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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE Kharif Campaign March 20 th -21 st, 2009 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, HARYANA."— Presentation transcript:


2  Geographical Area (GA) 4.42 m ha (1.4% of India)  Cultivable Area (CA) 3.8 m ha (86.35% of GA)  CULTIVATED AREA 3.74 m ha (98.4% of CA)  GROSS CROPPED AREA 6.50 m ha  CROPPING INTENSITY 182%  IRRIGATED AREA 84 %  Farming family 15.28 lac  Small farmers 2.94 lac  Marginal farmers 7.84 lac  Others 5.30 lac AGRICULTURE AT A GLANCE  2 nd Largest contributor to the Central Food Grains Pool  3rd Largest producer of Wheat  First in Basmati rice export  Pioneer in adoption of zero tillage technology.

3 Monthwise rainfall (mm) 2008-09 MonthActualNormal April11.97.2 May68.314.1 June147.347.4 July128.2184.9 August162.2182.7 Sept.113.395.3 Total 631.2 (mm) 531.6 (mm) Oct.1.817.0 Nov.2.75.0 Dec.-7.7 Jan.3.821.8 Feb.5.317.3 Total13.668.8

4 RABI CROPS PRODUCTION (Assessment) Crop2007-082008-09 (anticipated)% age increase in Production AreaYieldProd.AreaYieldProd. Wheat246241581023624804160103170.8 Gram1075055413080010492.6 Barley4030001204230001265.0 Rabi pulses51000510100010100.0 Total Rabi Foodgrain 261439841041526623996105571.4 Rabi oilseeds4991198598625156097563.0 Sunflower91600148168013-7.1 Sugarcane14063290886094632005940-33.0 Area in ‘000’ ha Prod. in ‘000’ tonnes/bales Yield Kg. per hectare Good September rains & frost free weather conditions increased prospects of Gram & Mustard crop. Sunflower area affected due to non availability of Sunflower hybrid Area & production of Sugarcane decreased by 33 %


6 KHARIF CROPS PRODUCTION KHARIF 2007KHARIF 2008 % age increase in production CROPAREA (‘000’ Ha.) PRODUCTIV ITY (Kg/Ha.) PRODUCTION (‘000’ Tonnes) AREA (‘000’ Ha.) PRODUCTIVITY (Kg/Ha.) PRODUCTION (‘000’ Tonnes) Rice10753361 3613 12102726 3298-8.7 Jowar86450 39 81500 415.1 Bajra6301843 1161 6101769 1079-7.1 Maize142643 37 112159 24-35.1 Kharif Pulses 56768435410005425.6 Total Kharif Food Grains 186126294893196622874496-8.1 Cotton 48366318854556941858-1.4 Sugarcane 14063290886094632005940-33.0 Guar 3401162395400120048021.5 Productivity of rice declined due to severe attack of Plant hopper Heavy rain affected the Bajra productivity Production of cotton dropped due to less area coverage. Area under sugarcane dropped by 33%. Area under Guar crop increased.


8 INITIATIVES TAKEN DURING KHARIF 2008  Under ground pipeline system promoted to economize the use of irrigation water.  Area under hybrid paddy increased from 2.0 lac hect. to 2.4 lac hect.  Pusa-1121 variety of Basmati Paddy promoted to increase farmer’s income.  Area under Bt. Cotton increased from 41,000 hectares to 3.6 lac hectares Seed supplied through Govt. agency  Enacted legislation “Preservation of Sub-Soil Water act, 2009” prohibiting raising of paddy nursery before 15 th May and transplanting of Paddy before June, 15 th  Green Manuring was promoted More than 32000 qtl. seed of dhaincha distributed free of cost to the farmers and an area of 1.04 lac hect. covered.

9 EXTENSION APPROACHES Extension Machinery strengthen - inducted 160 more extension workers. Pritibadh wall magazine in 3500 villages free of cost. Krishi Sanvad magazine in all villages (24 dedicated pages to Agriculture sector) Use of EDUSAT System to disseminate information. Tele conference of field workers on monthly basis Wide use of electronic and Print Media. Pragatisheel Kisan club strengthened by way of providing office room, computers and fax machine in DDA office. Farmer’s Development workshop- cum- Exhibition to disseminate information. ● Karnal ● Hisar ● Bahadurgarh(Jhajjar) ● Kurukshetra ● Rohtak ● Rewari. Use of GIS Technology in Agriculture for balanced use of fertilizers.


