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Recent Results Lutz Köpke University of Mainz, Germany July 31, 2003

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1 Recent Results Lutz Köpke University of Mainz, Germany July 31, 2003

2 Upgrade and IceCube Neutrinos Cosmic rays Contributed papers to ICRC  Response of AMANDA to cosmic ray muons  Cosmic ray flux measurement  Cosmic ray composition at the knee with SPASE and AMANDA  Atmospheric neutrino and muon spectra  Search for diffuse fluxes of extraterrestrial muon neutrinos  AMANDA-B10 limit on UHE-Neutrinos  Search for high energy neutrinos of all flavours  Search for extraterrestrial point sources of neutrinos  Search for muons from WIMP annihilation in center of earth  Search for high energy neutrinos from GRBs  Online search for neutrino bursts from Supernovae  New capabilities of the AMANDA detector  The IceCube high energy neutrino telescope  IceTop: the surface component of IceCube  Simulation of ice Cherenkov detectors for IceTop + 3 individual contributions black: parallel talk

3 Physics motivation  origin and acceleration of cosmic rays  understand cosmic cataclysms  find new kind of objects?  neutrino properties ( , cross sections..)  dark matter (neutralino annihilation) tests of relativitiy.... search for big bang relics... effects of extra dimension etc....

4 Neutrino source candidates Active Galaxy (optically dense, e.g. FRII) Black hole with 10 8 x mass of sun  10 6 LJ extra-galactic Supernova remnant Microquasar (SS433 etc.) Crab nebula Black hole with  mass of sun  1 LJ galactic

5 Electromagnetic and hadronic cascades ~ 5 m Detection of e, ,  O(km) long muon tracks direction determination by Cherenkov light timing  15 m e :  :  =1:2:0 at source e :  :  =1:1:1 at Earth !

6 Detection of muon neutrinos atmospheric muons  ( e ) cosmic radiation  ( e ) Earth acts as shield O(PeV): use horizontal events O(10 PeV): use events from above Above O(PeV): significant absorption: O(10 PeV)

7 Complementarity (point sources): South Pole (ice) AMANDA, ICECUBE dots: distribution of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) galactic center in middle E  < 100 TeV Mediterranean (ocean) Antares, Nestor, 1 km 3...

8 Northern hemisphere detectors Baikal NT200 1100 m deep data taking since 1998 new: 3 distant strings AntaresNestor March 17, 2003 2 strings connected 2400 m deep completion: start 2006 March 29, 2003 1 of 12 floors deployed 4000 m deep completion: 2006

9 Optical module (677) 1996-2000 Amundsen-Scott Station South Pole AMANDA II Detector

10 The AMANDA Collaboration Venezuela (1) Europe (10+1) Antarctica New Zealand USA (7+3) Japan Bartol Research Institute UC Berkeley UC Iivine Pennsylvania State UW Madison UW River Falls LBL Berkeley U. Simón Bolivar, Caracas VUB, Brussel ULB-IHEE, Bruxelles U. de Mons-Hainaut Imperial College, London DESY, Zeuthen Mainz Universität Wuppertal Universität Stockholm Universitet Uppsala Universitet Kalmar Universitet South Pole Station Antarctica  150 members + associated institutes e.g. Chiba University

11 South Pole AMANDA The laboratory

12 The Dome The new station operating at least until 2035

13 Two events... 200 TeV e candidate

14 Detector capabilities  muons: directional error: 2.0 - 2.5° energy resolution: ¶ 0.3 – 0.4 coverage: 2   primary cosmic rays: (+ SPASE) energy resolution: ¶ 0.07 – 0.10  „cascades“: (e ±,  , neutral current) zenith error: 30 - 40° energy resolution: ¶ 0.1 – 0.2 coverage: 4   effective area (schematic):  E E 3 cm 2 -interaction in earth, cuts 2 -5m 2 100 GeV 100 TeV 100 PeV ¶  [log 10 (E/TeV)]

15 Atmospheric muons in AMANDA-II PRELIMINARY threshold energy ~ 40 GeV (zenith averaged) Atmospheric muons and neutrinos: AMANDA‘s test beams much improved simulation...but data 30% higher than MC...  normalize to most vertical bin Systematic errors:  10% scattering ( 20m @ 400nm) absorption (110m @ 400nm)  20% optical module sensitivity  10% refreezing of ice in hole poster 1-P-265

16 Cosmic Ray flux measurement empirical separation of ice and OM sensitivity effects PRELIMINARY In some cases ice and OM-sensitivity effect can be circumvented...  (E)=  0 E -  Spectral index  compatible with direct measurements, error competivie for QGSJET generator:   (H) = 2.70 ± 0.02   0 (H) = 0.106(7) m -2 s -1 sr -1 TeV -1 talk HE2.1-13

17 cosmic ray composition studies SPASE-2 (electronic component) - AMANDA B10 (muonic component) AMANDA II - unique combination! talk HE 1.1-25 robust evidence for composition change around knee... AMANDA (correlate to #muons) SPASE-2 (correlated to #electrons) iron proton log(E/GeV)

18 Composition change around „knee“ 10 15 eV10 16 eV talk HE 1.1-25 A=30 A=6 (1998 data) publication in preparation confirms trend seen by other experiments... blue band: detector and model uncertainties red band: uncertainty due to low energy normalization

