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Stephen J Dodds Professor of Control Engineering School of Computing and Technology University of East London, UK MSc in Computer Systems Engineering Material.

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Presentation on theme: "Stephen J Dodds Professor of Control Engineering School of Computing and Technology University of East London, UK MSc in Computer Systems Engineering Material."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stephen J Dodds Professor of Control Engineering School of Computing and Technology University of East London, UK MSc in Computer Systems Engineering Material for Projects Connected with the Control Systems Research RG C Control Research Group

2 CONTROL SYSTEMS RESEARCH Our theme: C A T s OnOn ONTROLONTROL PPLICATIONSPPLICATIONS ECHNIQUESECHNIQUES Nonlinear Control Robust Control Forced Dynamic Control Bang-Bang Control (including minimum settling time) Artificial Neural Networks Sliding Mode Control Observer Based Robust Control (new) Electric Drives and Motion Control Spacecraft Attitude and Orbit Control Vehicle Power Trains and Engine Management Active Vibration Control High Quality Audio Systems (active feedback) Robotic Manipulators and Prosthetics (new)

3 AN INTERESTING INVESTIGATION: OBSERVER-BASED ROBUST CONTROL First, what is robust control? Controlled Plant with uncertain parameters Controller External disturbances Control or manipulated variables Measurement variables or outputs Reference inputs or demanded outputs The controller is robust if the specified dynamic response of the outputs to the reference inputs that the controller was designed to produce is maintained regardless of the external disturbances and the parameter values. Observer based robust control is a new technique for achieving this.

4 The Mismatch Equivalent Additive Control Component Premise Real Plant Plant Model There exists u d such that

5 Observer to Estimate u d as well as the Plant State Real Plant Plant Model Model correction loop OBSERVER

6 Plant Model Real Plant OBSERVER Complete Control System State Control Law OBSERVER BASED ROBUST CONTROLLER

7 2) Observer Based Robust Control of Electric Drives Some questions to be answered: a) Is it possible to create a shaft sensor-less vector controller with improved robustness to parameter uncertainties? b) Is it possible to create a universal drive controller with shaft sensor in which the motor parameters are not needed. c) What is the impact of imperfect observer operation on the overall control system performance? Two MSc Control Projects 2) Observer Based Robust Control of Electric Drives Some questions to be answered: a) Is it possible to create a shaft sensor-less vector controller with improved robustness to parameter uncertainties? b) Is it possible to create a universal drive controller with shaft sensor in which the motor parameters are not needed. c) What is the impact of imperfect observer operation on the overall control system performance?

8 Further MSc Control Projects Please look again at the list of research topics at the beginning of this presentation and select one. Alternatively you may already have a project in mind that you wish to discuss. Then contact me by e-mail to establish a suitable project / arrange a meeting:

9 Thank You RG C Control Research Group

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