11 GIS Application ---- Present Status Soil Fertility Status maps -: -- NITROGEN,PHOSPHORUS,POTASH Micronutrient deficient areas -: -- Zinc, Iron,Manganese,Copper Water quality maps -: -- Salinity -- Alkalinity( Sodic) Ground water status-: --Water table -- Water logged area

12 SCOPE IN AGRICULTURE-GIS Geographical area of each village Cultivable area Cultivated area Problem soil – salinity/ alkalinity Water logged area Cropping pattern Fertilizer use List of contact /Beneficiaries farmers Number of tube wells Irrigated area –Canal / Tube well No. of tractors/Implements- combine Harvestor,Zero till machine etc Field demonstration Soil Conservation works ( Location based) Any other information


14 THRUST AREAS FOR KHARIF, 2009  Promotion of hybrid and basmati paddy cultivation (Hybrid 3.0 lac hectare and basmati paddy 6.25 lac hectare targeted)  Promotion of summer moong cultivation 25000 hectare area targeted against last year coverage of 20000 hectare  Increasing the area under Bt. Cotton from 3.6 lakh hectares to 5.0 lakh hectares Productivity 2007-663 kg lint/ha. 2008-694 kg lint/ha. 2009-710 kg lint/ha. (Target)  Promotion of ring pit & wide row spacing method to increase sugarcane productivity  Mechanization of sugarcane farming to reduce the dependence of farmers on labour  Promotion of green manuring to improve soil health 2007-52,000 hectares 2008-104000 hectares 2009-100000 hectares (Targeted)  Supply of micronutrients to replenish micronutrients deficiency.  Promotion of Resource Conserving Technologies. ● Zero Till Seed Drill● Rotavator ● Straw Reaper● Reaper binder ● Lesser leveler

15 Targets Kharif 2009-10 Kharif 2008 (Achievement)Kharif 2009 (Target) CropArea (000 ha) Productivity (Kg/ha) Production (000 Tonnes) Area (000 ha) Productivity (Kg/ha) Production (000 Tonnes) Rice121027263298115032003680 Jowar81500419050045 Bajra6101769107961018501128 Maize1121592415265040 Kh. Pulses5410005450100050 Total Kh. foodgrains 196622874496191525814943 Cotton45569418586007102506 Sugarcane94632005940120650007800 Guar40012004804001250500

16 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION CropDistrict WheatBhiwani, Ambala, Gurgaon, Yamunanagar,Rohtak, Jhajjar & Mahendergarh PulsesBhiwani, Rohtak, Sonipat, Hisar & Sirsa

17 PROGRESS UNDER FOOD SECURITY MISSION S. No.ComponentUnitPhysicalFinancial TargetAch.AllocationExpenditure 1DemonstrationsNo.2500 50.0045.00 2Seed distributionQtl.8600064069430.00320.35 3Seed minikitsNo.13000 -- 4MicronutrientsHa.210601816680.0369.03 5Gypsum,,2766027173171.49167.32 6Zero till Seed drillNo.850661127.5099.15 7Rotavator,,1170 351.00 8FFS (farmers Field School),,150 25.5023.10 9.Sprinkler SetHa.10200 765.00 9Misc. expenses 13.875.00 District level--44.667.00 Local Initiative Ha. 109145113583494.00481.85 Total2553.052333.80 (Rs. in lakh) Wheat-2008-09

18 PULSES-2008-09 ComponentUnitPhysicalFinancial TargetAch.AllocationExp. booked Purchase of breeder seedQtl.3411.780.05 Production of foundation seed,,90440.900.44 Production of certified seed,,200 2.00 Seed Distribution,,2902313.482.77 GypsumHa.2300120017.256.00 Micronutrients,,2300 11.509.00 Integrated Pest Management,,2302152517.26510.00 Sprinkler setsNo.106 7.95 FFS,,88 1.361.25 Training of Ext. Workers ’’12 1.000.77 Misc. Exp. State Level6.281.00 District Level22.354.00 Local InitiativeHa.30000970075.0020.70 Total168.11565.93 (Rs. in lakh)

19 NFSM Utilization of Funds during 2008-09 ComponentAllocationUnspent Balance ReleaseTotalLikely Exp. Requirement Wheat2535.051482.79744.882227.672400.00172.33 Pulses168.115200.2475.00275.2475.00- Publicity97.0029.73- - Total2818.1651712.76819.882532.642504.73172.33 (Rs. in lakhs)

20 Progress under RKVY 2007-08 DepartmentFunds allocatedFunds utilized Stream-IAgriculture1038.00 Horticulture60.00 Animal Husbandry240.00 Fisheries209.00 HAIC45.00 Total1592.00 Stream-IIAgriculture440.00 HAIC60.00 HSDC30.00 Total530.00 C-DAP190.00 G.Total2312.00 (in lacs)

21 Contd. 2008-09 DepartmentFunds allocatedFunds utilized% utilization Stream-IAgriculture1634.001330.0081.40 Horticulture300.00191.3363.78 Animal Husbandry812.00 100 Fisheries470.00 100 HWC300.00 100 HAIC25.00 100 Total3541.003128.3388.34 Stream-IIAgriculture150.00 100 Fisheries100.00 100 Total250.00 100 Total (I + II)3791.003378.3389.11 G.Total (2007-08 + 2008-09) 6103.005450.0389.36 (in lacs) Green manuring, farm mechnaization, water saving devices and soil health improvement programme is mainly focused in agriculture. Genetic improvement of cattle, reproductive health management and strengthening of fodder seed unit are priority areas in Animal Husbandry & Dairying sector. Fish seed production, popularization of hybrid vegetables cultivation and development of storage capacity and cold chain etc. are the other areas targeted under RKVY during RKVY during 2008-09. Adequate funds have been allocated to Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Horticulture sector under RKVY to ensure holistic development of farm sector in the state. Draft comprehensive District Agriculture (C-DAP) for 20 district have been prepared.

