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Second Quantization -- Fermions Do essentially the same steps as with bosons. Order all states and put in ones and zeros for filled and unfilled states.

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Presentation on theme: "Second Quantization -- Fermions Do essentially the same steps as with bosons. Order all states and put in ones and zeros for filled and unfilled states."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Quantization -- Fermions Do essentially the same steps as with bosons. Order all states and put in ones and zeros for filled and unfilled states respectively. Example: three particle system

2 Slater Determinant Slater determinate Makes wave function antisymmetric Keeps track of signs for f ’s. E’ i ’s are ordered. Only the N occupied states go into determinant. Occupation number space

3 Fermion Anticommutators 1. Two particles cannot be in the same state. 2. 0,1 are eigenvalues of number operator. 3. Going to creation and annihilation operators

4 Phases for Occupation States Again define occupation state as: where n i =0,1 Need to be careful of phases for raising and lowering operators: Phases become 1 for number operator!

5 Phase Factor in Hamiltonian Reorder both sides to normal order. (First move the W to where E k should be; then move it to its proper position. Phase factor depends on whether W>E k or <E k Define:

6 Continued First term always there. Second and third term may be present iff: Remembering: Coupled Equations

7 Going to Second Quantization

8 Green Term Continued Likewise for two other kinetic energy terms (see problem sets). Put delta functions in explicitly Go to “after” n’s

9 Potential Energy Term k level is now occupied. Must include in sum as we move to the l level. This is the term i<j<k<l.

10 Green Term Likewise for other terms (see problem sets). Sign from extra -1 in phase Reorder to restore + in front

11 Both Kinetic and Potential Terms Second Quantization Result Note order to preserve sign.

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