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The Estonian Economy and Foreign Direct Investments

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1 The Estonian Economy and Foreign Direct Investments
Tallinn 19 April, 2007 Stefan Andersson Enterprise Estonia

2 Estonia at a Glance Population Area Language Currency GDP per Capita
GDP Growth Export 1.34 million 45,000 km2 Estonian EUR 1 = EEK 9 800 EUR 11.4 % (2006) 58 % of GDP (2006)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

3 Population in the Baltic Sea Region
Denmark million Sweden Finland Norway Germany* Poland** Estonia Latvia Lithuania Russia*** TOTAL million *Schlesw.-Hol, Meckl-VP, Hamburg ** Entire Poland ***St Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Len. oblast

4 Flight Connections flights/week flight hours Helsinki 49 0.5
Stockholm Vilnius Copenhagen Oslo Riga Prague Amsterdam London Frankfurt Berlin Warsaw Brussels Göteborg Palanga Hamburg Paris Vienna Moscow Barcelona Milan Kiev Dublin Dubrovnik Simferopol Source: Tallinn Airport, Summer 2007 timetable

5 Map of Estonia

6 Stable Business Environment
EU and NATO Membership. Low Tax Level. Flexible Labour Market. EURO-pegged Currency. Balanced State Budget. Equal Treatment of all Investors. Low State Intervention.

7 GDP Growth Q4 2006 Source: EUROSTAT

8 GDP Growth and Inflation 1996-2006
Source: Statistical Office of Estonia

9 Natural Resources Timber: 2 mln ha, 48% of Estonia covered by forest
Wood-processing industry closely connected to the Scandinavian forestry companies Energy Oil shale reserves 1,8 bln tons. Annual production 14 mln tons. 80% for electricity production.

10 Average Gross Salary in Estonia, (EUR/Month)
Source: Statistical Office of Estonia

11 Knowledge Intensive Jobs (% of all jobs)
Source: European Commission

12 Taxes in Estonia unemployment insurance 0.3 (employer) 0.6 (employee)
* no corporate income tax on reinvested earnings Source: Enterprise Estonia

13 Corporate Income Tax Rates in Eastern Europe, 2007
Source: Enterprise Estonia (

14 Corporate Income Tax Rates in Europe 2007
* no tax on reinvested profits Source: Enterprise Estonia; WIR 2005

15 IT development in Estonia
e-elections (local 2005, national 2007) e-government project (august 2000) e-tax board - income tax statements can be filled out via internet (spring 2001) digital signature act came into force (december 2000) 90% electronic transactions, % of the population using internet banking (end 2005) e-billing (july 2000) world´s first MPS project for society (may 3, 2000) mobile parking (july 1, 2000)

16 Networked Readiness Index 2006 - 2007
1. Denmark 2. Sweden 3. Singapore 4. Finland 5. Switzerland 6. Netherlands 7. USA 8. Iceland 9. United Kingdom 10. Norway 16. Germany 20. Estonia 23. France 28. Portugal 30. Slovenia 32. Spain 39. Lithuania 42. Latvia Source: World Economic Forum

17 internet users per 100 inhabitants 2005
Source: International Telecommunication Union

18 mobile phone subscribers per 100 inhabitants 2005
Source: International Telecommunication Union

19 Index of Economic Freedom Rankings 2007
1. Hong Kong 2. Singapore 3. Australia 4. United States 5. New Zealand 6. United Kingdom 7. Ireland 8. Luxembourg 9. Switzerland 10. Canada 11. Chile 12. Estonia 13. Denmark 16. Finland 21. Sweden 22. Lithuania 30. Norway 31. Czech republic 41. Latvia 45. France 60. Italy Source: Wall Street Journal; The Heritage Foundation

20 Ease of Doing Business Ranking 2006
1. Singapore 2. New Zealand 3. USA 6. UK 7. Denmark 10. Ireland 11. Japan 13. Sweden 14. Finland 16. Lithuania 17. ESTONIA 21. Germany 24. Latvia 35. France 36. Slovakia 52. Czech Republic 61. Slovenia 66. Hungary 75. Poland 96. Russia Source: World Bank Group

21 Growth Competitiveness Rankings 2006-2007
1. Switzerland 2. Finland 3. Sweden 4. Denmark 5. Singapore 6. USA 7. Japan 8. Germany 9. Netherlands 10. United Kingdom 12. Norway 18. France 25. Estonia 28. Spain 29. Czech republic 36. Latvia 40. Lithuania 41. Hungary 48. Poland Source: World Economic Forum

22 Corruption Perception Index 2006
20. USA 24. ESTONIA 28. Slovenia 41. Hungary 45. Italy 46. Czech Republic 46. Lithuania 49. Latvia 61. Poland 163. Haiti 1. Finland 1. Iceland 1. New Zealand 4. Denmark 5. Singapore 6. Sweden 7. Switzerland 8. Norway 16. German 18. France Source: Transparency International

23 Capital Hospitality Index 2006
16. Germany 18. Sweden 21. Japan 22. Latvia 29. Lithuania 31. Slovenia 32. Slovakia 33. Czech Republic 35. Poland 37. Hungary 1. Denmark Finland Iceland 4. USA 5. UK 6. Singapore Australia ESTONIA 9. Ireland 14. Norway Source: Forbes

24 Foreign Direct Investments (FDI)
Equal Rights with Local Businesses Right to Purchase and Own Land* Unrestricted Profit Repatriation * Approval needed when acquiring more than 10 ha of land

25 FDI into Estonia 1997–2006 Source: Bank of Estonia

26 FDI Stock in Estonia, by country, as of 31 December 2006
total stock billion EUR Source: Bank of Estonia

27 FDI Stock in Estonia, by Activity, as of 31 December 2006
total stock billion EUR Source: Bank of Estonia

28 regional distribution of fdi, end 2005
Source: Bank of Estonia

29 fdi per capita, (stock, USD)
Source: UNCTAD

30 Estonian Exports and Imports 1997 – 2006
Source: Statistical Office of Estonia, special trade method

31 Estonian Exports by Country, 2006 January-June
total: 7.6 bln EUR Source: Statistical Office of Estonia, special trade method

32 Estonian Exports by Commodity Groups, 2006
total: 7.6 bln EUR Source: Statistical Office of Estonia, special trade method

33 Estonian Imports by Country, 2006
total: 10.3 mio EUR Source: Statistical Office of Estonia, special trade method

34 Estonian Imports by Commodity Groups, 2006
total: 10.3 mio EUR Source: Statistical Office of Estonia, special trade method

35 Industrial Structure Source: Statistical Office of Estonia

36 Major Foreign Investors
HK-Ruokatalo Atria Larvik Cell/Heinzel Maersk Borås Wäfveri Tolaram Grupp Severstaltrans Citycon Swedbank SEB TeliaSonera Tele2 Elisa Stora Enso Hallberg-Sekrom Autoliv

37 Major Foreign Investors

38 general and industry specific information about Estonia and its investment and business (subcontracting and trade) opportunities useful contacts with the public and private sector (utilities, law firms, consultants, recruitment, industrial real estate, …) legal matters (how to establish a company, visa and residence permit questions, etc) arrangement of company visits assistance in finding industrial property

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