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Beth Black June 7, 2006 Computers in Libraries 2006 Overview by Beth Black.

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1 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Computers in Libraries 2006 Overview by Beth Black

2 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Themes of Conference Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 Making Library use more convenient Collaboration Improve search tools, including the OPAC Open Source

3 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it, consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating network effects through an "architecture of participation," and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences. »Tim O’Reilly, 2005Tim O’Reilly, 2005

4 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Web 2.0 Integration of multiple tools and sources of content User participates in the development process Truly collaborative and interactive Its about the experience

5 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Library 2.0 Definition and idea still being discussed My version –Applying Web 2.0 ideas to libraries –Getting library content and services to patrons where and when they need them using latest technology –Involve patrons in content creation

6 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Library Easier to Use Be open to mobile technology services –Content wanted –Keep to mobile friendly design features Offer consultation in virtual as well as physical locations –Room for point of need answers through mobile devices –Text messaging is highly used Altarama translates text messages for ref serviceAltarama

7 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Library Easier to Use Test the tools with real users –Usability testing of terms Get info where patrons are –Course management systems –Amazon –Web Browser (libx)libx

8 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Collaboration Generation C = creating, adding, adapting Learning together –WebJunction e-learning communities Croquet –Collaborative by design

9 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Collaboration Digital Preservation –NDIIPP (National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program) Library of Congress, National Archives with State partners Goal is to develop national strategy for digital preservation –Standards still developing Cited docs by OCLC/RLG and Cornell

10 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Collaboration Shared Catalogs and other library resources –MeLMeL Wikis –Allow multi-author creation of documents Easy to use Tracks changes –Many libraries start with uses by staff –Public uses = resource guides and instruction Ohio University Biz Wiki –Unofficial CIL2006 WikiUnofficial CIL2006 Wiki

11 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Improving Search Tools Update the OPAC to make more useful –NC State UniversityNC State University –Phoenix PLPhoenix PL –WPopac (Wordpress OPAC; description from his blog)WPopacdescription from his blog Catalog is one tool among many; shouldn’t be our only tool

12 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Improving Search Tools Focus on user needs and approach to our tools –Fewer choices up front –Relevancy ranking –Manageable result sets Use the info we have in new ways –Fiction finderFiction finder –RedlightgreenRedlightgreen

13 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Improving Search Tools Search Engine field undergoing rapid change, like 1995 More graphical search tools Better natural language searching Different approaches to personalization –Google vs Yahoo Community Search tools coming –Google and Yahoo both have local features

14 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Search Tools Metasearching –Each vendor has different approach No one vendor’s solution is perfect; software still complex –Most users use the Simple Search and found the long lists of resources confusing –Used by both undergrads and faculty Helped faculty find new sources Encourages cross-disciplinary research

15 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Open Source Many libraries using / developing open source solutions –ILS : Georgia, Nelsonville PL ( PL –Content Management Systems –Blogs and Wikis Open source tools with good documentation recommended for digital preservation

16 Beth Black June 7, 2006 Want to know more? CIL2006 Website – Blogs and Wikis –List of bloggers at conferenceList of bloggers at conference –Conference wikiConference wiki Contact me – Beth Black,

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