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Semi-automatic Foreground Extraction Martin & Andreas.

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Presentation on theme: "Semi-automatic Foreground Extraction Martin & Andreas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semi-automatic Foreground Extraction Martin & Andreas

2 The Work of Laerdal-Sophus Procedure –Breaking down images –Recomposition of images –Reshading Primary demand –Results must look realistic!

3 Present Segmentation Task Manual marking –Border marking –Tedious –Time consuming Labour intensive –The most time consuming part of the product line.

4 Our Task So, what can we do? –Some degree of automation –Faster of segmentation –Mile stone: 50% time cut-off on Segmenting and showing

5 Lazy-Snapping Speed –The method is fast enough to be interactive Easy user input –The operator uses mouse clicks to indicate which regions are inside/outside the obejct Based on energy minimisation via graphs –Min-cut / max-flow –Augmenting paths

6 Energy Minimisation We minimise a Gibbs energy to achieve a labeling Final labeling Data term Local Term

7 Constructing a Graph Final labeling Data term Local Term The data term is based on color information on background and foreground The local term is based on color differences between neighbouring pixels

8 Augmenting Paths st 127 5 Bottleneck capacity = 5 We augment the flow by the bottleneck capacity, and get the residual capacities. st 72 0 Original capacities Saturated edge X st 72 The edges is now cut

9 Min-cut / max-flow We think of a network flow (S  T) Find the min-cut! while (path found S  T) /* augment the flow */ find the bottleneck capacity Δf of P /* saturate at least one edge */ subtract Δf from all edges in P end-while

10 Min-cut / max-flow The set of cut edges corresponds to the min-cut. The cut separates S from T and gives a labeling. The min-cut is found by pushing the biggest possible flow through the network: The max-flow

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