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Data on Utah’s New Nonprofit Normal Fraser Nelson & Nancy Winemiller Basinger, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Data on Utah’s New Nonprofit Normal Fraser Nelson & Nancy Winemiller Basinger, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data on Utah’s New Nonprofit Normal Fraser Nelson & Nancy Winemiller Basinger, Ph.D.

2 The Community Foundation of Utah is working with entrepreneurs to meet their charitable inclinations

3 e e t r h t ow o en social entrepreneurship sustainability engagement and accountability

4 For the past year, with the support of Wells Fargo, we have been measuring the impact of the recession on Utah’s nonprofit sector

5 e e t r h t ow o en Needs and services Giving and revenues Planning for the future

6 Current Scope of the NP Sector 947,274 501(c)(3) public charities in the U.S. – a 60% increase! 8.11% of wages and salaries paid in the U.S. Total Revenues = $1.4 trillion 22% of these came from contributions and grants 67% came from program service revenues Total Expenses = $1.3 trillion

7 Scope of Utah’s Nonprofit Sector 5,791 501(c)(3)s Registered 893 grant-making foundations 85 operating foundations 3,035 501(c)(3)s Filing 990 in last 2 yrs 1,976 501(c)(3)s Non-zero recent 990 filing

8 Density of Nonprofits in Utah Active UT Charities per 10,000 residents: 7.22 Active US Charities per 10,000 residents: 11.6

9 Areas of Service – UT Nonprofits UTAH % Charity FilersNATIONAL % Charity Filers Arts & Humanities12.712.46 Education31.318.84 Environment & Animals6.3%4.93 Health Care8.9%10.64 Human Services25%32.35 International2.7%1.88 Public, Societal Benefit10.912.39 Religion2.26.3

10 What is the ‘new normal’? Revenue down Needs up Leaner organizations, fewer staff, more volunteers More collaborations, some mergers New efficiencies in service delivery models No rainy day funds; little to no endowments Hope emerging

11 Sense of doom at the start of ‘09 20% of nonprofit leaders expected to cut their workforce in 2009. Over 64% of nonprofits reported a significant increase in demand for their services. Almost 50% did not think they would have the resources needed to meet the increasing demand for services. 70% thought that the next six months would bring increased hardship for their clients and their agencies. 28% of nonprofits had already seen reductions in giving. Leaders felt things would get worse, quickly…. They were right.

12 … and by July 2009 National data bad 44% saw decrease in corporate giving 42% saw decrease in foundation giving – “Impact of the 2007-2008 Economic Recession on Nonprofit Organizations” Bridgespan, Listening Post study (ongoing) Utah worse 55% saw decrease in corporate giving 44% saw decrease in foundation giving One bright spot - Utah’s individual giving, which is the highest in the country

13 Charitable Contributions in UT Average Adjusted Gross Income per Individual Income Tax Return in UT: $53,555 (20 th ) Average Charitable Contribution per return: $2,609 (1 st ) Average Charitable Contribution per return as a % of AGI: 4.9% (1 st ) National Avg= 2.2%

14 … by the fall ‘Living on the Edge’ 35% of agencies had no reserves at all, meaning that the agency was surviving donation to donation. 60% with some reserve – but 40% already tapping into their savings Less than 10% had an endowment that generated funds for the agency.

15 More Need = More NP Demand! In Utah, 45% of nonprofits reported at least a 10% increase in demand for services in late 2009. – 15% saw increases at or above 40% Nationally, 80% of nonprofits expect to face increased demand in 2010 but only 49% expect to be able to meet this demand.

16 At the dawn of 2010 45% of nonprofits reported at least a 10% increase in demand for services in late 2009. – 15% saw increases at or above 40%. Year end giving down 25% over 2008 – Foundation and corporate giving down by nearly 50% 40% of EDs took personal cuts, compared to 30% nationally Some signs of optimism

17 Individual Donation Trends 35% realized a significant decrease in year-end giving 28% of groups report a significant decrease in contributions overall 37% of this reduction was in small and mid-size nonprofits. Overall, nearly 25% of reporting nonprofits saw a significant decreased in the NUMBER of donors to their organizations.

18 Coping with the New Normal Nonprofits in Utah used a variety of coping strategies – 38% of groups employed 4 or 5 strategies simultaneously. The most common coping strategies : find efficiencies, measuring impact and creating new programs.

19 Collaborations: National trends 30% of Utah nonprofits looked for new ways to collaborate in 2009. Nationally, the leading foundations believe one long-term impact of the recession will be “collaborations among creative groups to produce more effective programs.” Foundations’ Year-end Outlook for Giving and the Sector. Lawrence. The Foundation Center, November 2009

20 Volunteerism: National trends In 2009, 63.4 million people, or 26.8% of all Americans volunteered. – The median number of hours spent volunteering was 52 for males and 50 for females. – People age 65 and over spent a median of 90 hours volunteering during the year.

21 Utah ahead of these trend 43.5% of Utahns volunteer (1 st ) – 62% volunteered with Religious organizations – 28.8% volunteered with Health, Educational or Human Service organizations. The median number of hours volunteered per resident is 80.1 hours. A total of 150.3 million hours of service were donated. $3.0 billion of service were contributed.

22 Reported collaborations (n=154)

23 Types of collaboration

24 Benefits to the organization

25 Benefits to the community

26 Mergers increasing slowly

27 I think if there's a great depression there might be some hope. Lawrence Ferlinghetti

28 Predictions for the coming year

29 Annual Changes in NP Funding Contrib- ution Source 2009 Significant Decrease 2010 Significant Decrease 2009 About the Same 2010 About the Same 2009 Significant Increase 2010 Significant Increase Individuals27.9%29.1%61.0%52.8%11.0%18.1% Corporate47.9%48.0%45.1%43.2%7.0%8.8% Foundation33.8%45.8%55.9%47.5%10.3%6.7%


31 What do you care about? What are your funders asking for that you have trouble finding? What data do you need to plan effectively? What would you like us to address in our next studies?

32 For more information

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