair dependences between constraints So all repair sequences terminate Repair can fail only because of resource limitations

21 External Consistency Constraints Quantifiers, Condition  Body Body of form V = E, V.F = E, V.F[I] = E Example for b in free, true  D.block[b].nextBlock = -2 for  i,j  in next, true  D.block[i].nextBlock = j for b in used, size( = 0  D.block[b].nextBlock = -1 Repair simply performs assignments Translates model repairs to bit repairs

22 abstintro 021 Directory EntriesDisk Blocks -5 1 abstintro 021 Directory EntriesDisk Blocks -2 Repaired File System Repair in Example Inconsistent File System

23 What About Corrupted Pointers? Sets may contain pointers to structs System only allows valid structs in model struct must be completely in valid memory one struct may be nested inside another struct (but must agree on memory format) Valid Memory Invalid Memory Valid Struct Valid Structs Invalid Struct

24 When to Test for Consistency and Repair Persistent data structures Repair can be independent activity, or Repair when data written out or read in Volatile data structures in running program Under programmer control Transaction-based approach Identify transaction start and end Repair at start, end, or both Failure-based approach Wait until program fails Repair and restart from latest safe point

25 Experience We acquired three benchmarks Simplified Linux file system Freeciv interactive game Microsoft Word files We developed specifications for all three Less than a week of development time Most of time spent figuring out Freeciv Each benchmark has Workload Fault insertion methodology Ran benchmarks with and without repair

26 intro 110 0 1011 directory block inode bitmap block bitmap block inode … inode block disk blocks Simplified Linux File System Some Consistency Properties inode bitmap consistent with inode usage block bitmap consistent with block usage directory entries refer to valid inodes files contain valid blocks only files do not share blocks super block group block

27 Results Workload – write and verify several files Fault insertion – crash file system Inode and block bitmap errors Partially initialized directory and inode entries Without repair Incorrect file contents because of inode and disk block sharing With repair Bitmaps repaired preventing illegal sharing, correct file contents

28 POMM OOMP POMM PPMP loc: 3,0 loc: 2,3 Terrain Grid City Structures Freeciv Consistency Properties Tiles have valid terrain values Cities are not in the ocean Each city has exactly one reference from city location grid City locations are consistent in City structures and tile grid O = Ocean P = Plain M = Mountain

29 Results Workload – Freeciv software plays against itself Fault insertion – randomly corrupt terrain values Without repair – program fails (seg fault) With repair Game runs just fine But game plays out differently because of the different terrain values

30 Microsoft Word Files Files consist of a sequence of streams Streams stored using FAT-based data structure -21 Header FAT block Disk Blocks

31 Consistency Properties The FAT blocks exist FAT contains valid values only -1 – terminates FAT streams -2 – indicates free blocks Valid disk block index – next block in stream FAT streams properly terminated Free blocks properly marked Streams contain valid blocks only Streams do not share blocks

32 Results Workload – several Microsoft Word files Fault insertion – scramble FAT Without repair If blocks containing the FAT were incorrectly marked as free, Word successfully loads file Otherwise, “The document name or path is not valid” With repair Word loads all files

33 Related Work Hand-coded repair Lucent 5ESS switch IBM MVS operating system Transactions Identify actions that leave system consistent If action fails, roll back to consistent state Checkpoint and recovery Reboot system from scratch Logging for roll-forward Self-stabilizing algorithms

34 Conclusion Data structure repair interesting way to (potentially) improve reliability Specification-based approach promises to make technique more widely applicable Moving towards more robust, probabilistic, continuous concept of system behavior

35 Formalizing Repair Dependences: Constraint Dependence Graph P (a 1  …  a n ) (b 1  …  b n ) Q (c 1  …  c n )(d 1  …  d n ) T (e 1  …  e n )(f 1  …  f n ) Nodes: Constraint, Conjuncts from DNF Edges constraint to its conjunctions conjunction to dependent propositions if repairing conjunction could falsify proposition, or if repairing conjunction could increase quantifier scope

36 Formalizing Repair Dependences: Constraint Dependence Graph P (a 1  …  a n ) (b 1  …  b n ) Q (c 1  …  c n )(d 1  …  d n ) T (e 1  …  e n )(f 1  …  f n ) Absence of cycles implies valid repair schedule Conjunction removal for cycle elimination (must leave at least one conjunction per constraint)

37 Formalizing Repair Dependences: Constraint Dependence Graph P (a 1  …  a n ) (b 1  …  b n ) Q (c 1  …  c n )(d 1  …  d n ) T (e 1  …  e n ) Absence of cycles implies valid repair schedule Conjunction removal for cycle elimination (must leave at least one conjunction per proposition)

38 Pointers Sets in model can include Primitive types (int, char, …) Structs (identified by pointer to struct) Standard linked list example struct node { int value; node *next; } set nodes of node; relation next : node, node; for n in nodes, true  in nodes for n in nodes, true   n,  in next

39 What About Corrupted Pointers? System only allows valid structs in model struct must be completely in valid memory one struct may be nested inside another struct (but must agree on memory format) If encounter invalid or null pointer, the (invalid) struct does not appear in model Implementation must track operations that affect valid regions of address space malloc, free mmap, munmap

40 Usage Scenarios Reduced development effort Invest less effort in finding and fixing bugs Rely on repair to deliver reliable system Afraid to fix bug Cheap insurance policy No good quantitative justification But repair seems like a good idea

41 Issues Unclear relationship between repaired bits and bits from “correct” execution of program Identifying results involving repaired data Characterizing likely errors Data races in multithreaded programs Failure to update correlated data structures Caching inconsistencies Unanticipated failures/exit points Constraint language expressivity Coverage of desired properties Limitations from acyclicity requirement When to test for consistency and repair

42 Interesting Nuggets Small specifications Global invariant advantages

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