22 AVAILABILITY OF CERTIFIED SEED, KHARIF, 2009 (Qty. in qtls.) S. No CropRequir- ement AvailabilitySale during Kharif 2008 HSDCKribhcoNSCSFCIPvt.Total 1-Paddy 790007095 325653 66814939516284339600 2-Cotton 1550735 -- 188356127910000 3-Bajra 150501098 -35 -152191635215570 4-Moong 55004784 -217 1191308593763075 5-Ured 35070 -100 -150320470 6-Arhar 2150155 -256 15358940002710 7-Guar 120001297 208700 1113103961371416120 8-Til 3517 -- -355250 9-Moth 30051 -- -211262270 10-Maize 400- -4200 -70049001100 11-Jowar 7000800 - 500-600037007210 12.G.Nut10039---508970 Total 12343516141240 11661 316018918522048796245 * Bt. cotton not included

23 CROP-WISE SEED REPLACEMENT RATE OF DIFFERENT CROPS FROM THE YEAR 2003-04 TO 2008-09 AND TARGETS FOR 2009-10 Crop2003-042004-052005-062006-072007-082008-092009-10 (Target) Paddy14.4914.1517.0016.4917.0020.0825.00 Bajra59.2651.0052.6560.2063.0065.2880.00 Cotton46.2049.0043.0052.3665.0080.0095.00 Kh.pulses60.5728.0062.0059.3465.0077.1080.00 Wheat20.2021.0023.25 24.0025.9027.00 Gram11.1510.5910.50 12.4010.5112.00 Barley27.6935.2051.0040.8045.3362.2265.00 Oilseeds55.7671.2472.0076.0082.0075.7678.00 (In percentage)

24 Steps taken to promote seed treatment Seed treatment campaign from 1-30 Oct. Awareness camp in 1875 Villages. Seed treatment campaign committee constituted at state, distt. & block level Involvement of private sector in seed treatment campaign Radio jingles for seed treatment continuously aired from AIR Rohtak, Kurukshetra and Hisar Wide use of print media Farmers training camps Distt. level – 20 Block level – 120 Village level - 1875 Achievements of Seed Treatment CropTotal area sown (000 ha) % Seed Treated Wheat248080 Gram13075 Barley4265 Mustard62560

25 SEED TESTING Licensing Officers =20 Notified Seed Inspectors=83 Notified State Seed Testing Laboratory = 1 (Karnal) Capacity =10000 samples per annum YearNo. of samples drawnNo. of samples found sub- standard 2003-04337065 2004-05294735 2005-06328645 2006-07295577 2007-083075102 2008-09 (upto Jan.09) 3383152 Quality control

26 FERTILIZER AVAILABILITY & CONSUMPTION KHARIF 2008 FertilizerRequirementAvailabilityConsumption Kharif, 2008 UREA8.758.917.45 DAP2.004.402.92 MOP0.210.290.25 NPK (Lakh MTs)

27 FERTILIZER AVAILABILITY & CONSUMPTION RABI 2008-09 FertilizerRequirementAvailabilityConsumption UREA11.1510.199.58 DAP4.004.063.66 MOP0.250.240.14 NPK 0.420.180.16 Nitrogen consumption has increased. Phosphorus & Potash consumption also increased. Micro level monitoring of fertilizer. (Lakh MTs)

28 REQUIREMENT OF FERTILIZERS DURING KHARIF 2009 FertilizerAssessed RequirementConsumption during Kharif 2008 UREA8.50 7.45 DAP3.00 2.92 MOP0.27 0.25 NPK0.25 0.12 (in lakh MTs) Hafed has been requested to pre-position 2.00 lakh MT of DAP

29 Integrated Nutrient Management Green manuring & vermi composting promoted Application of micro nutrients promoted by way of providing 50% subsidy Use of bio-fertilizers promoted. Seed treatment of Wheat with Azetobactor & PSB for an area of 6000 hectare. Application of Gypsum promoted to mitigate sulphur deficiency Promotion of soil health cards for balanced use of fertilizers (2.0 lakh soil health cards issued during 2008- 09)

30 Best Practices Green manuring promoted to maintain fertility of the soils. More than 32000 qtl. of Dhancha seed supplied free of cost to the farmers. Summer moong promoted especially in summar Paddy area campaign against cultivation of Saathi.(less than 1700 hect area during Kharif, 2008) Farm mechanization promoted. Following machinery to be supplied during 2008- 09. Zero till Seed Drill 1224 Rotavator 1540 Straw reaper 894 Reaper binder 342 Ring pit method of Sugarcane planting promoted.(415 demonstration of one acre each.) –Yield of sugarcane Ring pit method 500-600 qtl./hect. Conventional Method 250-300 qtl/hect Soil health card to promote-balanced use of fertilizer(2.0 lakh card distributed during 2008-09) Under Ground Pipe line System promoted to avoid water losses and to increase water use efficiency. Assessment of Summer Paddy Area with remote sensing technique

31 Thanks


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