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Homework Homework #1 is up Programming Language: whatever – Write your own code – HW questions about code: Be succinct and clear Partial credit will be.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework Homework #1 is up Programming Language: whatever – Write your own code – HW questions about code: Be succinct and clear Partial credit will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework Homework #1 is up Programming Language: whatever – Write your own code – HW questions about code: Be succinct and clear Partial credit will be given – So briefly justifying your answers may help

2 Look at the homework early, because… No class next Monday Your TA is out next week In the meantime, we’re both available via e- mail

3 Project Guidelines Project proposal due October 16 (~1 pg) – Who is in your group – Your task (and why is it interesting?) – Where did/will you get your data? – Which ML algorithms will you try first? Final project write-up due December 8th – Web page – Report (~4 pgs, ACM format…link on course page)

4 Some project ideas The “standard” problems – Handwriting, text classification, disease detection, etc.; see the UCI ML repository Recommendations – E.g., the Netflix prize Sports predictions – Question: how does “intransitivity” impact ML? – Multi-task learning TinyGrams – Google n-grams corpus gives P(phrase) for up to 5-word phrases – Based on 1 trillion words: unprecedented coverage – But around 150G uncompressed – could an ML approximation fit in memory?

5 More “researchy” projects A couple of project ideas related to information extraction – Example: TextRunner If interested, drop me an e-mail (soon)

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