19 Atmospheric n 's in AMANDA-II  neural network energy reconstruction  regularized unfolding measured atmospheric neutrino spectrum 1 sigma energy error  spectrum up to 100 TeV  compatible with Frejus data presently no sensitivity to LSND/Nunokawa prediction of dip structures between 0.4-3 TeV In future, spectrum will be used to study excess due to cosmic ‘s PRELIMINARY talk HE 2.3-6

20 Excess of cosmic neutrinos? Not yet... cascades (2000 data) „ AGN“ with 10 -5 E -2 GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 sr -1.. for now use number of optical modules hit as energy variable... muon neutrinos (1997 B10-data) accepted by PRL cuts determined by MC – blind analyses ! talk HE 2.3-4poster HE

21 AMANDA II (with 3 years data): ~ 10 X higher Sensitivity Diffuse flux muon neutrinos 3·10 3 – 10 6 GeV: E 2  (E) < 8  10 -7 GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 sr -1 Note that limits depend on assumed energy spectrum... 2.5 ·10 6 – 5.6 ·10 8 GeV: E 2  (E) < 7.2  10 -7 GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 sr -1 Expected sensitivity 2000 data: ~ 3  10 -7 GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 sr -1 prel. poster 1-P-257poster 1-P-256

22 Diffuse limit cascades effective volume 80 TeV – 7 PeV  after acceptance expect: e :  :   1 : 0.67 : 0.41 events  2 candidate events total observed 90% CL upper limit: E 2  all (E) < 9·10 - 7 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 PRELIMINARY talk HE 2.3-4

23 Flux results summary (all flavors) assuming e :  :  =1:1:1 ratio: 2000  analysis will yield comparable result...  special analysis for resonant production (6.3 PeV)  multiplicative factor 3 applied for single e,  channels …...can combine analyses ! talk HE 2.3-4

24  697 events observed above horizon  3% non-neutrino background for  > 5°  cuts optimized in each declination band PRELIMINARY Point source search in AMANDA II Search for excess events in sky bins for up-going tracks  sky subdivided into 300 bins (~7°x7°) below horizon:mostly fake events talk HE 2.3-5 above horizon: mostly atmospheric ‘s no clustering observed - no evidence for extraterrestrial neutrinos...

25 Sourcesdeclination1997 ¶ 2000 SS4335.0 o -0.7 M8712.4 o 17.01.0 Crab22.0 o 4.22.4 Mkn 42138.2 o 11.23.5 Mkn 50139.8 o 9.51.8 Cyg. X-341.0 o 4.93.5 Cas. A58.8 o 9.81.2 Selected point source flux limits sensitivity  flat above horizon - 4 times better than B10 ¶ ! declination averaged sensitivity:  lim  2.310 -8 cm -2 s -1 @90% ¶ published Ap. J, 582 (2003) PRELIMINARY upper limits @ 90% CL in units of 10 -8 cm -2 s -1 talk HE 2.3-5

26 -90 0-45 9045 10 -15 10 -14 muons/cm 2 s 1 10 -17 10 -16 published data preliminary 2000 data 1 km 3 detectors, 3 years 1 km 3 Expected source sensitivity GX 339-4 SS-433 MACRO 8 years N AMANDA+16 (2007) Antares (2007+) AMANDA 137 days declination (degrees) S Mark. 501 Crab

27 GRB n search in AMANDA Search for  candiates correlated with GRBs - background established from data  317 BATSE triggers (1997—2000)  effective  -area  50000 m 2 low background due to space- time coincidence  No excess observed! assuming WB spectrum 4 x 10 -8 GeV/s/cm 2 /sr analysis continues with non-triggered BATSE and IPN3 data …  <20° 10 min PRELIMINARY talk OG 2.4-7

28 Outlook... did not mention new improved search for WIMPs (HE 3.3-6)... supernova detection (1-P-258) etc. *combined analysis 1997-2003: 8 x more days !  improved selection and analysis methods...  new transition waveform based readout installed 02/03 improved performance in particular at high energies (1-P-264)  first IceCube strings 2004/05 – combined analysis with extraterrestrial neutrinos found yet...but:

29 increasing energy deposition no indication of clustering also at higher energies ! Is there a signal at higher energies?

30 Cygnus-X1 Sun Cassiopeia. A Approximate AMANDA horizon 90 000 light years SMC LMC Crab Nebula

31 Importance of all flavor detection Extended source with e :  :  =1:2:0 production (e.g.   decay) : E.g.: Maki-Nakagawa-Sakato mixing matrix with  12 =30°,  23 =45°,  13 =0° : e :  :  =1:1:1 on earth  O(10) x less background for e – but you don’t profit from long  -range  Regeneration of  - no absorption in earth even at very high energies !

32 Theoretical bounds and future atmospheric  W&B MPR DUMAND test string FREJUS NT-200 MACRO  NT-200+ AMANDA-II IceCube AMANDA-97 AMANDA-00 opaque for neutrons Mannheim, Protheroe and Rachen (2000) – Waxman, Bahcall (1999)  derived from known limits on extragalactic protons +  -ray flux neutrons can escape

33 Diffuse limit cascades Effective volume 80 TeV – 7 PeV  For E 2  (E) = 10 -6 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 flux would expect: 9.3 e, 6.2 , 3.8  events 2 candidate events total observed E 2  all (E) < 9·10 - 7 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 90% CL limit, assuming e :  :  =1:1:1 : PRELIMINARY talk HE 2.3-4

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