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1 Efficient decomposition for Minkowski computation Eyal Flato and Dan Halperin.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Efficient decomposition for Minkowski computation Eyal Flato and Dan Halperin."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Efficient decomposition for Minkowski computation Eyal Flato and Dan Halperin

2 2 Nonoptimality of min-convex Minimizing the number of convex subpolygons is not always the best strategy: 7 subpolygons 6 subpolygons

3 3 Nonoptimality of min-convex (contd.) Minkowski sumunderlying arr.knife input

4 4 Mixed decomposition  Decomposition techniques that handle P and Q separately might not be sufficient  According to the previous results, we wish to consider the overall length of the decomposition

5 5 Decomposition length effect: an example P - fixed size, two types of decompositions Q - fixed decomposition, scaled size Q grows

6 6 Decomposition length effect: results Time for computing the Minkowski sum of a knife polygon P (using two types of decompositions) with a random polygon Q that is scaled differently Q grows

7 7 Mixed objective function - motivation Time of the arrangement union algorithm: O(I + k log k) k is the number of edges of R; we get smaller k for decompositions with lower number of subpolygons. I is the number of intersections among edges of R. It is harder to optimize I.

8 8 Smaller number of intersections of segments  We want each edge of R to intersect as few polygons of R as possible   (L(R ij )) - the standard rigid-motion invariant measure of the set of lines intersecting R ij   (L(R ij )) is the perimeter of R ij

9 9 Length vs. number of intersections

10 10 The mixed function k Q (2  P +  P ) + k P (2  Q +  Q ) k P - number of subpolygons in the convex decomposition of P  P - total length of diagonal in the decomposition of P  P - the perimeter of P The function measures the overall length of the edges of R. We developed an O(n 2 r P 2 + m 2 r Q 2 ) decomposition algorithm that minimzes this function (based on [Keil85])

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