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Microprocessors & Embedded Systems

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1 Microprocessors & Embedded Systems
DIGITAL II Microprocessors & Embedded Systems ECE Week 3 Custom Single Purpose Processors: Hardware Note: Certain parts of this presentation have been intentionally left blank or missing for you to complete during or after the class Robi Polikar, Ph.D. John L. Schmalzel, P.E., Ph.D.

2 Chapter 2: Custom single-purpose processors
Outline Chapter 2: Custom single-purpose processors Introduction Combinational logic Sequential logic Custom single-purpose processor design RT-level custom single-purpose processor design

3 Digital Foundations The basic model of a computer system: CPU MEM I/O

4 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

5 Memory CPU MEM I/O

6 Input/Output (I/O) CPU MEM I/O

7 Hierarchical View of EP and Digital Systems
CPU MEM I/O Operating System HLLs Computer Architecture State Machines Interface Method Design Techniques MSI Functions Boolean Algebra Gates

8 Introduction Processor A custom single-purpose processor may be
Digital circuit that performs a computation tasks Controller and datapath General-purpose: variety of computation tasks Single-purpose: one particular computation task Custom single-purpose: non-standard task A custom single-purpose processor may be Fast, small, low power But, high NRE, longer time-to-market, less flexible Microcontroller CCD preprocessor Pixel coprocessor A2D D2A JPEG codec DMA controller Memory controller ISA bus interface UART LCD ctrl Display ctrl Multiplier/Accum Digital camera chip lens CCD

9 CMOS transistor on silicon
The basic electrical component in digital systems Acts as an on/off switch Voltage at “gate” controls whether current flows from source to drain Don’t confuse this “gate” with a logic gate gate source drain Conducts if gate=1 source drain oxide gate IC package IC channel Silicon substrate 1

10 CMOS transistor implementations
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor We refer to logic levels Typically 0 is 0V, 1 is 5V Two basic CMOS types nMOS conducts if gate=1 pMOS conducts if gate=0 Hence “complementary” Basic gates Inverter, NAND, NOR gate source drain nMOS Conducts if gate=1 gate source drain pMOS Conducts if gate=0

11 Basic logic gates x F 1 x y F 1 x y F 1 x y F 1 F = x Driver F = x y
1 F x y x y F 1 F y x x y F 1 x y F x y F 1 F = x Driver F = x y AND F = x + y OR F = x  y XOR x F x F 1 x y F x y F 1 x y F x y F 1 x y F x y F 1 F = x’ Inverter F = (x y)’ NAND F = (x+y)’ NOR F = x y XNOR

12 Combinational logic design Summary
B) Truth table A) Problem description y is 1 if a is to 1, or b and c are 1. z is 1 if b or c is to 1, but not both, or if all are 1. C) Output equations y= z = Inputs Outputs a b c y z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D) Minimized output equations 1 1 1 00 1 01 11 10 a bc y y = E) Logic Gates a y b c 00 1 01 11 10 z z = a bc z

13 RT Level Combinational components
Multiplexer Decoder Adder Comparator ALU log n x n Decoder O1 O0 O(n-1) I0 I(log n -1) n bit, m function ALU n A B S0 S(log m) O n-bit Adder n A B sum carry n-bit Comparator n A B less equal greater n-bit, m x 1 Multiplexer O S0 S(log m) n I(m-1) I1 I0 O = I0 if S=0..00 I1 if S=0..01 I(m-1) if S=1..11 O0 =1 if I=0..00 O1 =1 if I=0..01 O(n-1) =1 if I=1..11 sum = A+B (first n bits) carry = (n+1)’th bit of A+B less = 1 if A<B equal =1 if A=B greater=1 if A>B O = A op B op determined by S. With enable input e  all O’s are 0 if e=0 With carry-in input Ci sum = A + B + Ci May have status outputs carry, zero, etc.

14 D-type Sequential Circuits Include feedback Presence of a clock
Behavior is no longer simply a function of the inputs--must be evaluated synchronously with clock Flip-flops D-type J-K type S-R type etc.

15 D-F/F P C Dn Qn+1 1 0 1 X 1 1 1 1 0 X 1 1 0 0 0 X Illegal P D Q CK Q*
X X Illegal P D Q CK Q* Excitation Function: Dn = Qn+1 C

16 State Machines Mealy: Outputs depend on states and on inputs.
Moore: Outputs depend only on states. One-Hot: A type of Moore machine in which there is one F/F per state.

17 Combinatorial Network
State Machine Models Moore Outputs State Memory (& One-Hot) Clk Combinatorial Network Mealy Outputs Inputs

18 Sequential Circuit Design
Problem statement State diagram Transition table Simplified excitation functions Implementation Verification

19 Example Design a sequence detector that will identify 1011. SM 1011 Z

20 State Diagram Input/Output Input Input/Output Input Moore Mealy Name

21 One-Hot SMs Moore machines are glitchless since outputs change only synchronously with clock. For relatively small numbers of states, techniques of F/F minimization are largely counterproductive with available “sea-of-gates” FPGA. A 12-state SM: Don’t bother to reduce/encode. A 16-bit counter: Definitely encode states.

22 SM for 1011 Sequence Detector
Reset 1 1 Found None Found1 1 Found4 Z Found2 1 1 Found3 Note: Dashed lines show non-resetting algorithm.

23 Transition Table Output Present State Input Next State
Z F0 F1 F2 F3 F X F0’ F1’ F2’ F3’ F4’

24 Excitation Functions The Transition Table could be large: 26 = 64, but since this is a One-Hot SM, there can be only one state active at a time. When writing the BA for each excitation function, listing the complemented states is redundant. For example: DF0 = F0•X* + F2•X*, instead of DF0 = F0•F1*•F2*•F3*•F4*•X* + F0*•F1*•F2•F3*•F4*• X* Similarly, DF1 = F0•X + F1•X + F4•X DF2 = F1•X* + F3•X* + F4•X* DF3 = ….. DF4 = …….

25 Simplification If there are any redundant terms, we can simplify; however, for One-Hot approach, there are no simplifications possible since we must account for every separate state path using a separate FF.

26 Implementation Assign one D-F/F per state and complete the combinatorial network required for each input. Implementation of F0 is shown: Clk & + D Q F0 F2 X* P The final network output, Z = F4. For reset, use asynchronous F/F inputs: Preset F0 and clear F1-F4.

27 Verification Check that the SM performs as required.
More complex input vectors are required since the internal state memory expands total possible states. Use simulation tools.

28 The Power of One-Hot Design
Can skip transition table--“read” the implementation directly off the state diagram: 1 1 Found None Found1 F0 & + D Q X F1 F1 X C Clk

29 Sequential Circuit Functions
Counters Binary, BCD Ripple, Synchronous Registers and Latches PIPO, PISO, SIPO, SISO

30 Sequential components
clear n-bit Register n load I Q count shift I Q n-bit Shift register n-bit Counter n Q clear Q = 0 if clear=1, I if load=1 and clock=1, Q(previous) otherwise. Q = lsb - Content shifted - I stored in msb Q = 0 if clear=1, Q(prev)+1 if count=1 and clock=1.

31 Sequential logic design Summary
A) Problem Description You want to construct a clock divider. Slow down your pre-existing clock so that you output a 1 for every four clock cycles

32 Sequential logic design (cont.)
E) Minimized Output Equations F) Combinational Logic a Q1 Q0 I0 I1 x

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