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ESA Science Programme Status of ILWS Related Activities
Hermann J. Opgenoorth ESA – ESTEC Solar System Missions Division (SCI-SM) Research and Scientific Support Department (RSSD)
Reorganisation within RSSD
From Division for Solar and Solar Terrestrial Missions - Hermann Opgenoorth and Division for Planetary Missions Gerhard Schwehm to: Solar System Missions Division and Solar System Science Operation Division (Gerhard Schwehm) Nov May (Hermann Opgenoorth) Hermann Opgenoorth (as of June 2006) Gerhard Schwehm Science and Future Planning Operation of Missions in Orbit i.e. ILWS amongst others… (:-)
Existing Missions - Ulysses
Joint ESA-NASA Mission since 1990 Earlier anticipated end of Mission: 30. Sept. 2004 Recent ESA-SPC decision to extend the scientific operations by 3.5 years to March allowing third polar pass Now also successfully passed the NASA Senior Review - full support of extension to March 2008 Key Scientific Goals in the Context of Extension: Energetic particle and dust dynamics: effect of reversed field polarity on latitude dependence Reconfirm the north-south heliospheric asymmetry 3-D structure of CMEs and heliospheric current sheet observed in conjunction with ecliptic S/C like STEREO
Existing Missions - SOHO
ESA / NASA Collaboration since 1995 Currently in 4 year mission extension New extension decided in May 2006 SPC s.c. SOHO ”Bonus” or ”Bogart” Mission discussed: maintain a minimum suite of instruments beyond 2009 to provide Coronagraph (and possibly TSI) for ILWS
Existing Missions - Cluster
First 3-D satellite mission ever ESA - NASA Collaboration since 2000 Earlier ESA-SPC decision to change to 100 % orbital data coverage and 3 year mission extension: Additional SPC decision to add Cluster Active Archive, which was opened in February 2006, containing 2 years data Second mission extension for 2+2 years until December 2009 decided in February 2005 SPC meeting Cluster is presently at largest separation km in magnetotail
Existing Missions - Double Star
China / ESA collaboration since 2003 (TC1) and 2004 (TC2) Two satellites with European Cluster and new Chinese Instruments Magnetospheric equatorial (TC1, 570 x km) and polar orbits (TC2, 700 x km), matched to Cluster. No problems in science operation, in spite of failed attitude control Excellent science results - in particular in coordination with Cluster 1.5 yrs mission extension to December 2006 for TC1 and 1 year to July 2006 for TC2 decided by May 2005 SPC meeting Presently investigation ongoing to extend also TC2 to December 2006
Cluster new regions: subsolar point and auroral acceleration
Cluster Extension Cluster new regions: subsolar point and auroral acceleration Solar wind Magnetopause: Subsolar point 2001 2009
Double Star – Cluster: Evolution of Reconnection
Cluster Extension Double Star – Cluster: Evolution of Reconnection DSP Cluster Double Star and Cluster observed stong plasma flows at 5 min interval. This is the signature of reconnection between the solar wind magnetic field and the Earth’s magnetic field. Since at that time they were both at the same time at the magnetopause (thanks to the synchronised orbits), we can propose that reconnection started in the equatorial plane and then the reconnected field lines moved over the Southern pole where Cluster was located. Strong flow of plasma observed first at Double Star and 5 min later at Cluster From Pitout et al., 2005
Cluster at new region: Near-Earth Current Disruption
Cluster Extension Cluster at new region: Near-Earth Current Disruption Solar wind 2001 Near-Earth tail: Current Disruption Crossing of tail at 8-10 Earth radii Current Disruption: key process for substorms 2009
Extension summer 2005: Tail
XY 09 Sept. 2005, 16:00 UT Cluster: Re sep km DSP TC-1: 9 Re apog. above equator DSP TC-2: 7 Re apogee in tail 5 Re XZ <== Observe NENL and/or Bursty Bulk Flow at Cluster and then monitor Current Disruption and BBF breaking at DSP ==> Observe Current Disruption at DSP and then outgoing “rarefaction-wave” at Cluster. 21 Oct 1999 SOHO SWT-29
Extension summer 2006: Tail
Cluster: Re sep km DSP TC-1: 9 Re gradual sep. in Y DSP TC-2: apogee in southern hemisphere 11 Sept :00 TC-1 XZ plane XY plane => Observe the azimuthal extent and dynamics of current disruption 21 Oct 1999 SOHO SWT-29
Future Missions - SWARM
ESA - EOP Living Planet 3-satellite mission to study core dynamics and geodynamo processes, crustal magnetisation, and ocean circulation from low Earth orbit. Ionosphere-magnetosphere current systems and magnetic forcing of the upper atmosphere need to be derived and taken care of - “one man’s noise is another man’s data” Selected by Earth Observation Program Board for Launch in 2009 Electric Field Instrument (Ion Drift Meter) provided by CSA in collaboration with ESA Science Programme For optimisation of GEOSPACE science capabilities an additional electron instrument “Conducto-meter” was discussed - but not achieved Science operation and data products will be organised and shared between D/EOP and D/SCI (tbd)
KuaFu - in detailed study phase by CNSA, CMA, PKU Solar Storm, Aurora and Space Weather Exploration
Clear ESA and European memberstate interest to participate in this mission ( more on this tomorrow ) Launch Date: 2012
ESA Support to Solar-B ESA, in sub-contractual collaboration with the Norwegian Space Centre, will provide one additional downlink contact to Solar-B for each of the 15 orbits per day This will considerably improve the overall scientific data return and the cadence of observations from the Solar-B mission The European scientific community will be catered with processed data through a dedicated Solar B data centre at the University of Oslo MoU with JAXA basically agreed and soon to be signed. AO for two European members on the Solar-B SWT to be issued after summer.
