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Part 1: Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies CIOSS Established within COAS at OSU to make use of the extensive expertise of the COAS Faculty in satellite remote sensing, data analysis, modeling and data assimilation.
Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies CIOSS Established within COAS at OSU to make use of the extensive expertise of the COAS Faculty in satellite remote sensing, data analysis, modeling and data assimilation.
CIOSS – Years 1-2 Focus on large-scale continental margins, especially along the West coast of the US – the California Current System. In this focus region, many CIOSS/COAS Faculty are collaborating in national field programs, providing a wealth of field data with which to test remote sensing and model fields. A focus on the continental margins is also aligned with the national effort to create an Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) for both the “open” and “coastal” ocean. CIOSS Fellows are active leaders and participants in forming the regional IOOS consortia in the Pacific Northwest (NANOOS & PACOOS). The approach in years 1-2 was to use the “core” research funds to hire post-docs and other early career researchers to address basic research problems in CIOSS Research Theme Areas.
CIOSS - Years 3+ Reduce (don’t eliminate) the emphasis on early career scientists for core research. Emphasize traditional research projects that address CIOSS Themes and NOAA/NESDIS “Missions” and responsibilities, with support for all levels of staff (students to PI’s). Expand activities designed to evaluate present and future satellite sensors, algorithms and techniques (Theme 1). Expand activities to cover local to global regions. Increase outreach to include “informal” education (Theme 5).
CIOSS Research and Outreach Themes Theme 1: Satellite Sensors and Techniques Theme 2: Ocean-Atmosphere Fields and Fluxes Theme 3: Ocean-Atmosphere Models and Data Assimilation Theme 4: Ocean-Atmosphere Analyses Theme 5: Outreach Formal Education Informal (Free Choice) Education Research on Methods of Data Access/Delivery
CIOSS Description of Tasks Task I: CIOSS Core Office Administration and Outreach General Operation of CIOSS Office Proposal Submissions, Travel, Visitors, Reports, Publications… Outreach Supported by Core Funding SMILE Workshops Informal Education – Science Museum Displays Task II: CIOSS Research and Additional Outreach, Funded by NOAA/NESDIS Task III: CIOSS Research and Outreach, Funded by Agencies other than NOAA/NESDIS Both Tasks II and III include projects and outreach funded through proposals and specific funding opportunities.
Administration Highlights Six post-docs hired: 4 currently working and 2 more to begin in summer 2005 (with years 1-2 funding) Two “COAST” Workshops – GOES-R3 for HES-CW Establish requirements for research and operational applications for hyperspectral sensor on GOES-R (white paper, brochure, ongoing workshops and research) Vector Wind Workshop Establish requirements for research and operational applications of satellite observations of ocean vector winds – active and passive microwave Cal/Val of active and passive microwave Get data in the hands of operational users (unfortunately WindSat failed before this could happen) Provide recommendations to NASA & NOAA for future products and investigations Significant webpage development, periodic reports, etc.
Administration Highlights Council of Fellows Meetings: Discuss progress and review proposed CIOSS projects CIOSS Executive Board Meeting scheduled for Aug 2005 Publications: Final revision of 5 Year Plan Annual Reports and Workshop Reports HES-CW Brochure, White Paper Increased NOAA interactions, including short visits by NESDIS personnel and longer visits by Dick Reynolds and Laury Miller to OSU, visits of COAS Fellows to NESDIS, other CI’s Annual and supplemental proposals to NESDIS (2 at present); GOES-R3 proposal to come Successful proposals to other branches of NOAA
Research Highlights A. Current Postdocs Choboter/Allen/Samelson – Analysis of fields from coastal ocean models. Paul Choboter, working with John Allen and Roger Samelson, has analyzed the fields from John Kindle’s (NRL, one of the CIOSS partners) model of the California Current, looking at the relation between the poleward undercurrent and surface slope (measurable by altimeter). He has also pursued theoretical investigations of upwelling systems. These projects provide metrics against which data assimilation models can be evaluated. Research theme of Ocean-Atmosphere Models and Data Assimilation. MacCallum/Letelier – Phytoplankton physiology as determined from satellite and ship-board optical measurements. Iain MacCallum, working with Ricardo Letelier, has assembled the data sets necessary to compare satellite and ship-board optical measurements (multi-spectral and hyper-spectral). Analyses of the combined data sets will be carried out within the COAST project. Research themes of Satellite Sensors and Techniques and Ocean-Atmosphere Fields and Fluxes.
