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Photonic Bandgap Structures By Akshay V. Hegde Graduate Student Dept. of Electrical Engineering Course: Optical Communications Instructor: Dr. Pao-Lo Liu.

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Presentation on theme: "Photonic Bandgap Structures By Akshay V. Hegde Graduate Student Dept. of Electrical Engineering Course: Optical Communications Instructor: Dr. Pao-Lo Liu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photonic Bandgap Structures By Akshay V. Hegde Graduate Student Dept. of Electrical Engineering Course: Optical Communications Instructor: Dr. Pao-Lo Liu

2 Agenda  Photonic Band Gaps  Photonic Band Gaps & Bragg’s Law  Natural PBS  Artificial PBS  Fabrication of PBS  Self-Assembly Process  Photonic Crystal Fiber  Future Applications  Photonic Giants

3 Photonic Band Gaps  Photons with a certain range of wavelengths do not have an energy state to occupy in a structure  These photons are forbidden in the structure and cannot propagate  Analogous to forbidden energy gaps in semiconductors E = (hc)/λ

4 Photonic Band Gaps & Bragg’s Law  Periodic objects reflect incident waves when the dimensions, wavelength and interplanar spacing, satisfy Bragg's Law  Bragg’s Law is valid for any EM wave in any periodic object

5 Natural PBS The Gemstone Opal

6 Natural PBS The Mitoura Grynea

7 Artificial PBS  A lattice fabricated from layers of silicon "matchsticks"  Spherical air holes in a material with a high refractive index

8 Fabrication of PBS  Two popular methods  Lithography  Defects can be precisely controlled  Ideal for small scale production  Expensive and complex  Self-Assembly  Defects cannot be controlled precisely  Works well for bulk production  Inexpensive and simple An Opal Template

9 Self-Assembly Process

10 Photonic Crystal Fiber  A long thread of silica glass with a periodic air holes running down its length

11  Type 1- The central hole is absent, high- index defect acts as core  Type 2 - The core has an extra hole, which is a low-index defect (Photonic band gap fiber)  Light is guided along the low refractive index air core by photonic band gap confinement effect  Presently, fabrication of 3D photonic crystals on the scale of a micron is difficult

12 High-Index Defect FiberLow-Index Defect Fiber High-Index Defect FiberLow-Index Defect Fiber

13 Future Applications  Highly efficient photonic crystal lasers  High resolution spectral filters  Photonic crystal diodes and transistors  High efficiency light bulbs  Optical computers  Telecommunication & computer networks  Photonic clothes and candy bars?

14 Photonic Giants  NEC Research Institute & Electrical Engineering Dept. at Princeton University  Dept. of Electrical Engineering at UCLA  Massachusetts Institute of Technology  Sandia National Laboratories, California  Rockwell International, California  Bell Labs  Corning

15 References  Articles on “Photonic Band Gap Links” (  Physics Web (  Optoelectronics Group, University of Bath ( tml) tml tml  Wired Magazine (

16 Thank You!

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