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LOGO AT&T ForHealth Jonelle Gallamoza. AT&T launches health care business Improving patient care? Trimming medical cost? Tell me all about it. NEWS! November.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO AT&T ForHealth Jonelle Gallamoza. AT&T launches health care business Improving patient care? Trimming medical cost? Tell me all about it. NEWS! November."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO AT&T ForHealth Jonelle Gallamoza

2 AT&T launches health care business Improving patient care? Trimming medical cost? Tell me all about it. NEWS! November 4, 2010 AT&T! NEWS! LINK: Mobilizes healthcare

3 Examples of healthcare solutions Pros & Cons?  What is AT&T ForHealth?  Services/Solutions currently under development  Questions? Contents We get it. Patient care is your business.

4 Why AT&T? Provides coverage to 1.2 million people Serves about 10,000 healthcare facilities Deliver innovative technology to reduce cost -714, 000 active employees and dependents --505,000 retirees and dependents ---Total Annual AT&T Healthcare Espense $5.5 billion - 300 + dedicated team --includes: hospitals, pharmaceuticals, physicians, -nursing homes, mental health consortiums, and distributors.

5 Mission The healthcare environment today is dynamic and ever changing. From improving quality of care, to complying with government regulations, to reducing cost, the industry is facing many challenges. AT&T is committed to serving the technology needs across the continuum of care - from patients to physicians to providers. We have developed healthcare services and solutions, and the right strategic alliances to help support your business goals.

6 Examples of Healthcare Solutions Medicine bottles that remind patients to take pills on schedule Devices that monitor patients' heart levels from the comfort of their homes Audio/video links that can replace the need for an in-person visit to the doctor.

7 Services/Solutions currently under development Services Solutions Pilot Programs - healthcare solutions powered by its mobile and networking technologies Cloud-based Services - medical image archive applications and security services mHealth - mobility technologies, devices, connectivity, and applications

8 Pilot Programs: Automated Pill Bottle CapsSmart Slippers Healthcare Pagers Telehealth Solutions Employee Diabetes Management Healthcare Community Online Mobility & cloud-based cloud-based networking networking solutions solutions

9 PROS & CONS PROSCONS  Improve Patient Care  Lower Cost Nationwide  Accelerate delivery of innovative wireless, networked, and cloud- based solutions.  Stick with focusing on wireless service  Greed - $$$

10 Want more information? health-care-reform-update1-.html 2994145973.html?x=0 dex=1&playnext=1

11 LOGO Questions?

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