Research Highlights A. Current Postdocs Guo/Coakley – Estimates of surface radiation from satellite fields. Guang Guo, working with Jim Coakley, is assembling a data set of radiation data from research cruises, collocated with clear satellite imagery from the same times and locations. These data sets will be used to evaluate and improve methods of estimating surface radiation from satellite data. Research themes of Satellite Sensors and Techniques and Ocean- Atmosphere Fields and Fluxes. Jiao/Freilich – Cal/Val for WindSat/Improved resolution in satellite wind fields. Hai-Ying Jiao, working with Mike Freilich, is performing fieldwise validation of WindSat against QuikSCAT. This will be followed by exploring methods of increasing the resolution of surface wind fields, derived from combined satellite sensors. Research themes of Satellite Sensors and Techniques and Ocean-Atmosphere Fields and Fluxes.
Research Highlights B. Postdocs starting Summer 2005 Saraceno/Strub/Kosro – Combining radar currents, ALT SSH, and SCAT winds. Martin Saraceno will develop methods to combine coastal radar data with multiple satellite altimeter and scatterometer data sets, in order to quantify the mesoscale variability in surface circulation off Oregon. Research themes of Satellite Sensors and Techniques, Ocean- Atmosphere Fields and Fluxes and Ocean-Atmosphere Analyses. Chois/Allen/Egbert/Samelson/Miller – Data Assimilation of satellite data. Byong-Ju Chois will develop techniques to assimilate satellite altimeter and surface radar data into nested coastal circulation models. Research theme of Ocean-Atmosphere Models and Data Assimilation.
Research Highlights C. Other Research Peter Strutton – Oceans and Human Health Grant. Use of satellite and in situ data in addressing problems involving Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB’s). This is a new (but natural) topic of research for CIOSS/COAS and a major component of the COAST effort for HES-CW on GOES-R. Research themes of Satellite Sensors and Techniques and Ocean- Atmosphere Fields and Fluxes. Chris Goldfinger – GIS Ocean Bottom Mapping (finished). Creation and use of a comprehensive, helpful and easily accessible, multi-layer GIS database of the geologic and geophysical data for the ocean bottom over the shelf for the Oregon continental margin. Research themes of Ocean-Atmosphere Analyses and Outreach (Formal Education, Informal Education and Data Access).
Research Highlights C. Other Research Dawn Wright – Marine GIS and Satellite Remote Sensing for Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (finished). Compilation of oceanographic satellite data appropriate for covering specific areas, time periods of interest and coastal management questions for the Oregon coastal zone and territorial sea, and the successful incorporation of 40 of these satellite data layers into the Oregon Coastal Atlas (OCA,, an interactive map, data and metadata portal for coastal managers and scientists. Research themes of Ocean- Atmosphere Analyses and Outreach (Informal Education and Data Access).
Proposed Year 3 Projects Annual: 7 Core Research/Outreach Projects Barth/Mavor: Analysis of GOES SST fronts Samelson: Coupled ocean-atmosphere coastal models Freilich: WindSat Validation with QuickSCAT Egbert: “Pilot” coastal ocean forecast model Letelier: Hyperspectral satellite data analysis Chelton: SST effects on the middle troposphere SMILE: High school outreach program Annual: 1 Research-to-Operations (R2O) Project: Milliff Annual: 4 GLOBEC Projects (NOS): coastal modeling, basin-scale to coastal connections, and data analysis (satellite, radar, in situ).
