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“Engineering: A Healthier Lifestyle” Group B: Bellasanta Ferrer Group Members: Laura Guilfoyle, Shirley Hall, Kyle Miller, Peter Mlot, Melissa Reed, Marge.

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Presentation on theme: "“Engineering: A Healthier Lifestyle” Group B: Bellasanta Ferrer Group Members: Laura Guilfoyle, Shirley Hall, Kyle Miller, Peter Mlot, Melissa Reed, Marge."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Engineering: A Healthier Lifestyle” Group B: Bellasanta Ferrer Group Members: Laura Guilfoyle, Shirley Hall, Kyle Miller, Peter Mlot, Melissa Reed, Marge Rockwood This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No. EEC-0502174. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Friday Feedback Session

2 InquiryDesignEthics What is in Your Food? What is food? Design a healthy food chart/create a song Don’t be wasteful and recycle Calories: Food and Activity How do you grow? Design a healthy activity pictorial schedule Keeping safe while exercising Primary Module Enhancements

3 Primary Adaptations Go, Grow, Glow—Inquiry/introduction, using pictures and read alouds, to foods and their purpose Food tastings related to the five senses (pictograph, writing, classification, discussion of fractions) Creating songs, poetry and drama with healthy living themes Demonstration and discussion of exercise activities Planting, observing and predicting growth process from seeds (measurement) Ethics discussions on recycling and composting—Don’t Be Wasteful

4 InquiryDesignEthics What is in Your Food? How do nutrients benefit me? Design a well-balanced diet Don’t put yourself in harm’s way Calories: Food and Activity How does food affect your metabolism? Design an experiment you can eat Food disorders Junior High Module Enhancements

5 Junior High Adaptations Inquiry—Science Experiments You can Eat, for example, red cabbage indicator for pH balance Collaboration with PE teacher to implement exercise resources on Internet Ethics—Discussion of empty calories and food disorders Presentations by dentists about oral hygiene Humans are “Bags of Water”—body composition 90% water

6 High School Module Enhancements InquiryDesignEthics What is in Your Food? What’s in my favorite snack? Design and improve a cal-o-meter Supersize Me Calories: Food and Activity What is the long-term effect of diet and exercise habits? Design a long-term diet and activity plan Slow food movement

7 High School Adaptations Inquiries—investigations and experiments with proteins, carbohydrates and fats using student-selected food and long-term effects of diet and exercise Design and improve a cal-o-meter and a long-term diet and exercise plan Ethics—Super Size Me and discussion of Slow Food Movement Discussions on how food affects disease prevention and healthy vs. unhealthy foods

8 Resources Clip Art was taken from the following websites: Clip_anim.htm chefs.jpg chefs.jpg 50/CouchPotato.gif 50/CouchPotato.gif t.gif t.gif amidcol.gif amidcol.gif

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