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NR 322: What is GIS? Jim Graham Fall 2010. What is GIS? Geographic Information System? Geographic Information Science? A system that provides the ability.

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Presentation on theme: "NR 322: What is GIS? Jim Graham Fall 2010. What is GIS? Geographic Information System? Geographic Information Science? A system that provides the ability."— Presentation transcript:

1 NR 322: What is GIS? Jim Graham Fall 2010

2 What is GIS? Geographic Information System? Geographic Information Science? A system that provides the ability to work with information that is referenced to the surface of the earth. Is a paper map a GIS?

3 What is GIS (con’d)? A GIS contains at least: –A Computer –A Software Application (ArcGIS) –Some Spatial Data –A User And works together to perform some geospatial function –What does “geospatial” mean?

4 What can GIS do? Make a map Find directions to known location Find local a Star Bucks Determine cost of roads, developments Predict the extent of an invasive species Map ancient civilizations Help manage natural resources!

5 What can’t GIS do? Guess the directions you want to take Be 100% up to date Be 100% accurate

6 How many of you have used: GoogleMaps or MapQuest? GoogleEarth? Topographic map (24k)? Street map? GPS? Personal Navigation Device? GeoCaching Web Sites?

7 Steps in GIS 1.Acquiring data 2.Preparing data 3.Assembling data (making electronic maps) 4.Analysis 5.Preparing final documents (inc. Cartography) 6.Publication / Distribution What is cartography?

8 GIS Process Software - Preparation - Assembly - Analysis - Cartography Spatial Data Maps Analysis Results InputOutputManagement & Analysis

9 Current GIS 1.Acquire: Maps, GPS, Aerial & Satellites, Internet! 2.Preparation, Assembly, Analysis, Cartography: ArcGIS and other software 3.Distribution: Printing, Publication, the Internet! Did you know you can put GIS data into Google Earth?

10 Acquire Data Existing Maps: USGS Topographic Map Series (1:24k) Geographic Positioning System (GPS) Aerial Photography –Digital Orthographic Quarter Quads Satellite Photography –LandSat –MODIS –QuickBird

11 Preparation Decompression (unzip) File Format Conversion Projection and Datum Conversion Data Organization

12 Assembly Adding Layers in ArcGIS Checking goereferencing Editing?

13 Georeferenced Layers

14 Analysis Vector operations: union, intersection Vector measurements: Distance, area Raster calculations Raster transformations Raster measurements: histograms

15 Preparation (inc. Cartography) Cartography: –Colors and symbols –Labels –Legends –North arrows, scale bars –Titles and credits –Regional Maps Preparing Reports Posters Journal Articles

16 Distribution Credit and copyright Printed maps Internet distribution

17 Future of GIS? GIS is currently almost all static 2D –Exception is AutoCAD Is the future dynamic 3D –GoogleEarth Flythroughs? –Flash type animations?

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