Proposed Year 3 Projects Supplement 1: 3 R2O Projects Freilich/Chang: Improving operational scatterometer coastal wind fields (12.5 km) Davis/Clark: Evaluation of efforts to redesign MOBY Letelier: Workshops to develop specifications for creating ocean color CDRs Supplement 2: 1 GOES-R Procurement Davis: Continued evaluation of HES-CW design specs GOES-R3 (FY-06): A suite of research projects that will contribute to the identification of risk areas for HES-CW and suggest solutions to those problems
Proposed Year 3 Project Budgets Annual + R2O + GLOBEC: $1,310K Supplement 1 (R2O): $310K Supplement 2 (Davis): $130K GOES-R3: $1,500K COAST: $300K [OHH (Strutton): $200K] TOTAL Yr 3: $3.6M TOTAL Yr 2: $0.9M (Annual+COAST+SMILE) TOTAL Yr 1: $0.9M (Annual+GIS)
Summary In years 1-2, CIOSS took on greater roles in research meeting its Theme 1: Evaluation of present and future satellite sensors and techniques. This contributes to the NOAA goals in the GOES-R3 and R2O. CIOSS also began to propose successfully to other branches of NOAA (primarily in the OHH program). It did this while retaining its emphasis on basic research, presently emphasizing research that will be useful in future IOOS coastal observing/modeling systems, in which CIOSS Fellows are leaders and participants. These activities have “primed the pump” for a major increase in activity in year 3. But the most fun has been….
Outreach in Formal and Informal Education First, note that the workshops are classified as “Formal Education”, but what I’m really talking about is: SMILE: Held the second year of activities based on oceanography, mapping [and remote sensing]. SMILE: Held the first High School Challenge based on this material – a resounding success involving NOS/HazMat. Informal Ed: Is moving from discussions to support for the design and evaluation of public interactive displays of CIOSS/NOAA science at HMSC, in collaboration with CoastWatch, NOAA/OAR/PMEL, HMSC and a new PhD program in Informal Ed at OSU. HMSC will serve as a laboratory to test and evaluate new technologies for delivering NOAA products to the public.
This presentation is Part 1 of a 3 part series. Please continue with Part 2: CIOSS & SMILE, A Partnership for Ocean Sciences Education
Part 2: CIOSS & SMILE A Partnership for Ocean Sciences Education
What is the SMILE Program? SMILE is the Science & Math Investigative Learning Experiences (SMILE) Program SMILE is the Science & Math Investigative Learning Experiences (SMILE) Program
Why SMILE? The purpose of SMILE is to increase the number of educationally underserved minority students: The purpose of SMILE is to increase the number of educationally underserved minority students: who graduate from high school; who graduate from high school; are qualified to attend college; are qualified to attend college; choose careers in science or math related fields. choose careers in science or math related fields.
How Does SMILE Do It? SMILE collaborates with scientists, mathematicians and Oregon school districts to provide after-school clubs for science and math enrichment. SMILE collaborates with scientists, mathematicians and Oregon school districts to provide after-school clubs for science and math enrichment.
How Does SMILE Do It? SMILE brings students to college campuses to experience a piece of college for themselves. SMILE brings students to college campuses to experience a piece of college for themselves. SMILE clubs provide science and math enrichment for 4th through 12 grade students. SMILE clubs provide science and math enrichment for 4th through 12 grade students.
How Does SMILE Do It? SMILE also offers professional development for the teachers who run SMILE clubs. SMILE also offers professional development for the teachers who run SMILE clubs.
SMILE students gain personal, practical experiences which help round out their education. It encourages them to think beyond high school and to earn the opportunity to choose careers which require a college education. John Rademacher, High School Principal
CIOSS & SMILE CIOSS & SMILE are collaborating to bring oceanography to the high school students through club activities and yearly hands-on scenario based challenge weekends.
The Challenge The challenge was a community based problem solving model where students applied scientific concepts as evidence to decide upon and communicate a community action plan.
The Scenario The 2004-2005 school year was the first year the students were exposed to oceanography. The theme of the challenge weekend was how to clean up a near-shore oil spill.