Svalbard Ground Station for Solar-B
Reasons: Antenna redundancy, possibility to track all 15 orbits every day and Norwegian interest in the mission.
PROBA - 2 ESA Technology Demonstrator
Project for On-Board Autonomy within ESA D/TEC Successor of PROBA1 (launched in 2001, dedicated to Earth observation) ESA mission with Belgium as lead funder (through GSTP) Prime contractor: Verhaert Design & Devl. (Belgium) 2 calls for ideas for technology experiments and scientific payload resulted by mid-2002 in a selection of 15 technology elements 5 scientific instruments Schedule: development and launch September 2007 into an LEO Sun-synchronous orbit Following proposal to the ESA NLM programme the Proba-2 science operation has been «adopted« for a 2 year mission duration by the May 2006 SPC meeting - at a cost of 2.8 Meuro for ESA.
The PROBA2 Solar Payload
2 main Belgian-led instruments were selected by ESA: SWAP: Sun Watcher using APS and image Processing (co-PI’s: J.M. Defise-CSL & D. Berghmans-ROB) LYRA: Lyman Alpha Radiometer (PI: J.F. Hochedez-ROB) 3 other instruments (CZ and DK) are also part of the payload: DSLP: Dual Segmented Langmuir Probe TPMU: Thermal Plasma Measurement Unit for Microsatellites SGVM: Science Grade Vectorized Magnetometer
1024x1024 backsided CCD 1024x1024 coated CMOS APS FOV: 45 arcmin
17.1nm, 19.5nm, 28.4nm, 30.4 nm Fixed sun-centering at L1 12 min cadence 17.5nm Flexible off-pointing Protected by magnetosphere 1 min cadence
LYRA (E)UV channels 200-220 nm (Herzberg continuum)
nm (Lyman alpha) 17-30 nm (EUV, including HeII) 1-20 nm (soft X-rays) The nm Herzberg continuum range (interference filter) Lyman-alpha (121.6 nm, interference filter) Aluminium filter EUV channel (17-70 nm) incl. He II at 30.4 nm Zirconium filter XUV channel (1-20 nm) highest solar variability, rejecting strongly He II Woods et al 2005
Future Missions - Solar Orbiter
Selected as ESA Flexi-mission and confirmed as part of ”COSMIC VISION” Formal negotiations about a potential NASA contribution ( or collaboration with Solar Sentinels ) in progress… - Inner Heliosphere In-Situ observations and simultaneous Solar Remote Sensing Orbit up to 35 deg out of the ecliptic, i.e. topside view of polar regions and CME’s observe the far-side of the Sun from a co-rotating vantage point at 0.22 AU, equivalent to 48 Solar radii…
Mission Duration and Solar Cycle
Solar Orbiter Status Mission profile:
Launch by Soyuz-Fregat 2-1b (aim: March 2015, alt. Oct 2017) Cruise phase (Chemical Propulsion / SEP / ): / 3.0 / 1.8 yrs Nominal science mission duration: 3.2 yrs Extended mission (high-latitude phase): 3.8 yrs Minimum perihelion distance: 48 solar radii (0.22 AU) Maximum solar latitude: 35° (in extended phase) SPACECRAFT – two industrial studies completed (Sci-A) – 6 month delta-study (chem. prop.) completed PAYLOAD – definition completed Particles and Fields Package Remote-sensing Package PLAN : Call for Letters of Intent LoI issued - to sound P/L provision Presently looking at cost savings and/or international collaboration to maintain superior launch opportunity in 2015 & ILWS timeliness
ESA’s Cosmic Vision, 2015-2025 Call to be issued this autumn, subject to comments by SPRT
Themes: What are the conditions for life and planetary formation? How does the Solar System work? From the Sun to the edge of the Solar System “First, the hierarchy of scales in the magnetosphere (e.g. M3, Magnetospheric SWARM)” Gaseous Giants and their Moons The Building Blocks of the Solar System: Asteroids and Small Bodies What are the fundamental laws of the Universe? How did the Universe originate and what is it made of? Giovanni Bignami, chairman SSAC, 10 May 2005
