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Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 1 Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems 048961 Winter 2004-2005 Dr. Idit Keidar
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 2 Course Overview Graduate level Format: reading group & seminar Discussion and evaluation of research papers
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 3 Prerequisite An introductory course on distributed computing You need to be familiar with: –Failure models: crash, Byzantine, … –Asynchronous and synchronous message-passing and shared memory models –Safety and liveness properties –Reasoning about distributed systems, indistinguishability arguments –Byzantine agreement/consensus/atomic commit –State machine replication, linearizability
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 4 This Term’s Focus: Distributed Storage Data-centric replication –Distributed shared memory Byzantine fault-tolerance Peer-to-peer storage systems Distributed and federated file systems Security
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 5 Requirements and Grading Reading the papers (one a week) Handing in short paper summaries – 15% Participating in class discussions – 10% Presenting one of the papers – 75% –Select a paper within the next 2 weeks
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 6 Reading The Papers This is a reading group. This means that you should read each paper before it is being discussed. Read the entire paper and be familiar with all its content. –Most will be conference papers. You don’t need to understand everything, check previous work, or memorize details. Hand in a short summary of the paper (unless you are presenting it) by e-mail to me the night before the lecture. –Any time before 8:00am the morning of the lecture is considered part of the night before.
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 7 Paper Summaries Total of ½ a page to 1 page long (no more!!). One paragraph overview –What question is the paper is trying to answer? –What are the main results? One paragraph on your experience –What did you learn? –What questions remain unanswered? –What didn’t you understand? Short discussion of the paper’s strengths and weaknesses.
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 8 Evaluating A Paper’s Strengths and Weaknesses Is the paper answering the “right” question? –Does it make reasonable assumptions? How novel is the solution? Is the solution technically sound? How well is the solution evaluated? Expected impact. (Hard to guess). Writing level: is the paper clearly written? Is it self-contained?
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 9 Paper Presentations You should fully understand the paper, be familiar with previous work, and be able to compare the paper with other similar work. The presentation should include: –Summary and evaluation. –Comparison with other work. –List of topics to discuss in class. It is highly recommended to discuss the presentation with me beforehand.
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 10 Contact Me Idit Keidar –Please send me e-mail with 048961 in the subject, and I’ll add you to the course mailing list. –Warning: Technion spam filter may block email from company addresses. Office hours: Tue 10:30-11:30 Mayer 960. Let me know in the coming two weeks what you would like to present. –See bibliography on course web page: Schedule will be posted on the course web page.
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 11 Background: Reliable Distributed Data
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 12 How Does one Achieve… Reliability with unreliable components? –Fault-tolerance Availability in the presence of failures? –Disconnects in a wide-scale system Disaster recovery? Fast local access in a wide-scale system?
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 13 Primary-Backup (Passive) Replication “Hot” standby Client talks to primary server Primary updates backup(s) Client detects server failure using timeout –performs “fail-over” to backup server –may need to repeat last operation(s) Pros? Cons?
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 14 State Machine (Active) Replication Model service as deterministic state machine –Sorry, no non-deterministic servers allowed Implement using a collection of servers, each running a copy of the state machine –Start at same initial state –Perform operations in the same order w/out gaps aaa bb c
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 15 Notes on Active and Passive Replication Support objects of arbitrary type Not always possible –State machine replication uses consensus to agree on order of operations –Not solvable in failure-prone asynchronous systems [FLP] Primary-backup needs accurate failue detection
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 16 R/W Registers Only methods are read and write –No RMW Typically what disks support –Should be good enough for file systems… Consistent replication possible even when consensus is unsolvable First, let us define consistency…
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 17 Operations Take Time time invocation 12:00 read(x) response 12:01 7 7 x
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 18 Concurrent Operations Take Overlapping Time time write(x,8)write(x,9) read(x)
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 19 Consistency Semantics Sequential specification for register: –read returns last value written before the read What does it mean for a concurrent object to be correct? –Intuition: the object should “look like” a non- concurrent one
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 20 Split Operations into Two Events Invocation –read(x) –write(x,v) Response –result or exception –read(x) returns v –write(x,v) returns ack
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 21 Linearizability Each operation should – –“take effect” –instantaneously –between its invocation and response events Such a concurrent execution is linearizable Such a concurrent object is atomic
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 22 Example time read(1)write(0) write(1) time linearizable
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 23 Example time read(1)write(0) write(1) time read(0) write(1) happened after write(0) not linearizable
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 24 Example time read(1)write(0) write(1) write(2) time read(1) not linearizable write(1) already happened
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 25 Example time read(1)write(0) write(1) write(2) time read(2) linearizable
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 26 Linearizability See formal definition in –Attiya &Welch, Distributed Computing, Ch. 9 –046272 Lecture 11 Definition applicable for any object type Easy to reason about
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 27 Weaker Alternative: Sequential Consistency No need to preserve real-time order
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 28 Weaker Consistency Conditions for Registers
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 29 Safe Register write(1001) read(1001) OK if reads and writes don’t overlap
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 30 Safe Register write(1001) read(????) Effects undefined if reads and writes do overlap
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 31 Regular Register write(0) read(1) Safe + Concurrent read returns either old or new value (Assume single writer) write(1) read(0)
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 32 Regular ≠ Linearizable write(0) read(1) write(1) read(0) write(1) already happened explain this!