Pre-scenario Develop skills and concepts in clubs through simple hands-on activities. Develop skills and concepts in clubs through simple hands-on activities. Making Waves Making Waves Comprehending Currents (temp & density) Comprehending Currents (temp & density) Tracking Tides Tracking Tides Weather Stations Weather Stations Mapping activities Mapping activities Oil Spill Clean-up Oil Spill Clean-up
Pre-Scenario SMILE staff teaches the activities to the teachers who run the SMILE clubs at 3 workshops throughout the year. The teachers then present the lessons to their students in after- school clubs. SMILE staff teaches the activities to the teachers who run the SMILE clubs at 3 workshops throughout the year. The teachers then present the lessons to their students in after- school clubs.
Scenario Development The scenario was developed through personal communication with oil-spill clean up professionals (NOAA HazMat, Oregon DEQ) and by reading web- based materials designed for professionals wanting to learn more about their profession. The scenario was developed through personal communication with oil-spill clean up professionals (NOAA HazMat, Oregon DEQ) and by reading web- based materials designed for professionals wanting to learn more about their profession.
The OR Conference
The event was structured like a professional scientific conference (including acronyms). The event was structured like a professional scientific conference (including acronyms). For most high school students the word “conference” implies a parent-teacher conference usually in connection with misbehavior. For most high school students the word “conference” implies a parent-teacher conference usually in connection with misbehavior. Part of SMILE’s mission is to help acclimate students to the culture of academia. Part of SMILE’s mission is to help acclimate students to the culture of academia.
Team Building College student mentors help team members get to know each other and function like a team.
Key Note Speech “Working on the Same Frequency” – Same Frequency” – Benjamin Dotson, Benjamin Dotson, USCG USCG
Ship in Distress The OR conferees were informed that an oil tanker had lost power off the coast of the fictional town of Pete’s Bay.
ESI Map of Pete’s Bay Teams were given base maps and had to collect key information from other maps arranged by “resources” to compile an ESI map of the area.
ESI Map of Pete’s Bay
Students had booklets with questions to guide them in thinking about the resources in each area, working in teams.
Student and Professional ESI Maps
Oil Spill in Pete’s Bay The next morning the students are told that the oil tanker sank. They disperse into specialist areas to learn how to deal with an oil spill.
Students Become Specialists The students worked cooperatively in teams. Individuals on each team became "specialists" in a certain discipline. The team combined their collective team knowledge to create a community action plan, taking in to account the views of a number of different stakeholders in the scenario.
Specialist Areas GIS/Mapping GIS/Mapping Oil Recovery and Remediation Oil Recovery and Remediation Shoreline Habitat Assessment Shoreline Habitat Assessment Communications Specialists Communications Specialists Oil spill modeling and probability Oil spill modeling and probability Weather Weather
Specialist Area – Using the NOS/Hazmat “Gnome” trajectory model General processes affecting surface trajectories are discussed – winds, tides, currents.
Specialist Area – Using the NOS/Hazmat “Gnome” trajectory model A cluster of passive tracers is release and tracked by the model – on different parts of the tidal cycle, without and with winds, changing wind direction, …
Specialist Area – Using the NOS/Hazmat “Gnome” trajectory model Conditions under which some of the parcels enter Pete’s Bay are discussed.
Making a Plan Each team is given a limited number of “booms,” skimmers, etc. Scale models and winds blown through straws helps to visualize flows.
Making a Plan The newly trained experts debate the best ways to use their resources, which areas to select as priorities, etc.
Making a Plan The students set up displays describing their final plans. Teachers and volunteers play the roles of oyster farmers, fishermen, home owners, developers and circulate, asking the students to explain their plans.
Communicating the Plans The students clearly enjoyed their new roles as experts and the ability to “explain” the situation to the role-playing teachers and college students.
Communicating the Plans In this group, each team member described their aspect of the decision making process in sequence. They appealed for volunteers to help.
Communicating the Plans In this group, the responses were more spontaneous, with team members coming forward and sometimes surprising each other with the explanations. Thinking on your feet was essential.
