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Globalization, Localization and Individualization in Education: Pedagogic Implications for IBO Schools Yin Cheong CHENG Asia-Pacific Centre for Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization, Localization and Individualization in Education: Pedagogic Implications for IBO Schools Yin Cheong CHENG Asia-Pacific Centre for Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization, Localization and Individualization in Education: Pedagogic Implications for IBO Schools Yin Cheong CHENG Asia-Pacific Centre for Education Leadership and School Quality Hong Kong Institute of Education Keynote Presentation at the IBO Regional Conference 19-21 March 2004, Mumbai India

2 2 Congratulations & Thanks

3 In the New Century Knowledge vs Intelligence ??

4 New Paradigm of Education Implications for IBO Schools 1.Implementation of New Education 2.Change in Teacher Roles and Teaching Approaches 3.Curriculum Reform Aims of Presentation

5 Challenges to New Generations in New Millennium 1.Tremendous Impacts of Information Technology 2.Rapid Multiple Globalizations 3.Transformation towards Knowledge-based Economy/ Intelligence-based Economy 4.International and Regional Competitions & Conflicts 5.Local Demands for Developments…………

6 6 Is Our Existing Education Still Effective and Relevant to the Future of Our Students ??

7 1.Develop New Education Aims relevant to the Future ? 2.Initiate Innovative Approach to Achieving them ? 3.Provide Unlimited Opportunities for Students’ Learning? How to reform education …..?

8 Paradigm Shift in Education in the New Century Traditional Site-Bounded Paradigm New Triplization Paradigm Cheng (2000) Shift

9 Development of Students’ Intelligence Triplization of Education ( (= globalization + localization + individualization iin education) New Paradigm of Education: Cheng (1999, 2000a)

10 10 Howard Gardner (1993) Multiple Intelligences (Biological) musical intelligence bodily-kinesthetic intelligence logical-mathematical intelligence linguistic intelligence spatial intelligence interpersonal intelligence intrapersonal intelligence

11 11 Cheng’s (2000) Typology of Human Being and Intelligence In new century Technological Person Economic Person Social Person Political Person Cultural Person Learning Person Technological Intelligence Economic Intelligence Social Intelligence Political Intelligence Cultural Intelligence Learning Intelligence

12 12 Cultural Intelligence Political Intelligence Learning Intelligence Social Intelligence Technological Intelligence Economic Intelligence Pentagon Theory of CMI For Education

13 13 Challenges to Our Education: How well we can facilitate : 1. Development of CMI? 2. Intelligence Transfer?  Creativity 3. Learning Intelligence as the Core ?

14 Localization Economic Globalization Political Globali- zation Learning Globali- zation Individualization Social Globali- zation Cultural Globali- zation Technological Globalization CI SI TI PI EI LI Triplization in Education :  Globalization+ Localization+ Individualization

15 A Globalized, Localized, & Individualized CMI Citizen Who will be engaged in life long learning and will creatively contribute to building up a CMI society and a CMI global village

16 16 Paradigm Shift in Learning Individualized Learning Student is the Centre of Education Individualized Programs Self Learning Self Actualizing Process Focus on How to Learn Self Rewarding Reproduced Learning: Student is the Follower of Teacher Standard Programs Absorbing Knowledge Receiving Process Focus on How to Gain External Rewarding NewTraditional

17 17 Paradigm Shift in Learning Localized and Globalized Learning: Multiple Sources of Learning Networked Learning Life-long and Everywhere Unlimited Opportunities World-Class Learning Local and International Outlook Site-Bounded Learning: Teacher-Based Learning Separated Learning Fixed Period and Within Institution Limited Opportunities Site-Bounded Learning Mainly Institution-based Experiences TraditionalNew

18 18 Challenge to Our Learning Theory How can we facilitate such a paradigm shift in learning?  We need to have deeper understanding of self- learning

19 19 Self Learning Cycle 5. Outcome 3. Action 1. Mind-set 2. Plan 4. Monitor 6. Feedback 7. Feedback Low Order Learning High Order Learning

20 20 Challenges to Our Educational Environment How can we effectively facilitate such a continuous self-learning cycle among our students?

21 21 To Build Up A Borderless Networked Human and Technological Environment Re-define: Boundary and nature of the learning context Composition of players involved in the learning process Format, speed and nature of communication and feedback Knowledge generation, management, sharing and utilization

22 22 A community of networked learning groups C C C C C C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YClassroomTeacher Learner A community of networked self learners

23 23 Network of learning communities Community of networked learning groups Community of Networked Learning Societies

24 HumanEnvironmentITEnvironment MINDSET Motivation Meta- Cognition Volition Cognitive capacity building Information generation + Engendering vision Supporting volition + Inspiring Sustaining Stimulate Facilitate +

25 HumanEnvironmentITEnvironment ACTION Engage in learning Interaction, challenge, stimulation Bountiful & up- to-date resource + Establish frame of reference Emotional safety net Immediate feedback & positioning + Control learning Expert advice, benchmark Quick access Linkage of learners +

26 26 Given the New Paradigm in Learning, Implications for Paradigm Shift in Teaching ?

27 New Vision of Teaching to facilitate paradigm shift towards the new triplized learningto facilitate paradigm shift towards the new triplized learning to provide a triplized learning environment, with the support of IT and local and global networking,to provide a triplized learning environment, with the support of IT and local and global networking, for developing students’ triplized self learning ability & CMI.for developing students’ triplized self learning ability & CMI.

28 28 What Teacher-Student Relationship for New Learning? Teacher Students ??

29 29 Investigation skills SearcherExperimentat- ion 5. Questioner Adventurous- ness ExplorerSearching, observing 4. Guide CreativenessDesigner -creator Making 3. Patron ResponsibilityPartnerParticipation 2. Partner Self- determination Searcher,As determined by student 1. Appreciator Likely Student Quality as Outcome Student’ s Role Teaching/ Learning Process Teacher’s Role High Order Learning

30 30 SkillsTraineeImitation10. Exemplar Possession of information MemorizerTransfer of information 9. Instructor HabitsSubjectConditioning8. Moulder InsightClientExpression of feeling 7. Counsellor UnderstandingThinkerReflection6. Tutor Low Order Learning

31 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Teacher Role Student Role 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Teacher Direct Instruction Student Self-Initiative (Self Learning) Teacher Centered Student Centered

32 32 To facilitate student self initiative…. How can we facilitate teachers and students to shift their roles from the higher end (8-10) towards the lower one (1-4)? What implications for curriculum reforms?

33 33 Students- Centred Examination- Centred Teacher- Centred Subject Knowledge- based/Separated Multiple Intelligence- based/ Integrative Curriculum & Instruction Existing Situation III IIIIV 10%- 30% in 3 years

34 34 Students- Centred Examination- Centred Teacher- Centred Subject Knowledge- based/Separated Multiple Intelligence-based/ Integrative Curriculum & Instruction After 3-5 Years After 3-5 Years I II IIIIV

35 All our students will become triplized CMI Citizens. They fully enjoy life-long self- learning and actualization and contribute to a CMI society and a CMI global village My Dream……

36 All our teachers will become triplized CMI teachers. They share the joy of triplized learning and teaching with students and pursue life-long professional development My Dream…..

37 All our schools will become triplized schools. All educators are dedicated to create unlimited opportunities for all students’ learning and development My Dream……

38 38

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