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 33 Liveness Requirement Wait-freedom (wait-free termination): every operation by a correct process p completes in a finite number of p’s steps. Regardless of steps taken by other processes –In particular, the other processes may fail or take any number of steps between p’s steps –But p must be given a chance to take as many steps as it needs
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 34 Implementing Shared R/W Registers
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 35 Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) Goal: provide the elusion of atomic/regular shared-memory registers in a message- passing system
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 36 Data-Centric Replication A fixed collection of persistent data items accessed by transient clients Data items have limited functionality –E.g., read/write registers, or –an object of a certain type. Cannot communicate with one another.
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 37 What is it Good For? Storage Area Networks (SAN) –disk functionality is limited (R/W) –disks cannot communicate Large scale client/server systems –simple servers that do not communicate with each other scale better, manage load better Peer-to-peer storage
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 38 Replicated Register Take I: Write-All-Read-One Data replicated at all servers –Every write goes to all of them x = 0 write(x,3) write(x,5) x = 3 x = 5 x = 0 x = 3 x = 5 x = 0 x = 5 x = 3
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 39 Take II: Add Timestamps x = 0, t=0 write(x,3) write(x,5) x = 3, t=1 x = 5, t=2 x = 0, t=0 x = 5, t=2 ignore x = 3 Ignore writes with old timestamps x = 0, t=0 x = 3, t=1 x = 5, t=2 Timestamp must be unique.. how? Timestamps must be monotonically increasing... how?
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 40 R/W Replicated Register Write-All-Read-One How are reads/queries handled? –For regular register? –For atomic register? Pros? Cons?
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 41 Example time read(1) read(?) write(1) time write(1) already happened finds a copy that was written does not find a written copy, returns 0 not linearizable
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 42 Fault Tolerant Data Centric Systems System consists of n fault-prone shared- memory objects –called base objects –really n servers or disks storing base objects
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 43 Failure Models Clients: any number of crash failures. –Aka wait-free. –No Byzantine failures: assume authentication. Base objects: up to a threshold t. –Crash or Byzantine failures. We now discuss crash. –A faulty object may stop responding to clients. –A Byzantine object can send bogus responses.
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 44 Take III: Quorum-Based Replication A quorum system over a universe U of n processes is a collection of subsets of U (called quorums) such that every two quorums intersect –E.g., all sets including a majority of U Write to quorum –As before, with unique increasing timestamp Read from a quorum –Choose highest timestamped read value
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 45 Fault-Tolerant Register Emulation x = 0, t=0 write(x,3) read(x) x = 3, t=1 x = 0, t=0 x = 3, t=1 return 3
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 46 Variants Single write round for single-writer Read before write for multi-writer Single read round for regular register Write-back for multi-reader Based on [ Attiya, Bar-Noy, Dolev ], see: –Attiya & Welch, Distributed Computing, Ch. 9 & 10 –Nancy Lynch, Distributed Algorithms, Ch. 13 & 17 –046272 Lectures 12 and 13
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 47 What if Servers can be Penetrated? Byzantine fault-tolerance: threshold of servers can be faulty Can clients be faulty? –Benign faults: yes (crash, slow, message loss) –Byzantine faults: no Employ access control If bypassed, who cares? –A malicious client can mess up the data anyway
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 48 Byzantine quorum systems: example [Malkhi and Reiter 98] At most one server can be penetrated x = 7, t = 1 x = 7 x = 0 t = 0 x = 2 t = 5 x = 7 t = 1 x = 7 t = 1
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 49 Byzantine quorum systems: example [Malkhi and Reiter 98] x = 7, t = 1 x = 7 x = 0 t = 0 x = 0 t = 0 x = 7 t = 1 x = 7 t = 1 Why timestamps?
Idit Keidar, Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems, Technion EE, Winter 2004-2005 50 Later in the Course More on Byzantine fault-tolerance Error-correcting codes Various optimizations –For server-based systems –For SAN-based systems Peer-to-peer storage Distributed file systems
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