Communicating the Plans Maps, scale models and verbal skills, along with the newfound training, were the tools employed. Role-playing volunteers were sometimes skeptical.
Communicating the Plans This group made use of an overhead with a blow-up of the bay, as well as their base maps.
Looking Toward the Future The SMILE CIOSS partnership will continue next year with another oceanography- based high school event. Next year we plan to focus on a fisheries-based scenario.
Looking Toward the Future Partnering with the SMILE program is a good way to address Broader Impact and Outreach (BIO) requirements of funding agencies.
A successful first Challenge
This presentation is Part 2 of a 3 part series. Please continue with Part 3: “Informal Education”, “Free Choice Education”
Part 3: “Informal Education” “Free Choice Education” OSU/Oregon Sea Grant have started a program to train educators in techniques of Informal Education. OSU/Oregon Sea Grant have started a program to train educators in techniques of Informal Education. Research by professors and grad students in this program involves design and evaluation of technological methods of delivering scientific information and products to the non-scientific public, resource managers, etc. Research by professors and grad students in this program involves design and evaluation of technological methods of delivering scientific information and products to the non-scientific public, resource managers, etc. The public wing of the Hatfield Marine Science Center serves as a “laboratory” for this research, using evaluations of visitor interactions with display technology as the experimental data. The public wing of the Hatfield Marine Science Center serves as a “laboratory” for this research, using evaluations of visitor interactions with display technology as the experimental data. A proposal has been submitted to the NOAA “Environmental Literacy” RFP to fund this research, with statements of support from CIOSS, CoastWatch (Monterey), NOAA/OAR/PFEL, and GLOBEC. A proposal has been submitted to the NOAA “Environmental Literacy” RFP to fund this research, with statements of support from CIOSS, CoastWatch (Monterey), NOAA/OAR/PFEL, and GLOBEC.
“Informal Education” “Free Choice Education” One type of technology under consideration are 3-D projection systems, such as the “Geowall” technology, using VIS5-D and other software. An initial demonstration of this technology will occur during this year’s “Sea Fest”, an annual event at HMSC in June. Chris Moore and Al Hermann (PMEL) will take their system to HMSC, spend a day with HMSC staff discussing different possibilities for public and interactive displays, set up and demo the system during the event on Saturday.
3-D Projection to external screens or to special monitors for PC’s Figure 1. Schematic of passive, dual-projector stereo display system. Components include host computer (commodity PC or workstation), splitter/converter, DLP projectors, polarizing filters, and polarization-preserving projection screen. Passive polarized glasses are worn by the viewer, to deliver the proper image to each eye. Thick arrows denote light path.
External Screen – Office Setup (Al Hermann, PMEL)
Install the projectors and Linux host at the rear of the office:
External Screen – Office Setup (Al Hermann, PMEL) Install a pull-down screen (the polarization-preserving type) in front of the window. Turn off the lights, fire up the projectors, and viola! The office is now a virtual theater..........
Applications Watch the movement of Lagrangian model particles from different fixed viewpoints. Fly through or simply view 3-D “snap-shots” of actual mesoscale survey data. Several programs (GLOBEC, COAST, NOPP) have produced 3-D surveys off Oregon’s coast. GLOBEC fields include T, Sal, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, marine mammals and birds, all collocated, i.e., snapshots of the entire ecosystem at all trophic levels. We hope to be able to demonstrate to the public the richness of the ocean underneath the surface they see, including “hot-spots” created by topographic features (Heceta Bank, Cape Blanco).
August 2000: SST (color contours), juvenile chinook (Yellow circles), juvenile coho (magenta circles), humpback whale sightings (grey dots); largest circles for chinook and coho represent ca. 10 fish per standard trawl; smallest circles represent trawls (offshore) in which juvenile salmon were not caught From Batchelder et al. (2002)
August 2000: Chlorophyll concentration at 5-m depth (color contours, mg/m3), biomass of pelagic birds (grey circles; largest circles ca. 170 kg/km2); and biomass of copepods (vertical bars; mg/m3)
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