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Parallel Lines and Spirals Exercise

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Lines and Spirals Exercise"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Lines and Spirals Exercise
Product Design Sketching Activity

2 Activity Objectives In this exercise, you will get to
acquire control in the lines you draw develop skill and confidence in line drawing

3 Instructions Draw in one single continuous line
Do not break lines into many segments Draw slowly

4 Parallel Lines The ability to draw parallel lines is paramount in product design sketching Draw slowly Look ahead and use the edges of the paper as visual guides Do not let yourself be interfered by previous mistakes Lines start and stop cleanly, an accentuated end is better than fading end


6 Point-to-point Lines When we draw product forms in perspective, we have to draw medium-length straight lines from point to point Draw 50 dots randomly on a blank sheet of paper Connect dots distant from each other with straight lines




10 Circles Circles big and small are used frequently in product design sketching Draw a row of circles between guidelines 2cm apart Draw with even circular motion so that the curvature is smooth Repeat with guidelines of 4cm apart

11 Spirals Fill up a full sheet with circular spirals each of at least 10 revolutions Draw in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions




15 Curves Curves of different acceleration are used to give dynamism to product forms Draw Curves groups of changing curvature


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