Three scales of plasmas – shocks as an example
Orientation, motion, curvature, foreshock Shock Electron reflection, acceleration, electric fields Ion reflection, reformation, thermalisation, downstream waves
Cross-Scale – key concepts
Spacecraft on a hierarchy of scales Electron group Electron instruments 3 axis electric and magnetic fields Ion group Fast ion instruments Magnetic field instruments Fluid group Bulk plasma and field instruments Energetic particles Note Need different instrumentation at each scale Other agencies could provide one or more scales
Cross-Scale - The ESA context
Cosmic Vision Relative to other CV mission concepts, Cross-Scale is: Cheap: <€300M, baseline of single Soyuz-Fregat launch Quick: early in programme - by 2015? Easy: no technological show-stoppers Potential for international collaboration with JAXA SCOPE: 5-s/c mission for cross-scale plasma dynamics Led by Dr. M. Fujimoto, JAXA/ISAS First inter-agency discussions at two ESA /JAXA Bilaterals, (More on this tomorrow…)
European ILWS Strategy in an Overview
Major ESA Support or ESA – led Modest ESA Support Strong ESA/SCI endorsement 1 Sun and Solar Wind Energy Source Soho & Ulysses ext. Solar Orbiter BC–MMO SolarSent. Solar – B grnd. stat. Coronagraph (MoO) Stereo grnd. stat L1 mission(s) Solar - ISS Proba - 2 2a Ionosphere - Thermosphere Energy deposition Swarm To be identified Demeter Ravens 2b Magnetosphere Energy conversion Cluster / DSP extension M 3 development NLM’s candidates tbi Orbitals Frisbee National Multi-Sats 3 Sun and Climate End-to-End Observ. _ TSI M of Opp / C-Ph Picard & Earthshine 4 Data Exploitation, Analysis & Models Cluster Active Archive (CAA) SDO DB or EN-SVO Stereo / Solar–B GrSt Model and Theory Space Weather / GB
European ILWS Strategy in an Overview
Major ESA Support or ESA – led Modest ESA Support Strong ESA/SCI endorsement 1 Sun and Solar Wind Energy Source Soho & Ulysses ext. Solar Orbiter <== BC–MMO SolarSent. Solar – B grnd. stat. Coronagraph (SBM) Stereo grnd. stat. <= L1 mission(s)> KuaFu Solar - ISS (D/HME) == Proba - 2 2a Ionosphere - Thermosphere Energy deposition Swarm To be identified Demeter Ravens -> KuaFu 2b Magnetosphere Energy conversion Cluster / DSP extension Cross-Scale (CV15-25) NLM’s (?) candidates tbi Orbitals -> RBSP ? Frisbee (?) Natnl. Multi-Sats(?) 3 Sun and Climate End-to-End Observ. SOHO Bonus <== Mission (TSI) TSI - Mission of Opp. Earthshine (?) Picard (CNES) 4 Data Exploitation, Analysis & Models Cluster Active Archive (CAA) SDO DB or EN-SVO Stereo / Solar–B GrSt Model and Theory Space Weather / GB
Slide provided by E. Daly (D/TEC) ESA Technology Directorate (D/TEC)
Space Weather Applications Pilot Project is completing; new space engineering oriented collaboration structure being set up; Space Weather Working Team to continue (chair: M. Hapgood (RAL, UK)); (PROBA-2, -3 are managed out of TD); Modelling activities planned for engineering application (SPEs, radiation belts, ionosphere) – lack of inner heliosphere energetic particle data is apparent! Environment monitor developments planned for deployment in, e.g., GEO, MEO(NAV); Muon Telescope prototyping (U. Greifswald); ESA Navigation Directorate Galileo Navigation constellation should have in-situ (radiation, charging) and remote sensing (ionosphere) capabilities.
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