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A Rank-by-Feature Framework for Interactive Multi-dimensional Data Exploration Jinwook Seo and Ben Shneiderman Human-Computer Interaction Lab. & Department.

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Presentation on theme: "A Rank-by-Feature Framework for Interactive Multi-dimensional Data Exploration Jinwook Seo and Ben Shneiderman Human-Computer Interaction Lab. & Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Rank-by-Feature Framework for Interactive Multi-dimensional Data Exploration Jinwook Seo and Ben Shneiderman Human-Computer Interaction Lab. & Department of Computer Science University of Maryland, College Park

2 Hierarchical Clustering Explorer (HCE)

3 “ HCE enabled us to find important clusters that we don ’ t know about yet. ”

4 Goal: Find Interesting Features in Multidimensional Data Finding correlations, clusters, outliers, gaps, … is difficult in multidimensional data –Cognitive difficulties in >3D Therefore utilize low-dimensional projections –Perceptual efficiency in 1D and 2D –Use Rank-by-Feature Framework to guide discovery

5 Do you see anything interesting?

6 Do you see any interesting feature?

7 Correlation … What else?

8 Outliers He Rn

9 Demonstration Breakfast Cereals –77 cereals –8 dimensions (or variables) : sugar, potassium, fiber, protein, etc. US counties census data –3138 counties –14 dimensions : population density, poverty level, unemployment, etc.

10 Low-dimensional Projections Techniques –General combination of variables for an axis –Axis parallel a variable for an axis Number of projections Interface for Exploration X 1 +2X 2 -2X 1 +X 2 X1X1 X3X3

11 Exploration by Projections XGobi, GGobi – Scatterplot Browsing

12 Exploration by Projections Spotfire DecisionSite – Scatterplots

13 Exploration by Projections XGobi, GGobi – Grand Tour

14 Exploration by Projections XmdvTool – Scatterplot Matrix Worcester Polytechnic Institute

15 Dimension selection tool Corrgram by Michael Friendly Square Matrix Display in GeoVISTA studio by Alan M. MacEachren

16 Exploration by Projections Spotfire DecisionSite – View Tip orders scatterplots

17 Design Considerations Hard to interpret arbitrary linear projections  Axis-parallel projections Interestingness depends on applications  Incorporate users’ interest Overview of all possible projections Rapid change of axis

18 Demonstration Breakfast Cereals –77 cereals –11 dimensions (or variables) : sugar, potassium, fiber, protein, etc. US counties census data –3138 counties –14 dimensions : population density, poverty level, unemployment, etc.

19 Rank-by-Feature Framework: 1D Ranking Criterion Rank-by-Feature Prism Score List Manual Projection Browser

20 Rank-by-Feature Framework: 2D Ranking Criterion Rank-by-Feature Prism Score List Manual Projection Browser

21 Ranking Criterion: Pearson correlation (0.996, 0.31, 0.01, -0.69) Ranking Criterion: Uniformity (entropy) (6.7, 6.1, 4.5, 1.5) A Ranking Example 3138 U.S. counties with 17 attributes

22 Ongoing and Future Work Identify & implement more ranking criteria –Gaps, outliers, etc. Ranking based on users ’ selection of items –Separability of the selected items –Ranking by using only the selected items Scalability Issue –How to handle a large number of dimensions –Grouping by clustering dimensions –Filtering uninteresting entries in the prism

23 More about HCE In collaboration and sponsored by Eric Hoffman: Children’s National Medical Center Freely downloadable at Version 3.0 beta, May 2004 About 2,000 downloads since April 2002 Licensing to ViaLactia Biosciences (NZ) Ltd.

24 More Applications? Try HCE and the Rank-by-Feature Framework with your problems and data Join the case studies on the use of HCE and the Rank-by-Feature Framework Welcome suggestions and comments

25 Thank you !

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