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Research Methodology EPH 7112 LECTURE 4: ANALYSIS PHASE.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Methodology EPH 7112 LECTURE 4: ANALYSIS PHASE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Methodology EPH 7112 LECTURE 4: ANALYSIS PHASE

2 Contents Analysis phase Objective Describe problem Set performance criteria Investigate related work Identifying the objectives of the study Assignment: Critical Review

3 Analysis phase Stems from the Greek word Analuein – to undo Ana – throughout Luein – to loosen

4 Analysis phase Implies fundamental process of analysis To disassemble something Into its component parts

5 Analysis phase objective Gain thorough understanding of the components of the problem leading to a specific objective for the task

6 Analysis phase steps Describe problem Set performance criteria Investigate related work State objective

7 Car breaks down Study the symptoms Read the manuals Call your friend Call AAM Sldnflsn Sdnfks slndflnd

8 Step 1: Describe problem What seems to be the problem? “I have a sore throat” “What is this rash on my arm?” “Please find out what’s causing these terrible headache”

9 Describe problem “I have a sore throat” - Complaint “What is this rash on my arm?” - Question “Please find out what’s causing these terrible headache” - Requirement

10 Describe problem Doctor will diagnose illness Explore background Objective: run test to diagnose illness Hypotheses determine what test Synthesis carry out test Validation: conclusion Research Task – acquire knowledge

11 Describe problem “Please treat my tonsillitis” Doctor will provide medication Development task Apply existing knowledge to create an effect

12 Problem statement Expressed as an interrogative sentence declarative sentence imperative sentence that summarizes a question, complaint or requirement

13 Problem statement Background to problem required Minimize initial conditions To allow innovation

14 Step 2: Set Performance Criteria Requirements any solution to problem must fulfill Clearly defined Explained and justified

15 Set performance criteria Avoid performance criteria that are: Excessively precise Conflicting Hard rules vs. Soft rules Limitations limit innovation

16 Set performance criteria Development projects constrained by Market demand Application domain

17 Set performance criteria Aerospace new plane to carry 450 passengers maximum range > 10,000 km Result of market survey Profitable routes

18 Set performance criteria Microchip manufacturer run 3 times faster than closest competitor heat dissipation and power requirement suitable for laptop

19 Step 3: Investigate related work Investigate what has been done before To avoid reinventing the wheel

20 Investigate related work The objective may have been achieved in the past Results can be acquired and applied Especially if industrial research Purchase the solution! Buy vs. Make

21 Investigate related work Postgraduate – academic research Need original and significant contribution No news is good news Secure publication fast

22 Investigate related work How to investigate? Typically from literature searches Printed version Online version

23 Investigate related work Printed version

24 Investigate related work Online version


26 Investigate related work Library resources Online databases Online Journals Thesis collection Books E-books Serial collection

27 Investigate related work Books Monographs Technical reports Internet Newspaper Magazine Manufacturer technical specification

28 Investigate related work Easily accessible Often overlooked discussion with colleagues networking at conferences and meetings technical seminars Vendors and suppliers

29 Investigate related work Critical review Scrutinize ideas & findings

30 Step 4: State objective To express what to achieve Single objective Highly specific Realistic expectation

31 State objective S. M. A. R. T. S – specific M – measurable A – attainable R – realistic T – time frame

32 Conclusion Analysis phase is fundamental to the Scientific Method To seek understanding of the problem Carried out iteratively and recursively

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