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Individualism and Commitment in American Life

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1 Individualism and Commitment in American Life
Habits of the Heart Individualism and Commitment in American Life

2 Argument American religion, like American society, is strongly individualistic But, this can be transformed through a better understanding of how individuals are always in relation with others (community) In religion, individual and society are not opposites but require each other (246, 248)

3 Individualism in religion
Religion seen as private and personal Therapeutic approach for many Serves the individual; does not tie back into community Accepting “valid authority” of a religious community is difficult for many (240) 80% think people should come to their beliefs apart from any church/synagogue (228) Marriage not seen as tied into community (241)

4 Types of religious engagement
Church Group has priority over individual; “body of Christ” engages society; works for transformation Sect Voluntary membership; individual has priority over group Focuses on purity of group Mysticism Personal experience Weak group “Radical religious individualism”: Sheilaism

5 Questions Do you think religion in America individualistic?
What factors make it so? Do you think this religion is influenced by other (non-religious) forms of individualism in the U.S.? How is religion in the U.S. community-oriented? Do you disagree with Bellah’s presentation? What forms of community are strong today?

6 More questions Do you think the example of “Sheilaism” is representative of a larger trend? Do you interpret this positively or negatively? Do you think American community needs to be revitalized? If so, how?

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