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CPD: the practical benefits Marie Griffin Education Officer County Dublin VEC.

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1 CPD: the practical benefits Marie Griffin Education Officer County Dublin VEC

2 A personal journey Part-time teacher to Education Officer Formal academic in-service + DES in-service + management body in-service + membership of school committees & professional associations “I think that a good teacher will ultimately wish to reflect on their work, evaluate it and look for ways to improve it. A fundamental principal is that the teachers should see themselves as learners” (McNamara & O’Hara, 2008)

3 CPD Why are you here today? __the weather not to be given as a reason!!

4 CPD What are the benefits? Are there disadvantages?  For the teacher  For the school

5 Practical Benefits  For the teacher - career progression - improved teaching - personal growth  For the school - students’ learning - fellow colleagues - community CPD is usually easier and more effective as part of a community of learning

6 Possible Disadvantages  Bringing in change – sometimes a threat as “we always did it that way”!  Trying to bring your colleagues with you – dealing with cynics!  Making demands on colleagues’ time  Demands on your own time & personal life  Personal challenge

7 CPD in more than just an option! The needs of the school - e.g. Mathematics, LCA, ESOL - middle management training - leadership training - community of learning - consistency in planning & practice - WSE recommendations

8 County Dublin VEC CPD for Assistant Principals 1.Education Policy & legislative context 2.Principles of Leadership/Management 3.Leadership & Effective Schools/SDP 4.Current Developments in Education/Educational Change 5.Personnel Management 6.ICT Supporting Educational Organisation & Administration (56% interested in attending)

9  “The predominantly traditional style of teaching should be expanded on and a wider range of teaching methodologies explored and developed”  “Individual Education Plans for students requiring them should be implemented without delay”  “Teachers are urged to include more…differentiation in all lessons”  “The principal and deputy principal should address along with the school staff and other members of the school community what the development of the school as a centre of excellence will require in terms of leadership at senior management and middle management levels”  “It is recommended that ICT be integrated into the teaching and learning of all subjects”  “ Strategies for active and independent learning should be further developed and incorporated in all subject areas”  “The principal and deputy principal should seek out further opportunities for training in collaborative leadership in order to enhance their effectiveness as a management team”

10 CPD “…teachers can benefit greatly from evaluation processes that provide data and evidence to feed into awareness building, goal setting and professional development” (Mc Namara & O’Hara, 2008) Hargreaves (2006) argues that the collection, analysis and use of evidence by teachers and schools as part of their own continuous improvement is a key and inescapable element of professionalism

11 CPD 1.How would you establish your own CPD priorities? 2.How would you establish CPD priorities for your school?

12 Don’t be afraid to….  Evaluate your own priorities – use SDP templates  Get involved in evaluating your school’s priorities  Involve fellow colleagues in CPD  Involve your students  Ask for help  Keep at it

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