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Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Semiotics Semiotics – the study of signs –Taken from the Greek word for sign – Sema What do we mean by Sign?

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Semiotics Semiotics – the study of signs –Taken from the Greek word for sign – Sema What do we mean by Sign?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Semiotics Semiotics – the study of signs –Taken from the Greek word for sign – Sema What do we mean by Sign?

2 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Semiotics Signs are everywhere and help us read messages when there isn’t time to actually read reams of text. –Road signs are the obvious example Semiotics therefore is the study of visual signs –This is true but it is also the understanding of: Drawings Painting Photography Words Sounds – onomatopoeia for example Body language

3 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Semiotics

4 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Semiotics At semiotics lies sign. “Something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity” Charles S. Peirce on Semiotics 1955 –In this definition the sign needs to be interpreted and not in its self so direct as being the object –We use sign and signification of object in 3 main ways: Icon Index symbol

5 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Semiotics Icon – a sign that stands for an object by resembling it, not just visibly but by any means We use icons heavily in multimedia in this way Indexes – refer to their objects by relation or linkage between sign and object Indirect like smoke to signify fire Symbols – objects by virtue of law Direct in the example of text meaning the thing it represents like ‘dog’ allows us to visualise just that. By using these techniques we can develop codes and signs to identify objects or information implicitly

6 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Semiotics Our natural inbuilt humanity allows us the ability to read this meaning without the need in many cases to have the experience of the object itself Semiotics is controlled/nurtured by culture manipulated by: Religion Government Education etc This is so natural that we only really notice its existence when we travel to a different country

7 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute What are Icons? Also referred to as iconography, iconograms, pictograms and diagrams is also linked with semiotics Multimedia normally terms any pictorial representation of an object or context is considered to be an icon Multimedia uses a vast array of imagery to make representations, both photographic and abstract In many cases we have become aware of semiotics in order the learn the meaning behind the navigation system maybe

8 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Icons, Picons & Micons We use 3 different methods in multimedia based semiotics: –Icons – representing an idea or area symbolically –Picons – take this further and make a clearer –Representation of this mostly through photography –Micons – move into animation (animated gifs, flash etc)

9 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Meaning?

10 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Meaning?

11 Copyright © 2003/4 Bolton Institute Your work - priorities In your own work I would like you to consider the use of semiotics especially in your interaction document –Why have you made the choices you have made –What do they mean –How will they work – sound, rollover? You should now be continuing your research in a more defined way Beginning initial design of logo, character, interface Firming up decisions on colour, context and subject

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