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Course: Software Engineering II academic year: 2007-2008 Course Web-site: [] Lecturer: Catia Trubiani.

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Presentation on theme: "Course: Software Engineering II academic year: 2007-2008 Course Web-site: [] Lecturer: Catia Trubiani."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course: Software Engineering II academic year: 2007-2008 Course Web-site: [] Lecturer: Catia Trubiani Computer Science Department University of L'Aquila - Italy Lecture 22: Performance Evaluation with SHARPE

2 2 SEA Group Copyright Notice » The material in these slides may be freely reproduced and distributed, partially or totally, as far as an explicit reference or acknowledge to the material author is preserved.

3 3 SEA Group Roadmap Performance modeling evaluation Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPNs) Symbolic Hierarchical Automated Reliability and Performance Evaluator (SHARPE)

4 4 SEA Group Software Performance Software developers’ world (vocabulary) is intrinsically distant from performance analysts’ one. APPLICATION MODEL APPLICATION PERFORMANCE MODEL APPLICATION PERFORMANCE MODEL

5 5 SEA Group Performance Notations Markov processe s Queueing Network s Generalize d Stochastic Petri Nets Stochasti c Process Algebras Simulation

6 6 SEA Group SHARPE: screenshot Symbolic Hierarchical Automated Reliability and Performance Evaluator (SHARPE)

7 7 SEA Group SHARPE evaluation Steps for Performance evaluation with SHARPE:  Design of a generalized stochastic Petri net model  Definition of constants, variables and functions  Analysis of the model  Plotting the results of a model

8 8 SEA Group 1- Sharpe design  Design of a generalized stochastic Petri net model producertasksconsumer

9 9 SEA Group 2- Sharpe definitions  Definition of constants, variables and functions producertasksconsumer lambda, bufferSize, mu

10 10 SEA Group 3- Sharpe analysis  Analysis of the model  Steady-state average number of tokens in the given place  Steady-state THROUGHPUT for a transition  Steady-state UTILIZATION for a transition  Steady-state probability that the given place is empty

11 11 SEA Group 4- Sharpe plotting  Plotting the results of a model different rates for the transition “consumer”

12 12 SEA Group Exercise producer tasks consumer Comparison of two simple models: producer tasks consumer1 consumer2 consumer3 (1) (2)

13 13 SEA Group System Performance Model Results  Plotting the results of the models… Throughput of consumers in comparison, what’s the meaning of gaps?

14 14 SEA Group Basic Readings » [Performance evaluation] Software packages, Sharpe, Tool and Interface Manual Robin Sahner, Kishor S. Trivedi, Antonio Puliafito “PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS”

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