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ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.1 ME 543: POWDER-BASED MANUFACTURING Instructor: Dr. K. Morsi Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Office: E305 Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.1 ME 543: POWDER-BASED MANUFACTURING Instructor: Dr. K. Morsi Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Office: E305 Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.1 ME 543: POWDER-BASED MANUFACTURING Instructor: Dr. K. Morsi Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Office: E305 Engineering Building E-mail: Office Hours: 11:40-12:40 MTH Meeting times and place: 10:00-11:40pm MTWTH E300 Blackboard Blackboard Website Website

2 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.2 Text R. M. GERMAN - POWDER METALLURGY & Particulate Materials Processing SCIENCE (2005) & Particulate Materials Processing SCIENCE (2005) Text for refresher reading: Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction William D. Callister, Jr., 6th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, 2007. SyllabusChapters1-3, 6-10 Syllabus Chapters1-3, 6-10Website Course information, PowerPoint lectures and homework solutions will be posted on:Blackboard will be posted on: Blackboard POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS & Homework solutions Prerequisite ME 240/260 & ME 340 or equivalent

3 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.3 Quizzes (2) = 60% Project-Paper = 30% Presentation = 10% TOTAL = 100% Determination of Course Grade Homework = 3 bonus %

4 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.4Homework Homework assignments will be listed on the webpage. These assignments are due at the beginning of the class. Homework is to be turned in on 8 1/2 x 11 paper with: your name, student number, the date, and assignment number written on the outside of the paper. EXAMPLE: Joe Smith 1/21/04 Homework #1 In your solutions, the final Answers to homework questions must be boxed in red to receive credit. e.g. Energy = 10 MJ. VERY IMPORTANT

5 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.5 The homework is given first and foremost for the benefit of the student for practice and will contribute to the student’s grade in the form of three bonus points (i.e. 3%). The homework will be graded on effort. A qualifying assignment must have at least 75% of its problems having been attempted well. Although you are encouraged to work together on the homework, the assignment handed in must reflect your personal effort only. i.e. it must be your own solution. Solutions to all the questions on the assignments will be available on blackboard on the day the homework is returned. Students who submit assignments that show strong dependence on solutions or any sort of cheating (for example: a correct answer presented for an incorrectly worked problem..etc) will be given a score of zero for the entire homework for the whole semester. Students who copy solutions from others are guilty of academic dishonesty and may be subject to disciplinary action. Illegible and/or sloppy homework, or work turned in on pages ripped from spiral notebooks will be returned un-graded. No late homework will be accepted except under documented extenuating circumstances. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the specified day. If you must be absent for a class, you may turn in your homework early, or have a fellow student turn it in on the due date and notify the instructor prior to your absence.

6 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.6 MAKEUP TESTS/EXAMS No makeup quizzes/exams will be given except in very severe and well documented circumstances. EXTRA TUTORIAL SESSIONS From time to time the instructor may wish to schedule extra sessions introduced for the purpose of giving students a better grasp of problem solving. The attendance will not be compulsory. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Cheating of any form including plagiarism (defined by the University in the 2008/2009 General Catalogue) constitutes a serious offence. Cheating will not be tolerated, and evidence of cheating by a student will result in an automatic “F” as the student's grade and reported to the Judicial Procedures Office. Cheating of any form including plagiarism (defined by the University in the 2008/2009 General Catalogue) constitutes a serious offence. Cheating will not be tolerated, and evidence of cheating by a student will result in an automatic “F” as the student's grade and reported to the Judicial Procedures Office.

7 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.7 SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and need assistance, please notify the course instructor immediately. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs. If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and need assistance, please notify the course instructor immediately. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs. PowerPoint Presentations Homework Assignments & Solutions Access to solved problems

8 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.8 ME 596: POWDER-BASED MANUFACTURING Steel gear produced using Powder Metallurgy Close dimensional tolerance and high strength and wear resistance

9 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.9 The ability to produce net shape engineering components using powders SANDCASTLES

10 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.10 Delhi Pillar (6.5 tons) erected 375-414 AD in INDIA, reduced iron powder HISTORY Ancient Egyptians use of iron powder dates back to 3000 BC Incas made jewelry from metal powders Silver, copper, lead coins 1800’s in Russia and England Durable lamp filament for Edison 1937 WC-Co cutting tools 1922


12 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.12

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16 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.16APPLICATIONS

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18 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.18 Porous Application

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22 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.22

23 ME596: Powder-based Manufacturing 1.23 GroupMembers (underline group leader) Project 1 2 3 4

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